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VAMPIRES & Tits and Ass

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Howdy Paracast Forum. The last several shows that I’ve uploaded here have been pretty serious mysteries. Today we are going to take a U turn into something that does not deal with the UFO question, but does take a (sometimes pretty damn funny) look at the supernatural.

If you were around here about two years ago, you might recall my placing a note here about a Dark Matters show I had just completed with a fellow named David Farrant (UK) on the “Highgate Vampire” case. This is a purported “actual” vampire case that took place in Highgate Cemetery, London, England in 1970. It has become infamous through-out the world because of the feud that developed between the two principals … Sean Manchester and David Farrant. This feud spilled over into the Paracast for a short time until Gene and David banned the “crowd” from the Manchester faction. (Actually, from my experience with Manchester, it may have just been him under the anonymity of a pseudonym. (Manchester has a looooong history of internet stalking and attacks using pseudonyms.) You see, after failed attempts of trying to be the UK’s “Miss Cleo” back in the 60’s and 70’, and then touting himself as a “black magician” and then a British Lord, not to forget being an illegitimate offspring of “Lord Byron”, Manchester decided to be a “man of the cloth” and “Great Britian’s premier Vampire Hunter!”

I pissed this bunch off by trying to conduct an investigation into the claims that a genuine vampire stalked the London landscape back in the late 60’s and early 70’s looking to turn all of us into happy meals! Boy, did they take off after me. First they attacked me as a “war monger” because of my military service in Viet Nam, then they attacked all of America as “Imperialists” warmongers, etc. ad nauseum. Over many years they have managed to scare folks away from asking about this case by threats, internet stalking and various other means. I refused to be intimidated and began to crack the case. I spoke to many folks and learned for example, the “vampire victim” was named Jackie Cooper who Manchester’s first wife named as a co-respondent when she divorced him. Jackie “starred” in most of this hoax. Supposedly Manchester even filmed them having sex in a graveyard when he “filmed” his vampire epic prior to writing his “true” book on the Highgate Vampire.

There are many websites that take a really funny look at the almost 40 feud that still continues to this day. Here is a short list of websites if you care to take a look.

In Australia
Did A Wampyr Walk in Highgate?
Did a Wampyr Walk in Highgate?

In Great Britian
David Farrant’s Blog
The Human Touch

John Baldry’s Cat (Kind of like The Onion-pure satire)
John Baldry's Cat

The U. S.
Net Curtains Lurkers
Net Curtains Lurkers

Pure street theater in my opinion, but hilarious none the less.

I interviewed David Farrant in July, 2007 all about this case and it is fascinating. Of course there WAS no vampire, but when you hear some of the claims made by Manchester, it makes folks think about similar types of people in the UFO arena.

Also with this show is a paper I wrote (saved in PDF format) about my investigation into this case that you can download and read. (There is some funny stuff in there.) And of course the show with David Farrant.

The Highgate show is in 3 parts. There is a Prolog 01, Prolog 02, and then Farrant’s interview.

Document Temporarily Unavailable!

The show begins with part 01

part 02

and the main interview with David Farrant

Now, I would really be remiss if I didn’t mention my wife wondered why in hell I put so much time and effort into this. I really don’t know except to say it simply pisses me off when somebody makes such outrageous claims and nobody is supposed to question it! And, when I did question it suddenly I am (in their eyes) Public Enemy Number 1!

Well, like I told John Lear once, “Hey Pal, let me give ya a little advice. NEVER go out of your way to piss off somebody who buys ink by the gallon and spends his free time in front of a microphone!” See what happens?

Keep 'em coming Don! Ive been wondering what you would post next and this one sounds like a doosie.
Don I just listened to a Radio Misterioso (Greg Bishop's show) where he interviewed a guy called Richard Sarradet. It was a fascinating interview.

Anyway, Richard mentioned that he used to have an association with you and UFO Magazine, and he and Greg got talking about this guy "Mike" who claimed to be from the Govt with UFO into etc etc.

Richard mentioned that he and this "Mike" actually went on your radio show at one point. I was curious if you have this episode and is it interesting enough to host here like youve been doing lately? He certainly sounded like an extremely fascinating guy... but if the interview was just a bunch of disinformation and baloney I guess it wouldnt be worth anyone's trouble.

Anyway, just putting it out there.
Don I just listened to a Radio Misterioso (Greg Bishop's show) where he interviewed a guy called Richard Sarradet. It was a fascinating interview.

Anyway, Richard mentioned that he used to have an association with you and UFO Magazine, and he and Greg got talking about this guy "Mike" who claimed to be from the Govt with UFO into etc etc.

Richard mentioned that he and this "Mike" actually went on your radio show at one point. I was curious if you have this episode and is it interesting enough to host here like youve been doing lately? He certainly sounded like an extremely fascinating guy... but if the interview was just a bunch of disinformation and baloney I guess it wouldnt be worth anyone's trouble.

Anyway, just putting it out there.

Yeah Gareth I knew Richard.

