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Ted Phillips, Director of The Center for Physical Trace Research, who excelled at probing trace evidence discovered in the wake of UFO landings, reported on the incredible events at Marley Woods. The site was later revealed to be located in Missouri. Is this a "window area" that attracts paranormal phenomena? Philips sadly passed in 2020. To download: Click or tap Download Now above. If you want to change the download location, right click the download button. If you want to transfer this...
In this episode, veteran UFO and paranormal investigator Stan Gordon discusses the classic Kecksburg, Pennsylvania case and ongoing waves of paranormal activity on that state, including compelling sightings that occurred through 2009. Gordon has been an active investigator for many decades and is a key source of data for other investigators. To download: Click or tap Download Now above. If you want to change the download location, right click the download button. If you want to transfer...
The ongoing revelations of the facts behind the JFK assassination are explored by conspiracy theorist John Koerner, author The Four Guns: The Stolen History of the Assassinated Presidents, which focuses on the lost or hidden details of the assassinations of JFK and, also, Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield and William McKinley. Speaking with Gene and cohost Tim Swartz, John talks about the possible involvement or the CIA and/or organized crime in the November 22, 1963 tragedy. Also explored is...
Gene and cohost Tim Swartz explore some of the most compelling conspiracy theories of all with John Koerner, author of The Four Guns: The Stolen History of the Assassinated Presidents, which focuses on the lost or hidden details of the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and, of course, John F. Kennedy. He’ll also talk about how history was changed due to these tragedies. Koerner is a professor of Social Sciences at SUNY Erie Community College in Buffalo, New...
A very special episode featuring cutting-edge scientific theorist Mac Tonnies, who holds forth on all those ongoing Martian mysteries, the Phoenix Mars probe, the state of paranormal belief systems, and various theories on the reality of UFOs that often extend beyond the concept of visits by ET. Sadly Mac died in 2009. To download: Click or tap Download Now above. If you want to change the download location, right click the download button. If you want to transfer this file to your iTunes...
Gene and Chris welcome veteran UFO researchers Stanton T. Friedman and Kathleen Marden, authors of "Fact, Fiction and Flying Saucers," which is subtitled, "The Truth Behind the Misinformation, Distortion, and Derision by Debunkers, Government Agencies, and Conspiracy Conmen." The book traces the origins of the government's ongoing conspiracy to debunk UFO sightings in order to hide the truth about the phenomenon. The book focuses on three of the most famous — or infamous — debunkers...
In a brief trivia discussion, Gene and Chris focus on the recent passing of a genuine New York City character, “Crazy” Eddie Antar, who built a large chain of audio electronics stores with “insane prices” years ago before he and his brother were jailed for looting the company. The discussion also focuses on the “death” of high-end consumer audio before returning to the paranormal. So Gene and Chris talk about some of the most notorious skeptics in the UFO field, such as Dr. Donald Menzel...
Author Joe Kistner continues talking with Gene and cohost Tim Swartz about the topics that fuel his Shadows of the Midwest podcast. He will cover myths and legends from his home state of Minnesota, including UFOs and the reports of the recovery of the skeletons of giants who may have lived in ancient times. Joe also discusses reported cases of the stigmata phenomenon, where wounds and scars and pain erupt on the bodies of some people. He describes himself as a public servant, writer, dad...
Gene and cohost Tim Swartz feature Joe Kistner. He is an author and host of the Shadows of the Midwest podcast, and describes himself as a public servant, writer, dad, legend hunter, and a proud distinguished ruffian. Currently, Joe is working on the book “Minnesota Legend Hunters: A Travelogue,” which he hopes will be released in the summer of 2025. He describes the book as compiling and investigating the strange and unusual people, places, things, and events around Minnesota. The...
In which Gene and Chris discuss an offhand suggestion from Tim Beckley as to whether ET uses the Internet to monitor what we Earthlings are up to. But, more seriously, if our broadcasts are being monitored by aliens, what impression to they have of us? Are they able to know when we’re just presenting drama rather than serious material? That brings to mind the sci-fi sendup cult movie, “Galaxy Quest,” which depicted a race of naive aliens who believed that a TV sci-fi show, patterned after...
