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May 10, 2015 — Red Pill Junkie with Richard Dolan

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I'm not going to "villify" Dolan for this. He did not create the event he just went along for the ride. If you are an archivist of the UFO phenomenon how can you truly get a better perspective on any breaking news than being there? And if you profess to be of an open mind then cut yourself off from the opportunity to hear evidence than you are just as bad as those blanket debunkers we all laugh at (Phil Klass). If I had the chance to attend on somebody else's nickel I probably would have done it too.
I'm not going to "villify" Dolan for this. He did not create the event he just went along for the ride. If you are an archivist of the UFO phenomenon how can you truly get a better perspective on any breaking news than being there? And if you profess to be of an open mind then cut yourself off from the opportunity to hear evidence than you are just as bad as those blanket debunkers we all laugh at (Phil Klass). If I had the chance to attend on somebody else's nickel I probably would have done it too.
do you mean attend as in sit in the chair in the audience or do you think you need to be closer and demonstrate your support of the event by being on stage to close up the show?
do you mean attend as in sit in the chair in the audience or do you think you need to be closer and demonstrate your support of the event by being on stage to close up the show?

Yes, it's unfortunate that he allowed his name to be used to lend credibility to the proceedings but again in order to hear all the evidence he had to show up. I'm Not going to say it was a good decision on his part but he is allowed a mistake or two in judgement. I think he has earned enough good will.
Are you seriously suggesting that Dolan was unable to view the entire spectacle via live streaming? Do you expect us to believe that Richard was unable to participate in video conferencing, emailing, or phone calling before the event? Do you expect us to believe that Richard was a victim, simply an innocent bystander at this intellectual murder scene?
And why hasn’t George Wingfield chimed in yet in relation to this post-mortem? He must be out there somewhere on his tractor, as in the field of opportunity it’s plowing time again.

Richard, after taking the hit will get up, dust himself off, and continue his march through the desert. Why..? Because very few remember the painful mistakes of the past, or have immersed their selves in a belief system which is inescapable. For others, it’s simply a matter of.., it really sucks when realizing your champion is actually a fraud or grossly mistaken, in peddling fantasy as fact. Speaking from the vantage point of personal experience, as for anyone interested in Ufology, or the paranormal, who think they’ve never been duped, may want to reconsider, as there’s nothing wrong in the admission of being wrong, especially with Ufology.

And how much money is in his Bank account now that he stole with lies that he can dust himself off with from people that trusted him and believed in him? We might yet see criminal charges and Law Suits over this mess. Anybody that continues to support Dolan after this flagrant grab for money at the expense of others is a God Damned immoral idiot! You can BET nearly everyone is trying to get their money back and MAD as Hell that they wasted their money and time with this.... Credit Card Disputes and PayPal Disputes by the thousands.

This isn't going away. He's sunk into the steam pits of Hoaxers and Defrauders now and NO ONE ever climbs out of that... NO ONE. Once you lose the trust of your Fan Base it is gone for good.

UFO Culture: The end of Richard Dolan's image as a "serious UFO researcher"
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Are you seriously suggesting that Dolan was unable to view the entire spectacle via live streaming? Do you expect us to believe that Richard was unable to participate in video conferencing, emailing, or phone calling before the event? Do you expect us to believe that Richard was a victim, simply an innocent bystander at this intellectual murder scene?

Dolan posted on his page multiple times that he was given access to all of the data and slides prior so Nope he can't claim ignorance. In fact he was actively enticing and alluring people to the event. That defense is implausible, he should have known better, I suppose the Monetary offer was too good to resist. His closing statement pretty much does him in completely. He can make all the apologies and excuses he wants but without repaying every person that attended his words are meaningless. You all need to remember and concentrate and focus on the fact that thousands of people lost their money and time based on lies and deception. This is the biggest most important part of this fiasco. None of the rest matters nearly as much.
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Of course there is, depending on Mexican law.
It's not just Mexican Law they accepted payments, sold the event and streamed into the United States. That makes this prosecutable by the US Government and Federal Courts. Also being that most of the people involved are US Citizens this makes it very easy for the Feds to move forward.
I don't get this vendetta against Dolan. He travels all over the place for a fee and nobody says anything but this time it's a huge issue? He screwed up once. He's human. It's not like he hasn't been to any number of UFO events with some highly questionable characters also in attendance. It seems to me the so called scientists & experts who testified it could not be a human mummy are much more culpable. They pimped out their services for a payday. Their area(s) of expertise are much more well defined than anyone in the UFO field. A big question I would have is which of the "organizers" of this event lined up these experts to say what they wanted to hear. Because I would think they presented the evidence to other experts who didn't tell them them what they wanted to hear first. If you want a real villian I'd point the finger at whoever hired the experts. Maussan or Dew.
I'm not going to "villify" Dolan for this. He did not create the event he just went along for the ride. If you are an archivist of the UFO phenomenon how can you truly get a better perspective on any breaking news than being there? And if you profess to be of an open mind then cut yourself off from the opportunity to hear evidence than you are just as bad as those blanket debunkers we all laugh at (Phil Klass). If I had the chance to attend on somebody else's nickel I probably would have done it too.
He just went along for the ride? That's a curious statement. So if a gang of thieves Rob a Bank and Dolan just went along for the ride and took his share of the money from the heist you would be OK with that? Got it!

What does that say about you? You think he just went and spoke and promoted it and did it all for free and those 6,000 people plus the thousands in Pay Per view should just hand them their money and say that's OK Dolan you just told us all it was for real because you were just going along for the ride? What part of the Cosmos do you actually come from Spock? It matters not what you think everyone else especially those that trusted that Dolan was telling the truth strongly disagree with you. If Dolan had not put his hat into the ring the attendance would not have been what it was. So tell me how much do you think Dolan's share of that quarter of a Million dollars defrauded from the populace and STOLEN actually was? Why do you think he deserves to keep even a dime of it? Explain your moral justification in that statement you just made. Be logical Spock! If you want to condone Criminal acts then just say that.

Let's be clear here, what has happened is Criminal, it's not a game, it's not a joke, it's not open to debate. This was a bait and switch scam that stole a huge sum of money from people many that live in Mexico where the standard of living is very low. Knowing this it makes it even more heinous. How many Mexicans spent their food money to get into this event? I can't even believe anyone could make the statement you made.

What happened here is no different than any other Con. This is NO DIFFERENT than if these guys said they had the deed of ownership to the Brooklyn Bridge and then held a lottery to win the Bridge when they knew all along they had no deed of ownership, then when they were discovered not to hold the deed, ran off with the money and then started making soft thoughtful statements but refused to return the money! They promised to deliver proof of the Roswell alien and they stated the slides had been examined extensively. They did not advertise that MAYBE they had the proof they sold this as THEY HAD THE PROOF OF THE ROSWELL ALIEN! Big difference in that. A HUGE legal difference in that. It doesn't mater at all if they claim it was mistaken identity. THEY CLAIMED and SOLD DELIVERY OF THE PROOF, just like in my example they claimed and sold delivery of ownership of the Brooklyn Bridge.

The build up, the blurring of the images, the whiting out of the placard, the withholding of any clear images until people paid to see them all lead to a prosecutable accounting of pre-planning, method, motive and executed fraud for financial gain. This would be a slam dunk for the Federal prosecutors. It would be a no contest HAMMER TIME.

The perpetrators of this scam would be well advised to return the money as soon as possible and with an apology and a monetary damage to each person victimized. If they tarry if they stall, they will fall. Do you really think there was not a hungry attorney in the masses of the viewers? All it takes is one to spearhead a Class Action Law Suit and this is what should be done to these people for the victims.

It's probably already happening and we just haven't heard about it yet. Dolan didn't just go along for any ride, he was the closing Speaker and he stated emphatically that the claims made in the event were TRUE and that it was NOT a Mummy in those slides. Oh and here is something else you probably don't know... Just the Plane ride, food, and hotel bill being paid by the event organizers is enough to convict him, even if he didn't get monetarily compensated at all or receive any actual money. That also applies to all the other speakers as well including Edgar Mitchell. Ignorance of the Law never saved anyone from prosecution, especially when it comes to these large dollar amounts. If I was Dolan I would be hiring an Attorney ASAP, but then again I never would have done this to over 6,000 people.
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So because Dolan was invited to participate he's just as culpable as the orchestrators of the "scam" as you call it? That's BS.
I don't know what your axe to grind is against Dolan but you're way off base here.
Here is what I think happened to Dolan.

He started out researching UFOs a long time ago. He tells the story every time someone interviews him.

And now, the years have gone by, and his continued immersion in the subject, the countless hours spent writing, researching, talking, and promoting the subject, all of the nights he has sat in bed, terrified of all of the "what-ifs," -- all of that has completely eroded his judgment when it comes to UFOs.

That happened to me a number of years ago, when I used to post here all of the time. I was ready to believe all kids of wild stuff, even as I criticized others for doing it.

At any rate, I have barely followed this subject at all in 5 or 6 years, and in the interim have regained some small part of my sanity, at least where UFOs are concerned, and I can say with some confidence that the subject of UFOs appears on some to have a cumulative effect on the degree to which their credulity increases. You start out thinking that some sightings are real. Then you keep reading about it, more and more, learn about the high strangeness. It blows your friggin mind, man. The high strangeness stuff tends completely to annihilate the reasoning centers of some minds. It did mine. It's just so bizarre and wild and out-there, so completely disconnected from the reality we're accustomed to, that it breaks the incredulous part, the skeptical part, of your UFO reasoning center.

I think that some degree of sympathy may be in order for Dolan. I doubt he went into this with bad intentions, desiring to defraud people of money and so forth, as some have suggested. He's quite simply, along with some others, lost his marbles. I hope he finds them again, if he ever had any.

To change the subject suddenly, the last thing I remember hearing about Bragalia before I stopped following the subject was that he had "debunked" the Lonnie Zamora incident from Arizona or New Mexico or wherever it was, and I had always thought that the case was a pretty good one. Now, years later, he's going balls deep in this Roswell slides shit? I tell you, I had not so much as google searched "UFOs" in several years since I happened to see a news story about this about a month ago. I saw one of the blurry images released in anticipation of the big event, and I just laughed and said to my coworker beside me, "hey man, look at this shit. isn't this picture some sideshow shit at a museum of weird artifacts somewhere? You can see the exact same kind of shit at our own local weird museum here in town." He said, yeah, that's dumb looking. Then we got to talking about UFOs, I loaned him Hynek's "UFO Experience" from my personal library, and now here I am posting on the paracast again.
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One more note. I think the idea of a refund is a good one. I'm not a lawyer and know nothing about the viability of a lawsuit. Perhaps someone, Chris or Gene or someone else, can consult Kimball on that score? Legally, since the event happened in Mexico, what sorts of grounds are there for a lawsuit? Is the event subject to Mexican law? Does anyone here know anything about Mexican law when it comes to such matters?
So because Dolan was invited to participate he's just as culpable as the orchestrators of the "scam" as you call it? That's BS.
I don't know what your axe to grind is against Dolan but you're way off base here.
I'm not at all off base here. I am damn straight on Base. He's liable and prosecutable just like the rest of them. What is my Axe to grind? THEY DEFRAUDED A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS FROM THE PUBLIC! what part of that do you not understand? Maybe you should do some studying and look up the definition of fraud for financial gain, defrauding, bait and switch, false advertising, read the RICO ACT, racketeering. The list of prosecutable crimes in this thing is HUGE.