A little background on Richard. He had a deep fascination on the UFO topic and first contacted me back in (if my memory still works) early 1991 or so. Richard had been a really big TV star on daytime television in the late 70's to early 80's. He was one of the stars on General Hospital and at that point his career had slowed down. At any rate Richard wanted to try to do something with the UFO material in a entertainment mode. I even recall lending Richard my copy of John Keel's "Mothman" and then Richard asked me to call Keel to see if the rights were available. Nothing came of that.

Richard met "Mike" at some "UFO talk" he went to for UFO Magazine. I remember later him telling me how excited he was by the stuff he heard at the event. I told Richard to be cautious, nothing in the UFO field is like it seems. And the other thing was, this Mike character was doing the "secret agent" thing to the max, it seemed to me like theater, my bull shit alarm was ringing.

I met this guy through Richard, and of course they all knew who I was and even then what my reputation was. This guy was supposedly a "Navy SEAL", former, and when I met him not overwhelmed. He was grossly overweight, wore a black trench coat (in Southern Calf. that was NOT THE NORM) and when I scrutinized him with my "cop eye" I saw he had "jail house tats" all over his arms. I remember asking him where he did time.

Mike had a good rap, and because I liked Richard I agreed to interview this guy on UFOs Tonite. Because I did what I did in the Army, I made some calls and talked to some folks and came to the conclusion that "Mike" was full of shit and a wanna-be. I told Richard that Mike was a phony and if he was smart he would distance himself from him. That upset Richard.

Later I pretty much got the full story about Mike. He, by the way, died from a drug overdose and he WAS full of shit, never a Navy SEAL and for whatever reason Richard dropped his association with me. And like the man says, "And so it goes ....."


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Ah Forum, how could I have forgotten? To really give you a peek of just how bloody wacky (with a nod to our British friends) this vampire case is ... this should do it nicely.

Please enjoy ....

Ah Forum, how could I have forgotten? To really give you a peek of just how bloody wacky (with a nod to our British friends) this vampire case is ... this should do it nicely.

Please enjoy ....


lol "I was told about the legions of the un-dead, and now it makes sense"...

Just to let you know Don, that PDF document seems to have an incorrect address.

Gareth, after checking the PDF paper I can't get it to work either. I asked Gene to see what he could do. I even tried changing the name and no luck. Hang on and I will let you know what I find out.

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Okay, for anyone that tried to view my research paper on the Highgate Vampire case, finally after Gene gave me a hand in the right direction, it is viewable! If you wish to read it, go back to the first msg. in this thread, and click on VampirePaper.pdf and it will open.

Thanks Gene!

BTW, Don, when you were laughing in the interview when Farrant talked about the apparent duel that he and Manchester had, well I was laughing pretty hard too.

Cracking up, actually. Its making me laugh now just thinking about it.
Happy 4th of July to all you Paracasters! Today we celebrate our 233rd year as the "Home of the Brave, Land of the Free!" Which is a great reason for me to ad the following file.

Back at the height of my foray into the Highgate feud, just after my interview with David Farrant, as I mentioned earlier the Manchester bunch really went "bonkers" on me. Using various screen names and other assorted underhanded means, Manchester and his bunch launched various internet attacks on me. Just as a way of having some fun with him, I wrote his "Obit" since Sean Manchester was "killed in a duel" with David Farrant, right? (If you don't have a clue what I'm talking about check out the show.)

Any way I just wanted to "tweak" this pompous asshole, and the following did it nicely. Click on the link to read the "obit" on our fearless vampire killer!


Decker<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
Ah Forum, how could I have forgotten? To really give you a peek of just how bloody wacky (with a nod to our British friends) this vampire case is ... this should do it nicely.

Please enjoy ....


Bloody hippies... the lot of them! :D
Oh yes, in regards to our wacky vampire hunters, I AGAIN almost forgot something.

Back in February of this year I did a blog entry on this case on my Dark Matters Radio blogsite. I called the post ...

Vampires & Nasties PLUS! British "NANCY-Boys"

It was a kind of funny overview of this case. (And as an aside, Sean Manchester has already started whining and sniveling about the current inclusion of my report on the case trying to get the links removed on the NET Curtains Lurkers blogsite. He has written letters of complaint to the web hosting service.) At anyrate here is the link to my blog posting.

Vampires Nasties PLUS! British “NANCY-Boys†- Dark Matters Radio

And so it goes ...
Thanks so much for this story, Don.I needed a laugh today and your interview with Mr. Farrant delivered nicely, truly infectious laugh btw. :D
Thanks so much for this story, Don.I needed a laugh today and your interview with Mr. Farrant delivered nicely, truly infectious laugh btw. :D

De Nada!!

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As an aside to this story Gang, Manchester struck once again. My investigation into the so-called Highgate Vampire and the paper I wrote have been temporarily made unavailable due to Sean Manchester's whining, sniveling and crying. This document has TOO MANY embarrassing details in it which tear this whole thing to shreds. So . . . .

If you wish to read it and have not, leave me a private email here on The Paracast with an email address and I will send it to you.

This just gets better and better :D Mr. Manchester seems like quite a character, did he ever state how he misteriously came back to live after the sabre duel ? :D
This just gets better and better :D Mr. Manchester seems like quite a character, did he ever state how he misteriously came back to live after the sabre duel ? :D

While I'm not sure, I've suspected he is one of the dreaded undead!

Decker :eek: