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UFO community shocked — Gilliland Quits their World!

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
I wonder what "radio hosts" he is referring to in his hissy-fit? Any ideas David? *lol*
In case anyone is wondering (or cares, for that matter), I personally have a major problem with ANY special destiny person that claims to be in communication with aliens—especially if they use this claim of involvement with "grand masters" to charge people to be instructed in "self mastery."

Just in case you wondered what I thought of the Gillilands, Romeneks and Meirs of the world....

A now: for the noose, uh I mean news...:eek:

UFO community shocked - ECETI ranch and paranormal investigator quits their world.

In an email sent to his followers announcing his dissatisfaction with media reports, James Gilliland said "I believe the majority of the UFO community has become convoluted and riddled with disinformation" ( see full text below. )

The ECETI ranch is a UFO hotspot regularly visited by UFO enthusiasts and investigators who expect to see UFO's, orbs and light trails. UFO's have been reportedly been pursued by US Government aircraft above Gilliland's ranch.

Gilliland is a famous UFO researcher who seeks publicity and self promotes his property to UFO groups and reporters but who now wants to pursue investigations without UFO and paranormal groups getting in the way.

In a few weeks Gilliland is due to hold a $199.00 per head "Self Mastery / Inner Sensitivity Series Workshops in Kauai Hawaii which he promoted in these terms : " "Description: The earth and all who reside upon her are going through an awakening and healing process some refer to as “the quickening” the veils between worlds are lifting yet most are mentally, emotionally and spiritually unprepared for this process. come learn powerful tools, techniques and experience initiations of the highest consciousness and energy. Topics will include: Planes, Dimensions and the Vibrational Continuum; Healing Unseen Negative Influences; Safeguards for Clear Guidance; Ancient Tibetan Meditation Techniques; The Power to Manifest, Ancient Wisdom & What “The Secret” Forgot to Tell You; Tools for Divination; Techniques for Working with Higer Beings & Guides; Who's Who in The Universe - Experiencing Highest Planes & Dimensions; Expanded Teachings on Self Mastery I Topics; Rising To the Occasion; Discernment & Healing Unseen Negative Influences; SafeGuards for Working with The Benevolent Ones; Initiating Contact & Experiencing The Multi-Dimensional Shift."


Here is the full text of Gilliland's explanation as to why he is withdrawing from UFO and paranormal groups.

"Before we begin I would like to express this letter is not to the people of integrity which are far and few between in the UFO community. They will understand and completely agree with what I am about to say. This letter is to all the conference boards, talk show hosts and others within the community who continue to deal with half truths and perpetuate the dark threatening agendas concerning our off world visitors totally ignoring the fact that the majority of off worlders are very spiritually and technologically advanced as well as benevolent.

The fear and suspense along with other hidden agendas via disinformation agents has so infiltrated ufology that the higher truth has been virtually pushed out. The UFO community has become the very conspiracy and censors of truth they set out in the beginning to expose. It has become a plethora of disinformation, misinformation, and massive egos wanting to be messiahs each thinking they have the big picture when all they have is a small piece of the pie. The field has become so corrupted, convoluted, and whacked out the real contactees and the bigger picture with positive contacts really have little or no forum to express. They are eventually squeezed out especially when it comes to women. Women who do not agree with the dark foreboding agendas of many exmilitary or top government officials who either see everything as a threat due to preprogramming or are there to support the war industry which needs a new threat to continue its massive budget.

The vast majority of off worlders which includes those coming from the higher dimensions are benevolent so why is the vast majority of the conferences and radio show programming focused on the negative regenerate side? Why is the negative, regenerate side given all the air and podium time which is completely disproportionate to reality? Personally I believe the majority of the UFO community has become so convoluted and riddled with disinformation along with those sitting on boards who perpetuate the mis and disinformation with NWO connections not to mention the material driven circus there is no way any off world visitor would have anything to do with it. As a venue for truth it is unsalvageable.

