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Chinese Cloud City

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FeralNormal master
Did parallel universe open up? Hundreds see 'floating city' filmed in skies above China

Most stories of this event are calling it the result of a Fata Morgana and whom am I to argue, but don't these appear only when the air is clear and dry and still? It doesn't appear to me that any of these conditions apply here. Also maybe it's my runaway imagination but while I have heard of these appearing elsewhere it seems like I've heard of these appearing over China a few times although I might be confusing one with an event I think I heard of in Mongolia.
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Did parallel universe open up? Hundreds see 'floating city' filmed in skies above China

Most stories of this event are calling it the result of a Fata Morgana and whom am I to argue, but don't these appear only when the air is clear and dry and still? It doesn't appear to me that any of these conditions apply here. Also maybe it's my runaway imagination but while I have heard of these appearing elsewhere it seems like I've heard of these appearing over China a few times although I might be confusing one with an event I think I heard of in Mongolia.
If the sky opened up over China and a floating city appeared, they picked a damn poor choice of location!
Seeing phantom cities in the sky has a lengthy history across the northern hemisphere with some specific recurring ones taking place with witnesses on ships while out in the article seas. Some have seen actual real world cities that are a hundred kilometers away, and others are more surreal like this, that appear to be imaginary cities, as in one occurrence where people having picnics on lawns in parks inside a floating city in the sky were easily seen amongst dogs running down the street and carriages drawn by horses. Temperature inversion layer reflections and parallel universe theories both seem quite practical depending on the circumstances. This one is surreal. It's only missing some Lovecraftian creatures flying in the skies. Great find, Wade.
Interesting. Already one skeptic is claiming that everyone in China has a cell phone to take a photo, so why aren't there millions of photos and videos of this? This question misses one obvious point. Most humans do not look up. They are inside buildings, driving cars, walking while scanning the ground in front of them. Perhaps if this was blue beam technology, it was done to test how many citizens would even notice?
This just showed up in my newsfeed, too. Very odd. While I have heard of mirage cities, something like this is new to me. Have never heard of the Fata Morgana before.
Interesting. Already one skeptic is claiming that everyone in China has a cell phone to take a photo, so why aren't there millions of photos and videos of this? This question misses one obvious point. Most humans do not look up. They are inside buildings, driving cars, walking while scanning the ground in front of them. Perhaps if this was blue beam technology, it was done to test how many citizens would even notice?
Never heard of 'blue beam technology.'
Project Blue Beam
Project Blue Beam - RationalWiki
TEXT: "Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming.

"The allegations were presented in 1994 by Quebecois journalist and conspiracy theorist Serge Monast, and later published in his book Project Blue Beam (NASA). Proponents of the theory allege that Monast and another unnamed journalist, who both died of heart attacks in 1996, were in fact assassinated, and that the Canadian government kidnapped Monast's daughter in an effort to dissuade him from investigating Project Blue Beam.[1][2]

"The project was apparently supposed to be implemented in 1983,[1] but it didn't happen. It was then set for implementation in 1995 and then 1996.[3]Monast thought Project Blue Beam would be brought to fruition by the year 2000,[4] really, definitely, for sure.

"Project Blue Beam has all the usual hallmarks of a conspiracy theory:

  • It attempts to shoehorn events that have happened, and are happening, into its "predictive" framework, particularly with references to films being used to prep people psychologically for the conspiracy's dramatic conclusion.
  • It shows a lack of comprehension of the practical psychology of those who are not paranoid.[5]
  • It plays on fears of alleged advanced technology that most people, including its author, do not understand.
"The theory itself cobbles together past conspiracy tropes, starting from paranoia and progressing to technologically implausible plans with motivations that literally do not make any sense.

"The theorist's death from a middle-age heart attack cut off its possible spread early and left it short on source material in English — though there is the tantalizing promise of several books' worth in French — but did cap the theory itself off nicely.

"The theory is widely popular (for a conspiracy theory) on the Internet, with many web pages dedicated to the subject, and countless YouTube videos explaining it. The actual source material, however, is very thin indeed.

"Monast lectured on the theory in the mid-1990s (a transcript of one such lecture is widely available), before writing and publishing his book, which has not been reissued by his current publisher and is all but unobtainable. The currently available pages and videos all appear to trace back to four documents:

  • A transcript of the 1994 lecture by Monast, translated into English.[4]
  • A GeoCities page[6] written by David Openheimer and which appears to draw on the original book.
  • A page on educate-yourself.org, compiled in 2005, which appears to include a translation of the book from the French.[1]
  • Monast's page in French Wikipedia.[7] The French Wikipedia article is largely sourced from two books on conspiracy theories and extremism by Pierre-André Taguieff, a mainstream academic expert on racist and extremist groups.[8]
"From these few texts have come a flood of green ink, in text and video form, in several languages. Even the French language material typically does not cite the original book but the English language pages on educate-yourself.org. However, conspiracy theorists seem to use quantity as a measure of substance (much as alternative medicine uses appeal to tradition) and never mind the extremely few sources it all traces back to.[9]

"Proponents of the theory have extrapolated[10] it to embrace HAARP,[11] 9/11,[12] the Norwegian Spiral,[13] chemtrails,[14][15] FEMA concentration camps[16] and Tupac Shakur.[17] Everything is part of Project Blue Beam. It's well on its way to becoming the Unified Conspiracy Theory.

