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My spiritual experience

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Skilled Investigator
Like many before me, I questioned reality, the meaning of life and its purpose. I reviewed religion and did not like what I saw, indoctrination and human beings believing in self imposed status and values considering themselves greater and holier than everyone else. Yet as I saw them living, they were as abusive as any human being in society.

I no longer believed in religion for it demonstrated it was an imposed human condition of indoctrinating through strategic reasoning.

Yet, like many before me I wondered at the human condition and spirit phenomena which I had experienced as a child through brain/mind changes. When I looked back at life I realized that atomic testing had greatly affected my chemical brain and phenomena an effect of scientific invention.

I knew by human reasoning and studies that nuclear testing had caused many different forms of human illness and death, and I had suffered constant pain myself from a disease. Scientific doctoring/medicines only made my condition worse so I sought out natural remedies and then considered spiritual healing.

In the process of healing I felt heat come from the hands of the male who wanted my pain to be removed, so I believed in the function of spirit....yet because of religious indoctrination I lived in great fear of spirit manifestation.....for as I lived I constantly saw "shadow beings in dark bodies" moving around. Later I came to understand that burning of the atmospheric body had formed shadow images to emerge from the burning of the nuclear in power plants...hence it formed spirit black body images of burnt cloud matter, where images were formed by the holding of an unnatural/artificial science constant.

Yet, I became so fearful of spirit images that I could not sleep, I gained a fearful reaction where I could not control my breathing and I had a panic attack. My instinct was to ask for spiritual assistance, and I later came to realize that most of humanity believed in spirit and spirit assistance, even though some of us do not believe in religious indoctrination. Help came. In the room light orbs appeared and then opened and light being voices of human deceased presences spoke to me, comforted me, a loving light warm feeling and light in my mind enveloped me, calmed and comforted me. I did not want the spirit presence to leave and I cried when it did.

When I asked in my mind, how we were created as human beings I was told by imagery that our origin parents as a Mother and Father human self manifested directly from origin light. They had sexual intercourse and formed the first presences of human existence as direct descendants from light. Many human self experiences have similar stories to my own about spirit manifestation from origin light beings.

As I have witnessed the manifestation of both deceased animals and human life as spirit presences, and been changed physically, emotionally, by feelings that I cannot replicate or give myself, I since asked for further proof and did not receive any on demand. I know spirit is real by the information of experience, for self experience is exactly what it details.

I have had experience with 2 forms of spiritual representation, and know like many other human beings that self experience speaks for itself. and no scientific argument can argue against personal experience.

Science, occultists want human kind to consider that spirit is simply an occult manifested experience for they want ownership of what they consider spirit energy equates as a personal reasoning.

Our human family has been arguing on many forums about their personal experience and occultists have been trying to reason how these experiences are concepts for their God reasoning.....cell formation and circles O.

Our origin, 2 spiritual presences who came directly out of origin light had sex and formed our consciousness from out of cells. Our occultist brother believes in his own mind about his own creation, from cells.

My self experience determined that spirit bodies manifested as direct owners of their own form from out of origin light....the light that exists on the other side of the filled in space body...the atmosphere.

Manifestation and the experience of manifestation has identified to my own personal experience how 2 forms of spirits presences exist.....an occultist manifestation by the burning of the atmospheric images of clouds or the heavenly body and the origin manifestation of spirit that has revisited many human beings as a self experience.

I have been comforted many times by a light presence that communicated light, warmth, and a feeling of ease and a removal of pain/suffering to know that spirit origin is real and it is not an occultist value.
Further to this review is other considerations and life circumstances involving occult attacks.

I knew, like many other humans before me that occultism, science, being the conversion of the natural atmospheric mass was the reason that evil dark shadow bodies manifested by light sound burning and was why the consideration for science as a human awareness was gained.

When we review the condition of consciousness, it is known that our ancient brother living as a natural spiritual human life, considered occultism as that naturally lived life and formed the basic understanding for conversion of stone. This ancient science related to building practices for the levitation of stone. He gained this information for origin Earth had been attacked and incinerated by black body radiation from an exploded sun....stone levitated in this incident as stone began to be ripped off the face of Earth.

Argument about ancient data, can no longer be argued over as secrecy, for our human family have gained the same brain effects, spiritual and physical attacks that ancient human life had gained by the application of atmospheric conversion. Wisdom of the spirit has been given to many of us as a brain aware and conscious interaction.