This is why I have no more desire to operate or involve myself further with these groups. I will continue as a spokesman for contact with benevolent off world visitors through other venues. I will also continue to hold our own conferences and invite those on the cutting edge who are working towards the advancement or awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. The Self Mastery and Kunlun classes will continue as well. With the regular appearances of the UFOs here at ECETI and the appearances of grand masters which have been photographed one would think there would be a strong interest and desire to promote the ongoing outrageous events happening at the ECETI Ranch. One would think with UFOs buzzing TV reporters and thousands of eyewitnesses with PHDs in every field, pilots, air traffic controllers etc. there would be a strong interest in the ranch yet in fact it is entirely the opposite going as far as suppressing or ignoring the events altogether by major conference organizers and talk show hosts.

The number one question when people come here and see the ships, experience the higher consciousness and energy experiencing spontaneous healings and incredible awakenings is why is this not getting out to others. Why is the spiritual and UFO community not jumping all over this. My only answer is ask them what they are afraid of. Why do they have so much resistance to the truth and what is it in them that is threatened? They have become wrong they set out to right. Twenty three million people watched the trailer to the movie Contact Has Begun, His Story with James Gilliland and now it is on Net Flicks. Robbie Williams the UK pop star and other UK stars have come to the ranch. The Latin countries are blasting the contacts and sightings here all over their media and four ships came in all at once at the last Science,
Spirit and World Transformation conference filmed by the speakers along with a field full of people. It is blasted all over youtube. Fox News just did a real positive piece and this Thursday Koin 6 will air their report where a UFO buzzed the reporter at ECETI and powered up right over his head. Despite the UFO community the truth is flowing like a river but not through their venue. It is time for people to do their own research and look into those in the UFO community who have maintained their integrity in a search for truth. Those that continue to keep you looking in the past, painting dark foreboding fearful agendas without addressing the benevolent side of contact are doing a grave injustice to the people, the off worlders, and the possibility of a quantum leap in evolution. To me this is not a service to humanity but in some cases an extreme disservice which is why I will no longer seek these venues to serve humanity or the greater family of man.

You have my permission to copy and send this far and wide.

James Gilliland
James Gilliland & Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence
UFO community shocked — Gilliland Quits their World!

"...which is why I will no longer seek these venues to serve humanity or the greater family of man."

good riddance, thanks for serving....
UFO community shocked — Gilliland Quits their World!

Excuse the language, but what a fucking moron. The fact that they guy writes like a 16yr old doesn't help his cause either.
Just in case you wondered what I thought of the Gillilands, Romeneks and Meirs of the world....
Sure. Lump them all together. Seperate signal from noise, huh?

In a few weeks Gilliland is due to hold a $199.00 per head "Self Mastery / Inner Sensitivity Series Workshops in Kauai Hawaii which he promoted in these terms :
Does that include breakfast, lunch, dinner, hotel, etc? Or are you too busy playing the financial angle? (You sell books, right?)

My guess is, is that Gilliland (like myself) is rather fed up with the one-dimensional toiletseat-thinkers who claim to be objective but yell "hoax" when there's the slighest chance of a red flag and subsequently dismiss everything. Folks that probably don't live up to the standard themselves. And you wonder why some people keep their distance?
Excuse the language, but what a fucking moron. The fact that they guy writes like a 16yr old doesn't help his cause either.
Have you looked at the case itself? The video footage and eyewitness testimony? I've had some correspondence with James Gilliland in the past and he came across as an ok guy to me. Do I believe everything Gilliland says? No, of course not. For me the ETH (in this case) is not proven without a shadow of a doubt. But are there things going on around Gilliland's ranch? Absolutely. Too many people witness strange events. Seperate signal from noise. I believe that's one of the slogans of the Paracast.

You know who the real fucking morons with 16 year old I.Q. levels are? People that basicly know nothing to little about what they are discussing yet still burn persons to the ground on (unsubstantiated) assumptions. Those are the real morons.
Sure. Lump them all together. Seperate signal from noise, huh?

Does that include breakfast, lunch, dinner, hotel, etc? Or are you too busy playing the financial angle? (You sell books, right?)

My guess is, is that Gilliland (like myself) is rather fed up with the one-dimensional toiletseat-thinkers who claim to be objective but yell "hoax" when there's the slighest chance of a red flag and subsequently dismiss everything. Folks that probably don't live up to the standard themselves. And you wonder why some people keep their distance?