From the early 1960s, Tim Beckley was a fixture in the UFO field. In addition to editing such newsstand publications as "UFO Universe," Beckley's publishing company, Inner Light — Global Communications, has published over 200 books. Beckley hosts a podcast, "Unraveling the Secrets," and runs a YouTube channel, "Mr. UFO's Secret Files." Beckley will discuss how his opinions have changed concerning the origins of UFOs, what really might have happened at Roswell, and how he believes the UFO...
The government of Brazil has released a wealth of UFO documents. over the years and A.J. Gevaerd, editor of the Brazilian UFO Magazine, continued to explore such compelling cases as the 1996 Varginha UFO incident, where one or more strange creatures were reportedly seen in connection with a UFO episode. In this episode, A.J. returned to The Paracast to sort things out and report on that and other compelling cases. Sadly, A.J. died in 2022. To download: Click or tap Download Now above. If...
UFO/paranormal author and researcher Malcolm Robinson returns to speak with Gene and cohost Tim Swartz about such topics as crop circles, where he says he knows people who have made them in the UK. When it comes to UFOs, he’ll talk about the case of Bob Taylor, a 1979 UFO event involving a forestry worker who was attacked by two strange spiked objects. Other topics include psychics and psychic phenomena, and Robinson’s work at hunting ghosts. He is the assistant editor of Outer Limits...
Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present veteran paranormal researcher Malcolm Robinson is a UFO investigator, author, and lecturer Malcolm Robinson is the lead investigator in the the famous Dechmont Woods UFO incident. In 1979, forestry worker Bob Taylor was attacked by two spiked objects that exited a strange craft that was hovering in a clearing. Taylor, who was 61 at the time and has since passed away, was knocked unconscious during the attack, but when he awoke, he found himself bruised and...
Gene and Chris explore the UFO abduction enigma with Kathleen Marden and Denise Stoner, authors of "The Alien Abduction Files: The Most Startling Cases of Human Alien Contact Ever Reported." Kathleen is the niece of the late Betty Hill, whose abduction experience with her husband Barney has been regarded as one of the most credible such encounters. Denise and her family, including her husband, report that they have been abducted repeatedly by strange entities. To download: Click or tap...
Gene and Chris present an episode about one of the most controversial cases in the annals of UFO history is the Aztec crash, which reportedly occurred in 1948. The case has long played second fiddle to the Roswell crash, and hasn't been taken seriously over the years by many researchers into the subject. But Scott and Suzanne Ramsey have spent 25 years gathering evidence that they believe proves the crash really occurred, and involved a craft of unknown origin. After long delays, the results...
The main topics on the table are Ancient Egypt, Egyptian Magick and more with Michael K. Waterman, who also talks with Gene and cohost Tim Swartz about such matters as the problems in researching ancient history. There’s also a discussion of pop culture heroes, with the emphasis on Superman in the movies and TV. A discussion about Egyptian food also encompasses mediterranean cuisine and even where to get the best New York bagels and pizza. Waterman was born in Brooklyn and raised in...
Gene and cohost Tim Swartz introduce Michael K. Waterman, who explores the magic and mystery of Ancient Egypt, plus the pop culture interest that includes a variety of movies and TV shows. They include the Mummy films, "Stargate" and its three TV spinoffs, and "The Fifth Element." He will also discuss the myths and legends of the presence of Ancient Astronauts. Waterman was born in Brooklyn and raised in Uniondale, New York. He has studied Egyptology for over 50 years and has lectured and...
Gene and Chris present a return appearance from Leslie Kean, cofounder of the Coalition for Freedom of Information, and author of “UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record.” The History Channel also featured documentary based on the book, entitled “Secret Access: UFOs on the Record,” available from YouTube and other outlets, and Leslie provided an update on her ongoing research. This episode was aired six years before Leslie coauthored The New York Times article...
This week, we welcome the return of veteran researchers Dennis Balthaser and Frank Warren to discuss the latest evidence on the Roswell case and the prospects for UFO disclosure. They present an interesting perspective, especially when you consider what has happened over the succeeding decade-and-a-half. To download: Click or tap Download Now above. If you want to change the download location, right click the download button. If you want to transfer this file to your iTunes library, follow...