So like many other human beings I began to reason and study the phenomena....being my biggest mistake, for as I lived lovingly and innocently I believed in the survival of humanity and fought to bring to public attention the information about occultist activity, our brother's reason for being brain/mind changed and owning a personal physical condition of mind choices that are evil. Belonging to the condition of this spiritual review is of a brotherhood (male group consciousness/decision making), the conscious reasoning to overthrow humanity and natural life by enforced applied conditions.

So I challenged the brotherhood via information on the internet, and then paid the physical/mental/emotional price, being used illegally in an atmospheric experiment process due to my spiritual wisdom, my spiritual experiences as a spiritual healer, my documentation of hearing on psychic channels all of the feedback information of scientific studies of human life....unknown to many of us.

I realized that our occult brother had been using channels in the atmosphere of burnt light, that not only contact and interact with the human physical state, psychic state, mental state and chemical state, it was being used by occultist scientists for personal studies regarding the concepts of God and Christ as consciousness.

I realized that the data feedback that I had heard and documented as a psychic human brain channel interaction related to actual cell studies and the interactive energy condition of our life. I know because I was nearly incinerated/combusted in the experiment.

In one incident I saw silver peel form in the sky after a white blazing orb light was seen, I then instantaneously bled. It was obvious that the circumstance which I endured was an experiment for the Christ stigmata belonged to the condition of unnatural cell bleeding. After the amounts of attacks I endured, and the house hitting thud sounds at night, that increased my physical state as a heat affect/brain hearing change I knew it was purposely being applied.

Humankind can argue about the condition of secret experiments all they like and disagree. Arguing has also become a controlled condition of the secrecy, for mind contact and mind control was actually proven to me many times, and done so on purpose as a scare tactic.

My story, like all other victims might not be agreed with, yet I will tell it anyway for one day I am sure that our occult brother is going to pay the price for attacking his physical life and the life of his family.

The reason I know it is occultism is via the condition introduced to my mind...I previously only knew spiritual information as a brain conscious choice of asking/questioning and receiving information....information that was proven to be correct and it was exact information, which had been medically and medicinally advised via the brain/mind imagery of a visiting deceased doctor, who also brought along his dog (I had never believed that animals had a spirit after death). This interaction I shared with friends and family as a mutual spiritual self study.

After I had been attacked in a most vicious physical and brain burning condition, I then began to "hear" what previous Catholic Popes had discussed, the hearing of evil voices talking amongst itself and making statements regarding the Christ and Satan concepts. Something I never believed possible, and yet I could hear it.

With this situation came a voice that manifested near to me in the atmosphere and the mind image I gained was of a naked angel with white feather wings, and yet I knew that the information coming from this manifestation was not holy. I never previously believed in actual evil spirits, but I had witnessed shadow spirit manifestations.

The whole time my mind was receiving threats, and I knew by the type of threats I heard, that it did not belong to what a human being would assume would be evil taunts or evil considerations....for they related to my personal life condition...the loss of my finances by manipulation, the harm of my animals, and the accidents that could be secretly caused to my family, to then physically see many threats emerge. I began to document the threats to have what I believed was a case to use against occultist practice. I knew that public speaking would only gain what the threats had already threatened, hence I am more than supportive of bringing to the public's attention and giving the public the opportunity to make up their own mind about my life experience, for what have I got to lose?

I began to study how an experiment could be achieved without human awareness, to then understand that the nuclear, lower energy frequency wavelengths that had been attacking and contacting human life were now being used by occult scientists, who by their public informed statements know about spirit, gained self proof, were studying the concepts of spirit and what was called the Christ consciousness. That they are using this condition experiment knowing that resources are limited and they made a decision to harm their family trying to artificially by wavelength studies to emulate the natural cell condition of gaining energy, interacting with energy, storing energy as a concept for energy renewal as an atmospheric resource. This being an artificial concept, which organic life does not belong to.

I became aware that our brother's mind had been seriously affected by an increase in radiation wavelengths that made his mind make incorrect assumptions and theories/proposals about the human life condition, to the actual threat of life continuance itself. This being our ancient brother's spiritual awareness also, being why he formed a secret brotherhood to fight occultist practices.

Our brother teaches and wants us all to believe that aliens are the creators of life on Earth, yet his conscious values, the naming of all things giving descriptive spiritual/brain aware/psyche aware values state to his own mind that ET is artificial to intelligence.

He provided his own evidence with a computer (machine) and also a satellite (machine) that the building of machines use artificial signals and formed/caused and interact as an artificial consciousness, asking questions and also answering questions. Human organic life is not a machine. He then gives his own psyche warning in movies that artificial machine consciousness could destroy and take over his life, yet he ignores his own mind considerations/warnings.