I began corresponding w/ Gilliland back in the early 90s and have talked with quite a few people that have visited him at his ranch over the years. YES, there is activity around Mt. Adams, however I suspect that much of it may be of a natural origin i.e., fault lights and possibly other natural phenomena. My problem is with how he has spun the activity into an enterprise that is being sold as James the Enlightened One teaching his personal brand of new-age mumbo jumbo to eager supplicants that are too naive to know they are being boondoggled. I won't bore you with the many accounts I've heard from disappointed devotees that suggest to me the man has worthiness/ego issues and needs to get off the mountain more.

As for the financial angle and your thinly-veiled jab: Add up how much I have made from book sales, royalties, film footage, appearance fees, honorariums, donations etc and subtract from that the thousands of dollars I've spent on phone calls, expenses for hundreds of thousands of miles of travel, publishing and sending out a free newsletter for seven years, lost wages over years of time spent out in the field and I'm so far in the red it makes me cringe. I don't sit on my little hilltop throne and charge people to come cook for me and clean my house while they listen to me proselytize and pontificate. I've rolled up my sleeves, done the heavy lifting dirty work and have a database to show for it. I'd like to see James' database! Is it online for free? Mine is...
Have you looked at the case itself?
YES I have, as I mentioned. I've been following his claims since the early nineties.

You know who the real fucking morons with 16 year old I.Q. levels are? People that basicly know nothing to little about what they are discussing yet still burn persons to the ground on (unsubstantiated) assumptions. Those are the real morons.

I agree, and since I know quite a bit about the case and have interviewed over a dozen people that have visited the ranch, I won't take your vitriol personally. And, yes I agree: we owe it to ourselves to do our own research before casting judgment onto others.

IMO, James has taken a hot-spot area, spun it for his own personal self-aggrandizement and attempted to capitalize on it financially. This does everyone but him a disservice. I have a problem with this, as do others. Separate signal from noise? First you need to separate out the ego—then go for the noise. As far as the signal? Its a shame that he has refused to work with two top-notch, talented field researchers I know who approached him about monitoring the Trout Lake area 24/7 with a hi-rez camera surveillance set-up. IMO his overblown ego is obviously in his way and he's standing in the shadow of his own light.
Okay. For all interested parties, when my birthday gets here, I'm planning on having a kegger, and a UFO Watching Party.

The cost is $5.00 a person, and it's a potluck. What you'll learn at my Birthday Party / Seminar, is that you don't need to spend a lot of money to talk about UFO's and have a good time doing it.

Please send you checks and money orders to...

Just kidding. To get people to come to my Birthday Party, I'd probably have to pay them.

Seriously though, I'm thinking of having a big get together here where I live. Kegger, bonfire, fun and good conversations about the paranormal, and nobody will pretend to teach you how to call down UFO's.

I will not however take responsibility for any abductions that might, or could happen on the premises.

I hope you all have a prosperous New Year Too.
I haven't done ANY research into the Gilliland Ranch thing - I've listened to a few audio interviews with William Henry. (and I like that guy)

What is the Jacques Vallee book where he writes about UFO cults and how they all seem to self destruct? (I can't remember the title, sorry) His story has that "smell" to it, where it could fit nicely into that book. At least, maybe.
Originally Posted by christopher o'brien
Just in case you wondered what I thought of the Gillilands, Romeneks and Meirs of the world....
Originally posted by TerraX: Sure. Lump them all together. Seperate signal from noise, huh?
They deserve to be lumped together. Christopher is right on.

You know who the real fucking morons with 16 year old I.Q. levels are? People that basicly know nothing to little about what they are discussing yet still burn persons to the ground on (unsubstantiated) assumptions. Those are the real morons.

