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Your Paracast Newsletter — June 4, 2023

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Gene Steinberg

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The Paracast Newsletter
June 4, 2023

UFO Researcher Mack Maloney Presents a Common Sense Approach to the Subject that Includes Roswell and Ancient Aliens on The Paracast!

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This Week's Episode: Gene and cohost Curt Collins present Mack Maloney with his common sense approach to investigating the UFO mystery. During this episode, he’ll explain why he doesn’t believe a spaceship crashed at Roswell, NM in 1947, and his views about the possibilities of ancient aliens. He is the host of “Mack Maloney’s Military X-Files” radio show and podcast where, every week, he and his co-hosts present a high-energy program that delves into the U.S. government’s involvement with UFOs and the paranormal. He’s also the author of more than 50 books, including “UFOs in Wartime,” “Beyond Area 51” and “Mack Maloney’s Haunted Universe.” He has also worked as a consultant to the U.S. government on anti-terrorism programs and is a member of the EDM band, Sky Club. Maloney is a native of Dorchester, Mass., a graduate of Emerson College in Boston and currently lives on an island off Massachusetts.

After The Paracast — Available exclusively for Paracast+ subscribers on June 4: Gene and cohost Curt Collins have a lengthy discussion about the impact of a controversial book from Paola Harris and Jacque Vallee, “Trinity — The Best Kept Secret.” The book, now in its second edition, claims to offer “Breakthrough research [that] reveals the earliest evidence of [the] U.S. government’s UFO recovery. Hard evidence has existed since 1945 for the actual recovery of unidentified flying craft in the United States, according to this research book…” But does the research hold up?. A number of seasoned researchers, such as Kevin D. Randle and Douglas Dean Johnson, have written articles concluding that the evidence is unsatisfactory, that the case is a hoax. Gene and Curt talk about the key rebuttals, and why questions about the case remain unanswered as of the date of this broadcast. also been president of the San Diego chapter of Mensa from 2015-2016.

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No, I’m Not Pessimistic
By Gene Steinberg

Most of my recent columns have taken quite a negative view of the UFO field. No, it’s not so much about my belief system; it’s about whether any progress can be made in figuring out what the damn things are.

I realize some of you may believe the mystery has already been solved, that ET is amongst us and that’s all of it. Perhaps, but it’s not so much that we can prove any of it. Even claims of alleged physical evidence, the possibility of the wreckage of spacecraft from Roswell and elsewhere — all that stuff — hasn’t been confirmed. There is no smoking gun.

You can see why my views sometimes take a negative bent.

Personally, though, I’d love to see proof of life in outer space, or from another dimension. Assuming such beings were friendly, or at least not inclined to harm us, it would open up incredible new possibilities for humans. Perhaps it would be enough to guide people towards fixing up the mess we’ve created on Earth.

My inherent optimism may result, in part. from my avid interest in sci-fi. I’ve even written some of it, and I always favor the stories with positive outcomes, even if it takes some level of struggle to get there.

I am particularly interested in the possibilities of a stargate, as depicted in the original 1994 movie of that name, and the TV spin-off that spawned two more spinoffs. Consider how incredibly simple it made traveling through space. You walk through this circular portal, with its splashing blue watery substance, and seconds later you are on another planet in another galaxy.

Our present situation isn’t so user friendly when you consider how the people responsible for our own space programs speak of multi-year voyages, that it would take two to three years to send a crew on a round trip to Mars. Getting to another star system would require technology we haven’t perfected yet, and would mean decades in space.

I recall the stories I’ve read about cities in space, designed to sustain multiple generations of humans, many of whom would be born and live and die within those environs. Is that what we really want? Is there no better way to get from here to there?

That sad, it’s fair to say that the various Stargate shows revealed some clumsy plotting, though special effects were decent enough. There were just two many episodes depicting planets with civilizations stuck in the Middle Ages. Obviously, they didn’t build stargates. That was done by an advanced race known as the “ancients,” though I won’t get into the weeds on that score.

So if ET is visiting us, just how do they get here? Do they fashion huge motherships designed to take 50 to 100 year voyages? Are their lifespans much longer than humans? How is it done?

Of course we can always look to Star Trek for another answer. In order to keep trips from star to star short in the various shows, the producers and writers decided to use warp drive, a technical trick to exceed the speed of light without violating what we know about science.

So at warp one, a spaceship is traveling at the speed of light, but as the warp factor increases, speeds are multiples of that. Thus warp two is eight times the speed of light, and warp four is sixty-four times. Warp eight? 512 times the speed of light, and don’t ask me to calculate the other numbers. There are also alternate versions, but I think you get the picture.

Now in the real world, scientists are actually exploring the possibilities of warp speed, but it may take years to make it work; maybe never. In the Star Trek universe, the technique will be perfected in 2063. So ask me again about it if I’m still around 40 years from now.

But one would think that a civilization hundreds or thousands of years ahead of us can make easy work of traveling over vast distances. And even if there are practical limits to the potential speed of space travel, that wouldn’t prevent ET from taking long voyages to Earth, then setting up nearby bases to continue surveillance.

All of this is so positive, assuming, again, that ET has no plans to conquer Earth and is not interested in harming anyone.

The problem is that all of these possibilities are, as I said, possibilities. We really don’t have final proof of any of it. Even when people claim to have conversed with extraterrestrials, or supposed higher beings, they can’t prove a word of it.

Even if those experiencers are telling the truth as they know it, that doesn’t mean that they are getting the real scoop. It’s quite possible they are being deceived. Unfortunately, when I raise this possibility to some of these people, they insist that they can separate fact from fiction and they just know what’s true and what isn’t.

As a practical matter, I wish they were right. It would answer loads of questions about the reality of flying saucers and why they are here. Even if the information ET conveys is false, at least there is a recognizable source.

But it’s always possible that we are takeover candidates, and we are just being softened up with those communications involving contactees and channelers. We are being lulled into a sense of security, and as long as things stay really bad on Earth, with worsening weather, constant tribal wars and endless political conflicts, I can see where at least some of you might be willing to consider an alternative.

We have made a mess of things. Why not give someone or something else a chance to set things right?

Yet I don’t take seriously the possibility of hostile aliens. If they wanted to dominate Earth, they could have done it long ago when our defenses were far more primitive. Those theories about a growing race of alien/human hybrids are just that. Theories. Despite the frightening possibilities that emerge with some UFO abductions, there are just too many concerns about the methodology used in extracting such information, such as hypnotic regression.

At the end of the day, I would love to see a resolution to the UFO mystery. I’d love to witness a positive outcome, and being able to travel through space quickly, perhaps in a spaceship with warp drive or via a stargate, would be a dream come true. As long as I can easily make the return trip of course.

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