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Your Paracast Newsletter — April 9, 2023

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Gene Steinberg

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The Paracast Newsletter
April 9, 2023

Explore the Possibilities of Life in Outer Space and the State of UFO Research with Chris Rutkowski on The Paracast!

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This Week's Episode: Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present Canadian UFO researcher/scientist Chris Rutkowski, who has has long been one of our favorite guests on The Paracast. He is a science writer who has devoted much time to investigating and studying reports of UFOs, writing about case investigations, and offering his insights into the broad UFO phenomenon. Rutkowski says that he was always interested in offbeat things and in 1975 there was a rash of UFO sightings in Manitoba that he began investigating. He says, "I went out with friends and one day I started writing up what I had heard from some of the people that had seen things. I had the article published and soon I was getting requests for more articles and more comments and to give lectures, and pretty soon I was the great UFO expert." Two of his books, published by Dundurn, "Abductions and Aliens" and "The Canadian UFO Report," were national bestsellers. Some of his other books include: "The Big Book of UFOs," "When They Appeared: Falcon Lake 1967: The inside story of a close encounter," and "Canada's UFOs: Declassified."

After The Paracast — Available exclusively for Paracast+ subscribers on April 9: The Paracast features a return visit from noted Canadian UFO researcher Chris Rutkowski, as he talks with Gene and cohost Tim Swartz discusses his ongoing research into the phenomenon. He explores such topics as to whether his annual sighting surveys indicate the possible presence of ET, and what about the state of UFO research? Are the governments of Earth hiding evidence of UFO reality? Two of Rutkowski's books, published by Dundurn, "Abductions and Aliens" and "The Canadian UFO Report," were national bestsellers. Some of his other books include: "The Big Book of UFOs," "When They Appeared: Falcon Lake 1967: The inside story of a close encounter," and "Canada's UFOs: Declassified." He is a science writer who has devoted much time to investigating and studying reports of UFOs, writing about case investigations, and offering his insights into the broad UFO phenomenon. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Astronomy and a Master’s degree in Science Education, specializing in Astronomy.

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So What if the UFOs Have Already Left?
By Gene Steinberg

So here’s how it goes: I have been aware of the UFO mystery since I was 11 and read about about it in a book. At first, I believed we were being visited by extraterrestrials and that, someday, the truth would be revealed.

Of course, that was the result of accepting the point of view of such researchers as Major Donald Keyhoe. Disclosure would come anytime now, as soon as the military came to its senses and realized we had to accept our future among the stars.

Instead there were only failed promises. But until the end of his days, Keyhoe never changed his point of view. UFOs were spaceships, and the people must know that the truth is out there.

But not here evidently.

And there are still disclosure advocates claiming that the governments of Earth know what’s really going on and should be persuaded to let us in on the secret. This is not a call for investigation, but revelation.

It assumes that there’s something to reveal, because it must be obvious that we are being visited by advanced craft that far exceeds the capability of any terrestrial technology. How could it be otherwise?

While UFOs have continued to be seen in reasonable numbers, the spectacular sightings of old, with close encounters, contacts and abductions, electronic effects on machines and people, and occasional landing traces, are seldom part of the picture.

Yes, strange objects are still being sighted, and they sometimes zip around in ways that our current technology just can’t match. Take all those Naval sightings that triggered the first official UFO investigative program in the U.S. since 1969. In that year, Project Blue Book closed shop, although it’s fair to say that it was mostly a PR operation and not involved in studying anything in its final years.

But what happened to all those spectacular sightings of old?

I thought about this the other day, when I read some promotional material for a new book from veteran researcher Kevin D. Randle, “The Washington Nationals — Flying Saucers Over the Capital.” The blurb from Philip Mantle’s Flying Disk Press describes it as an “examination of the event, along with sightings from other parts of the country and the situations that developed from the presidential interest in UFOs, is one of the most comprehensive studies of that segment of UFO history.”

In recent years, Randle has been highly focused on exploring the sightings of old. He has revisited the case that brought him to prominence, the 1947 Roswell crash, on several occasions. He has also written books on the 1965 Socorro, NM encounter and the November 2-3, 1957 incident in Levelland, Texas, which involved those pesky EM effects.

Does that mean we have to go back over 50 years and more to find compelling UFO sightings? From Randle’s ongoing work, it almost seems so. At the same time, his recent books have historical value, because he has been working hard to “chase the footnotes,” and separate the facts from the rumors and speculation.

So what’s going on here?

I suppose one can always guess. So the force or forces behind the UFO mystery have completed their initial surveys of this planet. They have contacted the individuals they need to contact, they have gathered the soil samples they need, and they have tested their flight capabilities against the best that Earthlings can offer.

According to noted Canadian UFO researcher Chris Rutkowski, who returns to The Paracast this weekend, he still collects hundreds or thousands of cases in his country each year. But close-up encounters are rare, and unknowns are in the single digits.

That means that most UFOs can be explained by conventional objects or phenomena, but that’s the way it has always been. It’s only that the unknowns of old were far more spectacular than they are now.

It doesn’t necessarily mean all those sightings would be explainable if we had enough data at hand. It may well be that the newer sightings are the result of ET continuing its surveillance of our planet. That would explain the reports from Naval pilots, almost as if the UAPs they see are still testing their maneuverability against our capabilities. Perhaps it’s all being done largely to update their data on Earth technology, and the ongoing surveillance will continue that way.

But for what purpose?

Are they perhaps waiting for us to become sufficiently advanced to be worthy of mass contact?

That would seem perfectly logical except for the contacts that continue to be reported from time to time. Perfectly ordinary individuals claim to have been abducted by strange beings, such as the so-called “grays,” who continue to subject them to sometimes painful physical examinations. Communications with such beings and others largely focus on our persistent propensity towards violence, and warn us of the consequences of war and the ongoing contamination of our environment.

One thing is sure, though. With rare exceptions, UFO abductions involve people who are unknown. Except for those who reside in a small town, where most everyone is your neighbor, you could pass them by on the street and never notice them.

Of course, some skeptics suggest that abductees are fabricating their encounters to gain attention, but attempts at some sort of theatricality seem rare. Something is happening, but it’s not at all certain if it’s at all related to the larger UFO mystery.

Despite sightings of less severity, the new Pentagon UFO programs have helped spur scientists to take more serious looks at the phenomenon. Today it’s more respectable to request a grant to explore the phenomenon without coping with politics and derision. We’ve mentioned some of this work on The Paracast, but it’s still slow going. Scientists speak in terms of years, not months, in actually amassing significant evidence about what’s going on.

Then again, if we are indeed being visited by space people, the mystery could be easily resolved very quickly. All they have to do is make some very public appearances, perhaps even take over the Internet, satellites and terrestrial broadcast facilities, to reveal themselves to us.

We’ve seen this sort of behavior in such sci-fi films as “Earth Versus the Flying Saucers” and even “Man of Steel.”

Meantime, we are left to wonder: If UFOs are still here, why is their presence more low key? What’s the agenda?

Or maybe the lessening of significant sighings means that the remainder of unknowns can ultimately be explained without leaving a mystery.

Maybe ET has given up on us after all.

Or maybe we are being set up for something even more incredible.

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