So we have a "believer" here. How quaint. Gilliand is as laughable as Meier, but not as good a hoaxer. If you seriously believe that UFOs hang around the ranch to 'power up' so everyone can see them, then here: Drink this Kool Aid. It's from Heaven's Gate and I promise if you drink it, you will get to see an alien!
YES, there is activity around Mt. Adams, however I suspect that much of it may be of a natural origin i.e., fault lights and possibly other natural phenomena.
Really? Are there similar phenomena near, lets say, the St Andreas fault? Or any other tectonic hotspots? I don't know of any other places on the Earth that show the things you mention on a regular basis. Washington State does have active volcanos but to my knowledge no active faults. I hope you don't mind if I say that you're reaching here.
Does San Luis Valley have active faults or possibly other natural phenomena? Do people there grow a lot of weed in their backyards? How about the average I.Q. level in that region? Now, you don't have to reply to the questions above. It's just an example that you can steer the discussion to a certain outcome. And that's what you're doing in my opinion.
Let me break into the door here. You talk (and write) about the Trickster but it seems to me that you're tricking yourself. The Trickster has to do very little. You do most of the work by limiting your options. . .
My problem is with how he has spun the activity into an enterprise that is being sold as James the Enlightened One teaching his personal brand of new-age mumbo jumbo to eager supplicants that are too naive to know they are being boondoggled.
You're missing something here. James communicates to the outside world as James sees it (based on his life experiences). You do the same thing. At one point in his life, James took the spiritual approach. How that connects in combination to ufology is another matter. Nonetheless, I am convinced that James believes in himself and his experiences. He expresses himself as he sees it. This is an important factor to take in.
I won't bore you with the many accounts I've heard from disappointed devotees that suggest to me the man has worthiness/ego issues and needs to get off the mountain more.
Please bore me. What I've seen on the internet is that a lot of folks witnessed something near Mt. Adams and speak positive about James Gilliland.
As for the financial angle and your thinly-veiled jab: Add up how much I have made from book sales, royalties, film footage, appearance fees, honorariums, donations etc and subtract from that the thousands of dollars I've spent on phone calls, expenses for hundreds of thousands of miles of travel, publishing and sending out a free newsletter for seven years, lost wages over years of time spent out in the field and I'm so far in the red it makes me cringe.
Quite frankly, I don't have any objections that you're making money from your research and books. You put in the effort and I don't mind that you make money based on that effort. What I do object to is that you're creating an atmosphere concerning James Gilliland where he is portrayed as a money-grabber. I don't know the financial circumstances of the workshops that Gilliland gives. He has to rent some space, maybe the price includes lunch, etc., I don't know. Do you? You made it quite clear already that 'working' in ufology isn't much of a living. Why don't you give Gilliland a wide birth on this one?

I've seen a number of your contributions on this forum and to be honest it's amazing that you have so much critique on others while at the same time you forward such an openwide theory as the Trickster. From my perspective a case such as Gilliland could easily fit in the Trickster theory.
Is the Trickster part of the contactee phenomenon? Does the Trickster use templates like benevolent Nordic types or manicing Grey types? Why don't you explore those options?

I have nothing against you personally or anyone else on this forum for that matter. It just upsets me that people are so restricted in their thinking.

Ufology is like Chaos theory. You have to see all the pieces and make Order from it. Throwing (a lot) pieces away will immediately ruin the overall picture. That's my take on it.
They deserve to be lumped together. Christopher is right on.
I hope you don't mind then that I lump you in the toiletseat-thinker category.
So we have a "believer" here.
Oh, I'm not a believer, I'm an experiencer. Seen UFOs, had weird experiences in my childhood, saw "weird" people that other people mentioned in books decades ago. That's why I know there's more to the contactee phenomenon. Kinda ruins the current Paracast mindset, doesn't it?
Time for a break again, I guess. Lump away Schuyler, the world is as you see it.
Yeah, I do mind. You need to take a step back from your believer status and take a good hard look at what you are doing. You're acting like a believer who has found his Savior. Believing in Gilliand tells me you are the tool here. You'e already drunk the Kool Aid and are feeling its effects.
Yeah, I do mind. You need to take a step back from your believer status and take a good hard look at what you are doing. You're acting like a believer who has found his Savior. Believing in Gilliand tells me you are the tool here. You'e already drunk the Kool Aid and are feeling its effects.
Au contraire Schuyler. Gilliland is not my savior. You haven't read or grasped a thing I wrote here. I don't take Gilliland's spiritual message as the gospel, not in the slightest. In fact, I think mixing ufology with religion is a serious mistake. How little you know about me, yet you assume much. Develope new tools of perception Schuyler.
Really? Are there similar phenomena near, lets say, the St Andreas fault? Or any other tectonic hotspots? I don't know of any other places on the Earth that show the things you mention on a regular basis. Washington State does have active volcanos but to my knowledge no active faults. I hope you don't mind if I say that you're reaching here.