Therefore any of us should question how can transmitted signals act as an artificial condition as an awareness on an evil/artificial condition......only because of the evil spirit itself that had previously been documented in our history as being a manifestation of occultist practice....science and unnatural constants to force the manifestation. That the shadow figures manifested as the evil are involved in the recording/transmitting/feedback interaction as an attack on human life and mimic human life in the recording interaction/attack/fallout condition itself.

As I became aware, as other spiritual psyche has, the atmosphere can record voice and also image and transmit both as information...yet the natural life and cell organic state still exists in its own state.

The study of occultist realization as an ancient precept already warned us all that the manifestation of the evil presence via the practices of converting nuclear matter, caused the evil presence to appear and that it mimics/copies and records the human spirit and pretends to be spiritual and mimics consciousness itself due to the interaction recording the status of consciousness expressing its natural self.

Occult scientists have totally ignored their own male previous ancient warnings about occult practices and human kind have become their experimental laboratory between satellite studies of the artificial intelligence, the human cell state and human brain state.

All of the victims, claiming awareness are being ridiculed, as the human psyche is the aware state and we have been allowing our brother to ridicule us all in public as being a mental condition.

Yet the truth about realization, psychic awareness, occultist practice as scientific conversion was first accessed by a natural human being male, living in a natural condition who decided to gain the information by thinking/interacting with spiritual imagery, spiritual light and sound awareness. The human psyche being the condition for the gain of first information for science itself and then occultist practice.

Today our brother uses this information as a teaching to inform us that UFO is natural and so is alien so that we would agree with his attacks upon our life, yet he first gained this information naturally as a human life form, just as all the victims have.

Because the victims gave proof of information as an artificial reasoning, he then believed that we belonged to artificial reasoning and that it would allow him to gain a new resource and artificial energy....energy formed in the atmospheric wavelength interaction as UFO bodies. So our lives have been attacked by him as he studies the ARTIFICIAL state that he conjured/introduced to our atmosphere as a converting signal.

The converting signal we see as UFO is why it comes to the ground state, for it interacts in the wavelengths at the nuclear power plants, so that natural fusion, supported by the atmosphere can be converted into the gain of fuel. Also the ground stone is attacked with a changed energy reaction, for the power plants remove the natural stone energy interaction, to remain fused. Hence we also see UFO bodies coming out of the stone/sea beds as the Earth stone disintegrates.

Occultism was changed into the new term reference of science, only because occultism had previously been outlawed as an ancient practice for all of the attacks and destructive interactions had been notated and referenced to the actual science itself.

I know this situation might seem strange, but I do hope that you consider as a public awareness that our brother is so convinced that his secrets and methods have given him the ability to control personal choice, that he has the ultimate power of human life......mind contact and decision making. His personal persona and ownership status enables him to flaunt and taunt us all.
You might have better luck around here if you didn't try so hard to phrase your statements like an ancient wizard who's been sitting on a mountain peek for two decades. Just try speaking more casually and people will have a an easier time following you.

If you're just trolling, carry on.
You might have better luck around here if you didn't try so hard to phrase your statements like an ancient wizard who's been sitting on a mountain peek for two decades. Just try speaking more casually and people will have a an easier time following you.

If you're just trolling, carry on.
I am not trolling, I had a personal experience that I want the public to be made aware of.

The situation I have gained personally is being attacked by the "trolling" of the organization who does not want public awareness of occult sciences and its cause and effects known, only because their brotherhood ownership of civilization is a status that they obviously want to keep. Hence they do not want to alter their lifestyle, and instead want us all to accept our personal life losses as if it has a conscious meaning and purpose.

Therefore I have tried giving my information on spiritual forums, to be advised that it is "too scary" and not spiritual.
On UFO forums, "not supporting the UFO theme".

As I only had an experience, and believe me when I advise you, an experience that no one in humanity would want to personally gain, then as a spiritually minded human being I wanted to warn the public about the occult practices.

Previous to my attack I lived a normal life, had a medical condition that modern science and drugs did not cure, so sought natural medicines and healing advice. This life situation made me aware of a consideration of spiritual healing, spirit as an interaction, life and death and its meaning and the meaning to living a life as a personal and also communal consideration.

I no longer believed in religious indoctrination, having experienced and considered the indoctrination process as a self experience and the experiences of my friends, so I sought what I believed was a better way of life for myself and for my family.

Yet I eventually gained a realization that living a spiritual life as a loving/caring human was not such a great experience after all.

