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All episodes starting in 2022 feature better audio and fewer ads! The Paracast is a paranormal radio show that takes you on a journey to a world beyond science, where UFOs, poltergeists and strange phenomena of all kinds have been reported by millions. The Paracast seeks to shed light on the mysteries and complexities of our Universe and the secrets that surround us in our everyday lives. Join long-time paranormal writer and researcher Gene Steinberg, a team of knowledgeable guest cohosts, and a panel of special guest experts and experiencers, as they explore the realms of the known and unknown. Listen each week to the great stories about the amazing history of the paranormal field in the 20th and 21st centuries. When strange things occur that confound traditional scientific dogma, from strange objects speeding across our skies, to frightening creatures in remote areas of the world, and incredible reports of haunted houses, The Paracast will be there to separate the signal from the noise.
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Gene and cohost Tim Swartz introduce Michael K. Waterman, who explores the magic and mystery of Ancient Egypt, plus the pop culture interest that includes a variety of movies and TV shows. They include the Mummy films, “Stargate” and its three TV spinoffs, and “The Fifth Element.” He will also discuss the myths and legends of the presence of Ancient Astronauts. Waterman was born in Brooklyn and raised in Uniondale, New York. He has studied Egyptology for over 50 years and has lectured and taught Ancient Egyptian Religion and Ancient Egyptian Ritual Magick. Waterman worked for Troma Films creating clay models for various movies and is also known as Setna Khamuast — The High Priest and founder of the Per-Ntjeru Temples. And, yes, he also reads hieroglyphics. This is a guest who will focus on topics that we’ve seldom explored on The Paracast, and we’ve got lots of questions about the mysteries of the ancient world.
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