YES there are active faults in Washington State—some of the most potentially catastrophic on the planet and YES UFO sightings (for some reason) tend to cluster around fault zones. Do your research, or at least read Michael Persinger and Paul Deveraux

Does San Luis Valley have active faults or possibly other natural phenomena?
YES, the Rio Grande Rift Valley is the second longest rift valley on the planet. The SLV sits on the western edge of this subduction zone at its mid-point and I have publically stated for years that I feel some of the activity there may be as-yet undefined natural phenomena related to this fault zone.

You're missing something here. James communicates to the outside world as James sees it (based on his life experiences). You do the same thing. At one point in his life, James took the spiritual approach. How that connects in combination to ufology is another matter. Nonetheless, I am convinced that James believes in himself and his experiences. He expresses himself as he sees it. This is an important factor to take in.
That's all fine and good, but I have a serious problem with anyone who places themselves up on that "special destiny" platform so that they can pontificate and interpret sightings of unexplained aerial objects as being somehow part of an overarching spiritual process that they possess with absolutely no proof to back up their interpretations. AND, for a few bucks, he'll teach you...

From my perspective a case such as Gilliland could easily fit in the Trickster theory. Is the Trickster part of the contactee phenomenon? Does the Trickster use templates like benevolent Nordic types or manicing [sic] Grey types? Why don't you explore those options?
Excellent! You GET IT! YES! to all of the above and if you had read my trickster book, you wouldn't need to ask.

I have nothing against you personally or anyone else on this forum for that matter. It just upsets me that people are so restricted in their thinking.
Au contraire, I'm one of the most open-minded people I know *grin*
Frankly I see the loss of a deluded New Ager (or as Crowded House put it "just a Hippie with a weekly wage") who spouts idiocies about "vibrations" and "energy" (while clearly having no idea what energy actually is) as cause for rejoicing.
These people represent the death of thought, a gaggle of pompous, pretentious and self-aggrandising peddlars of unmitigated nonsense.
To Hell with the lot of them.

Oh, and Happy New Year.
I haven't done ANY research into the Gilliland Ranch thing - I've listened to a few audio interviews with William Henry. (and I like that guy) What is the Jacques Vallee book where he writes about UFO cults and how they all seem to self destruct? (I can't remember the title, sorry) His story has that "smell" to it, where it could fit nicely into that book. At least, maybe.
I think you mean the book 'Messengers of Deception.'
Amazon.com: Messengers of Deception: Ufo Contacts and Cults (9780915904389): Jacques Vallee: Books
Read the book in my teens and I recall that at the time I wasn't that impressed with it. Should read it again since it was an inspiritation for a lot of people and UFO researchers.
That's all fine and good, but I have a serious problem with anyone who places themselves up on that "special destiny" platform so that they can pontificate and interpret sightings of unexplained aerial objects as being somehow part of an overarching spiritual process that they possess with absolutely no proof to back up their interpretations. AND, for a few bucks, he'll teach you...
Just out of curiousity, do you have the same disliking for Christian tv preachers asking for a contribution?
Excellent! You GET IT! YES! to all of the above and if you had read my trickster book, you wouldn't need to ask.
Ok, the Trickster could very well be part of contactee phenomenon. We agree on that. I guess the following is at the core of my "argument" with you, and what also disturbed me in the Nick Redfern interview. You mention that the Trickster could be involved regarding 'contactees' but you don't expand (theorise) on that. (Neither did Redfern in the interview.) Instead (imo) you aim your arrows at making the 'contactee' look bad. That's what I see in this thread and that's what also struck me in the Redfern interview.

If we take the Trickster theory into the equasion, it becomes likely that the contactee is played as a conduit for whatever agenda by the unknown intelligence. It's even possible that the contactee actually reports experiences and communications truthfully yet is fed pure disinformation (at some point). Here's my point, if you burn the contactee down to the ground, you never get greater insights into the phenomenon. In essence you would limit your options and deny yourself answers.
Are there good grounds for criticising the contactees? Sure there are. Could further insight be gained from the contactees? Personally I think if people are that close to the UFO phenomenon, a lot of insight can be gained. You just have to keep an open mind.
What's the point anyway with "shooting the contactee, throwing him on a fire, and then examining the ashes?"