"Behold A Pale Horse, William Cooper's 1991 green ink magnum opus, has lately been considered a prior claim of, hence supporting evidence for, Blue Beam by advocates. The book is where a vast quantity of now-common conspiracy memes actually came from, so retrospectively claiming it as prior evidence is somewhere between cherrypicking and the Texas sharpshooter fallacy. However, the following quotes, from pages 180-181, intersect slightly with the specific themes of Blue Beam:

It is true that without the population or the bomb problem the elect would use some other excuse to bring about the New World Order. They have plans to bring about things like earthquakes, war, the Messiah, an extra-terrestrial landing, and economic collapse. They might bring about all of these things just to make damn sure that it does work. They will do whatever is necessary to succeed. The Illuminati has all the bases covered and you are going to have to be on your toes to make it through the coming years.

Can you imagine what will happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and the stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the markets, some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time? Can you imagine? The world power structure can, and will if necessary, make some or all of those things happen to bring about the New World Order.

"The alleged purpose of Project Blue Beam is to bring about a global New Age religion, which is seen as a core requirement for the New World Order's dictatorship to be realised."
as in one occurrence where people having picnics on lawns in parks inside a floating city in the sky were easily seen amongst dogs running down the street and carriages drawn by horses.

I'd be interested in knowing where this was mentioned. Some time ago I read Unnatural Phenomena: A Guide to the Bizarre Wonders of North America by Jerome Clark but I do not recall that particular event mentioned, do you recall if it appeared in there?
I'm calling hoax - I'm no expert but to me it looks like the white of the lower clouds is clearly different from the grey above in a diagonal-ish line going from top left to bottom right, and the mirage is all to one side of this line, everything to the other has the darker colour.
It doesn't really look like what I think a chinese city looks like now, looks more like a Monty Python Camelot!

But if not outright hoax maybe some holo-tech? Certainly does not look like the normal conditions for a mirage? I'll be interested to see if this rears its head again.
I'd be interested in knowing where this was mentioned. Some time ago I read Unnatural Phenomena: A Guide to the Bizarre Wonders of North America by Jerome Clark but I do not recall that particular event mentioned, do you recall if it appeared in there?
I was just about to cite that source but then I checked it and the cities in the sky cited on pages 5-7 are specific to Alaska. This link contains some interesting and unique references but is still not the specific one I was looking for. It calls to mind a little of the Father Gill sighting of ufonauts up in the sky outside of the ship, on the edge of their disc waving to Gill an dither witnesses below. But this frequent sighting of the city in the sky is an ongoing event with many pictures claimed to have been shot over the century to capture these floating cities:
Cities in the Sky
I know we've talked about these before on the forum but perhaps a better search will find their references here. Almost everything of note in paranormal history has already been cited in this forum.
I'm calling hoax - I'm no expert but to me it looks like the white of the lower clouds is clearly different from the grey above in a diagonal-ish line going from top left to bottom right, and the mirage is all to one side of this line, everything to the other has the darker colour.
It doesn't really look like what I think a chinese city looks like now, looks more like a Monty Python Camelot!

But if not outright hoax maybe some holo-tech? Certainly does not look like the normal conditions for a mirage? I'll be interested to see if this rears its head again.
many of the meteorologists speaking about this tell us it's not a hoax, but as they described it - just an optical illusion, nothing to worry about, get back to work, or lift that elbow etc...
To be honest the hoax part really didn't occur to me until I saw @beyondthestargate post. A quick you tube search looks like the very same video recycled from a number of sites all with the same angle and apparent position and given the number of people in China you do think thete would have been some videos with different perspectives.

It reminds me of a "ufo" in Tokyo near the Tokyo tower that was posted in here last year I think which i passed off as a fly on the lens. Even after a couple of days I could find only one mention of it in a single Japanese paper...I couldn't tell if it was a major daily or a tabloid...and being that it was shot in the daytime in Tokyo struck me as being incongruous.
I was just about to cite that source but then I checked it and the cities in the sky cited on pages 5-7 are specific to Alaska. This link contains some interesting and unique references but is still not the specific one I was looking for. It calls to mind a little of the Father Gill sighting of ufonauts up in the sky outside of the ship, on the edge of their disc waving to Gill an dither witnesses below. But this frequent sighting of the city in the sky is an ongoing event with many pictures claimed to have been shot over the century to capture these floating cities:
Cities in the Sky
I know we've talked about these before on the forum but perhaps a better search will find their references here. Almost everything of note in paranormal history has already been cited in this forum.

So you have that directory then? I wanted it for myself but it seems to be "catalogued" as a scholarly research referance (Gale Research) book and hence has a rather hefty price tag.
So you have that directory then? I wanted it for myself but it seems to be "catalogued" as a scholarly research referance (Gale Research) book and hence has a rather hefty price tag.
I bought a few of Clark's books when I was flush once, but now I'm scouring the web to find a cheap copy of his encyclopedia. I only have the one volume of edition 1. To be honest I prefer his essays, speculations and interpretations as opposed to the Unnatural Phenomenon text which is bare bones reporting of the articles he researched. But yes, very nice editins and bindings - as if they could be used as textbooks.