The only reason why I am sharing my own personal experience is because like many other humans, I read many different forms of other human personal life experiences, stories, beliefs, and had involved personal life improvement applications, to then share my information on the internet. I was then physically attacked by irradiation and gained brain burning after I shared my life experience and therefore realized that the only reason I gained the attack was because I had notified the occultists studying precepts of conscious awareness and phenomena interactions of my experience.

When you are harmed as a spiritual aware consideration of occult activity, the experience speaks for itself. Having an occult experience, just like many other human lives, you wonder at the victimization of life and why it has been allowed, when the humans applying the victimization continue to live the same lives they have always lived...in personal consideration that they own everything including the ability of personal self evaluation, as if only they own "wisdom or knowledge". Yet by consideration of the experience, they continue to live the life of healthy body and mind, whilst we are all forced to suffer the experience that they want wisdom and knowledge, without having the experience themselves.

Therefore I became aware that the occultist, knowing that occultism causes the manifestation and attacks on natural life due to atmospheric changes wanted to know and evaluate new occult information. That they invented a feedback computer relayed satellite program to do their occult practices and studies without having personal ownership of the spiritual attack themselves.
Is English your first language?

I'm assuming you're talking about H.A.R.P... For some reason. You may not be; it's really anybody's guess.

I'm not trying to be offensive, but your output reads like someone took a series of madlibs and ran them through every language in Google translate before having the final result translated back into English by a group of failing High School foreign language students who were also secretly dosed with LSD.

If English is your second language, maybe try expressing simpler versions of you ideas.

What I took from this post is that you had some affliction, potentially psychological, for which you had some Reiki done or something, afterwhich you decided new age is the best. As a result of your new enlightenment you made lots of YouTube comments, which you believe drew the attention of a secret society who may or may not knowingly utilize occult practices to control and attack other people, potentially with satellites and science stations like HARP.

Am I in the ballpark?
Is English your first language?

I'm assuming you're talking about H.A.R.P... For some reason. You may not be; it's really anybody's guess.

I'm not trying to be offensive, but your output reads like someone took a series of madlibs and ran them through every language in Google translate before having the final result translated back into English by a group of failing High School foreign language students who were also secretly dosed with LSD.

If English is your second language, maybe try expressing simpler versions of you ideas.

What I took from this post is that you had some affliction, potentially psychological, for which you had some Reiki done or something, afterwhich you decided new age is the best. As a result of your new enlightenment you made lots of YouTube comments, which you believe drew the attention of a secret society who may or may not knowingly utilize occult practices to control and attack other people, potentially with satellites and science stations like HARP.

Am I in the ballpark?

I already told you that I was irradiated and my brain burnt....lucky to still be alive actually.

And for your information being irradiated alters the natural brain chemistry, and as occultists are aware the "stigmata" of the human self becomes drug-like as a brain/mind condition, which I also experienced. In this experience I was shopping and funnily enough a human male walked past me and held up a piece of chalk...as if I was involved in some form of unnatural occult study.

I had no psychological affliction as you impose and as other mind affected individuals have said, being a commonly employed CIA tactic against public aware statements.....mental health always seems to become a consideration.

I have never done Reiki, I was involved in a personal study of healing, which also included dealing with personal emotional issues and poor parenting skills.

I do not use the reference to "enlightenment" for this is used by new age considerations of being special, or having a special purpose, which my irradiation attack was not. However you might believe that being irradiated is special or new age teachings as an experience to wisdom to learn about occultism.

I actually began my own personal realization attack after interacting on Graham Hancock's forum, which funnily enough was involved in drug taking and ancient shamanic wisdom from drug taking and how it affected the human mind as scientific/occult realization.

I do not understand the conditions of HAARP, but by personal psychic realization (proven before I was attacked as correct info) I began to hear scientific data on the psychic channel.
Look. If you want to be understood, use basic language.

Stop referring to people as "conditions" and "considerations." Even if that wording, or any of your uncommon wording, is associated with some set of beliefs you have, nobody else is on that page with you, so you have to communicate with other people with at least the vague understanding of how your thoughts would be best processed by the listener (which means using culturally common language and reference).

In as plain a manner as you can, using common language, tell me what you mean by "my brain was burnt."
To rephrase that, just talk to me like I'm five years old. Meaning, use only words, phrases, and abstractions that would be found in the vocabulary of the average American five year old.
I already told you that I was irradiated and my brain burnt ... lucky to still be alive actually ...
OK you've caught my attention, but if you want to keep it, let's try this approach. Forget whatever else you've said so far on this forum, and think of this as question number one. Please do not elaborate unless I ask you to or we'll go off the rails. Where and when were you irradiated and by what ( radiation source )?