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Why would someone be frightened?

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I was listening to the 3/21 cast and wanted to say that if someone showed up at my house and said that I should stop investigating UFO's I would be scared to death. I would probably not stop but I would be frightened. Why? because our government is so intrusive and powerful that I can only guess what they might do. Disappear me? Hurt my ability to earn a living? What about my friends and family? I had a friend in the sixties that published a little underground paper about the government and how they were decieving us about Vietnam and other stuff. He had a visit from a couple of guys in "dark" suits LOL and they told him that if he did not stop they would make sure that he would never get another job in journalism. He did not stop and a short time later he lost his job at a newspaper with no real reason given. He died in a one car accident on a clear night several months later. Now I don't know if it was really an accident but I do know that he had been snooping around reguarding UFO's and the Air Force so..... His friends believed that he had been eliminated because he had told several of us that he was going to meet someone that promised to have some info about UFO's. Anyway I would be afraid of my government.
I just finished listening to the cast with Stan Friedman and William Birnes. It was wonderful! They were so good together and brought out so many interesting new bits of info that I listened twice. They are educated and articulate gentlemen and I could listen to them all day! good stuff, thanks guys.
I have to agree with you on several points. I've been listening to several different podcasts regarding UFOs and the paranormal, but none have been exactly what I've been looking for, until I found this one. This podcast is great. Awesome guests (always interested in anything Stanton Friedman has to say) and it's very professionally done.

Regarding UFO investigation. I've been interested in UFOs my whole life, but only recently have I started to seriously study the phenomena. I am seriously considering joining MUFON and trying to become an investigator, but I admit that there is that bit of fear attached to it when it comes to the government's response.

Anyway I'll have to think on it some more.
michael said:
I have to agree with you on several points. I've been listening to several different podcasts regarding UFOs and the paranormal, but none have been exactly what I've been looking for, until I found this one. This podcast is great. Awesome guests (always interested in anything Stanton Friedman has to say) and it's very professionally done.

Regarding UFO investigation. I've been interested in UFOs my whole life, but only recently have I started to seriously study the phenomena. I am seriously considering joining MUFON and trying to become an investigator, but I admit that there is that bit of fear attached to it when it comes to the government's response.

Anyway I'll have to think on it some more.

Well, MUFON has thousands of members, and I am not hearing reports about people being subject to extraordinary government harassment as a result. Yes, we do have those Men In Black stories, but there are a few questions about some of them.

But, heck, I enjoy a good conspiracy theory as well as anyone. :)
Yeah, the more I think about it now the more I believe that it should be no problem joining MUFON. I mean, if Stanton Friedman and Kevin Randle are out there blowing the lid off these things and aren't bothered, I doubt someone as unknown as I would attract any attention.

Great podcast though!
michael said:
Yeah, the more I think about it now the more I believe that it should be no problem joining MUFON. I mean, if Stanton Friedman and Kevin Randle are out there blowing the lid off these things and aren't bothered, I doubt someone as unknown as I would attract any attention.

Great podcast though!
The government loves MUFON. If you consider that there are some friendly aliens out there, half materialized, hard to talk to, it keeps people really busy focusing on them while the government gets to play around with their terrestrial stuff that 'possibly' came from the Nazi's, including the multi-ring security surrounding them.

Not a lot to be afraid of, as long as you don't actually try to build anything that might compete with them, publish a paper on anything that isn't QRT (quantum relativity theory) -friendly, or start a ruckus about the rights of people vs. corporations.

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, enjoy the rest of the play....
The government won't bother you for being a field investigator for MUFON. You have a much bigger chance of getting in a car accident on your investigations than the MIB taking you away. MIB rarely are reported to do more than snoop and threaten anyway. And, only with high profile people and cases. Most of your work will be mundane. However, if that is your mind set, MUFON would probably not want you (if they know about it) as an investigator. You are probably not ready if you are that paranoid.

I was with MUFON for a few years. There wasn't anything to investigate in my area really and the state director never called me back. I was a field investigator trainie. Bought the manual and studied etc. I did, and do better on my own.
You get one chance to make a difference in this world. Go for it. Don't back down and don't be intimidated. When you reach the pearly gates someone there just might say...YOU made a difference!

Sometimes it makes me mad to hear Americans say how frightened they are of their Government ....why the heck did you vote those creeps in? Does anyone ask themselves this? Do something about it! Start a campaign against Black Budgets and corrupt governemnt policies.
Do anything.
Joan said:
Sometimes it makes me mad to hear Americans say how frightened they are of their Government ....why the heck did you vote those creeps in? Does anyone ask themselves this? Do something about it! Start a campaign against Black Budgets and corrupt governemnt policies.
Do anything.

I didn't vote those creeps in. In fact, nobody did, according to www.blackboxvoting.org ..
As far as "Do anything" goes, have you ever tried to sell farm products? You start to see the advantages that the government/big business complex has over the individual when it comes to price structures and profits through draconian regulations. These same advantages translate into lobby power and media control. They also translate into ego-patriotism which attacks people who stand up against the machine. It is a statistical system. Logic only causes you grief. Joining MUFON is nothing. Try starting a local activist group that questions the status quo and see how many undercover cops infiltrate it and try to get you into doing illegal activities. We have every reason to fear our own government, because it isn't our own, it owns us (and we are in debt to foreigners now to the tune of about a hundred grand without our signing any papers). It didn't take a conspiracy to get it that way, only lassaiz-faire consumption, but it is riddled with conspiracies now, simply due to the empire-building of every little department and the 4th branch of unchanging servants who ride from one administration to the next with their secret and non-secret budgets, always inflating, always hiring more to justify their positional authority over the 'civilians'.