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On Sean David Morton & the SEC

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This is one of the TWO people in this field i actively dislike. 6 Million? Hope the no good SOB and his wife do some jail time.

So glad Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot is all buddy buddy with him now and did a conference with him recently

Project Camelot - Project Camelot
I find it difficult to believe that many people still follow Morton. You can't keep a good swindler down, I suppose. All right, I said the "S" word, so I guess he'll sue me now. :)
This is one of the TWO people in this field i actively dislike. 6 Million? Hope the no good SOB and his wife do some jail time. So glad Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot is all buddy buddy with him now and did a conference with him recently Project Camelot - Project Camelot
Conference? She did a freak'in tour around Europe w/ him. When I found out that Brian Hall had booked SDM to be the MC for the recent UFOCON, I was NOT happy. I would have cancelled in protest, but had already made plans to visit my family who I hadn't seen in 8 years. So I did it, through gritted teeth. For years he touted himself as "the world's foremost ufologist." Hell doesn't have a punishment severe enough for his alleged swindle scheming, imo.
I hope that travesty of a man get's his financial comeuppance.

And I really like the word comeuppance.
Comeuppance. Yeah I like that word. It made me forget all about Seandavidmortonidiotfakerman.:p
I hope he draws a cellmate with a name like Bubba or Fang.

If only it was more than a civil action. It is hard to believe that anybody gives him credence. Kerry will give anybody credence - particularly if they offer insider information or some other secret - but it's hard to believe that Hall thought Morton would fill up the seats. Perhaps it was the "con" part of the event.
I hope that travesty of a man get's his financial comeuppance.

And I really like the word comeuppance.
Comeuppance. Yeah I like that word. It made me forget all about Seandavidmortonidiotfakerman.:p
great word.
tuppence is cool too.
Kerry and Sean had a falling out. After they came back from Europe, SDM left American Freedom Radio and did his radio show exclusively from freedomslips.com/Revolution Radio. Kerry was on that stream too, but stayed with AFR for a while longer. Then SDM said on air Kerry was going to leave RR and she got angry, demanded an apology etc. Then she left RR, but invited SDM to speak at one of her cons in California, thus healing the rift, I guess.

SDM's position/claim is the gay lover of someone at SEC suffered financially in his scheme, that he wasn't at fault since his trader didn't follow his instructions, and that the SEC doesn't have jurisdiction over forex, besides which, SEC doesn't have jurisdiction over him as a citizen of the Republic of California. FWIW.
As if the SEC judgment is not enough, he has now been arrested and charged with trying to defraud the US government (among others) Apparently, he had just gotten off a conpira-sea cruise with Kerry Cassidy and other Illuminaries, where he was proclaiming his expertise in constitutional common law.

He must have patched things up with Kerry because they have been on several cruises together.

Hermosa Beach couple charged with trying to defraud U.S. government
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Well, of course I could be wrong but ... I think good ol' Sean might wanna learn NOT to bend over to pick up the soap. Jus' saying ....

I am surprised that with all his psychic powers, he didn't see this arrest coming.

He was probably overly overconfident in his ability to file meaningless legal petitions - such as making the DA a trustee, placing a lein on his kids, or declaring that he doesn't like is a legal fiction. I would not go to Sean for legal advice, but this is exactly what he was offering on board the cruise.

ConspiraSea Day 7: I failed.