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  • Gene Steinberg
    Earl Grey Anderson is MUFON’s State Director of Southern California, a STAR Team member, and an executive member of MUFON’s ERT (The Experiencer Resource Team). He has hosted MUFON’s ‘Experiencer Workshops’ at the last three MUFON Symposia, most...
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  • Gene Steinberg
    Gene Steinberg replied to the thread Politics & The CIC/Prez.
    In the meantime, the shadow President is cashing in:
  • Gene Steinberg
    Gene Steinberg replied to the thread Politics & The CIC/Prez.
    He should slam the decline of freedom in the U.S. instead of mouthing Russian propaganda. Did they capture the fact that almost nobody applauded his nonsense except for his own aides? It's the consequence of putting the JV team in charge.
  • Randall
    Randall replied to the thread Politics & The CIC/Prez.
    JD Vance on the decline of freedoms in the West.
  • Richard Hawkins
    Looking forward to this one. No matter what you believe about Shannon's views she has been one of the most entertaining guests on the Paracast. Please listen to this episode without the adds become a Paracast plus subscriber.One cup of coffee is...
  • Gene Steinberg
    The Paracast Newsletter February 23, 2025 Explore Spirit Photography, the Incredible World of Spiritualism and More with Shannon Taggart on The Paracast! The Paracast is released every Sunday and available from our site...
  • Gene Steinberg
    Gene Steinberg replied to the thread Politics & The CIC/Prez.
    So Trump and his hench-people are threatening violence against Republican politicians and others if they do not obey him...
  • Ezechiel
    Ezechiel replied to the thread Politics & The CIC/Prez.
    No brainer, it's going to get really bad if the tariffs kick in and inflation goes off the charts. If I was a gambling man, I'd be betting that he'll blame Canada once real pain kicks in and then use the pain as a 'national security'...
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  • Gene Steinberg
    Gene Steinberg replied to the thread Politics & The CIC/Prez.
    Yeah, especially with growing inflation courtesy of the person who swore he'd lower prices beginning on "Day One." But not in this dimensional plane.
  • Ezechiel
    Ezechiel replied to the thread Politics & The CIC/Prez.
    OMG... what a shit show. 2 more years... my popcorn expense is through the roof.
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  • Ezechiel
    Ezechiel reacted to henris42's post in the thread Politics & The CIC/Prez with Like Like.
    Well, the EU is just profoundly ashtonished on these guys. We are just slow to answer, but the answer is not of acceptance. Tariffs - well that is just idiotism. All western countries import all tech goods from China. Not Canada or Mexico.
  • Ezechiel
    Ezechiel reacted to Gene Steinberg's post in the thread Politics & The CIC/Prez with Like Like.
    So Trump promised to lower grocery bills and gas prices on "Day One." Instead, egg prices have doubled. Gas prices in my neighborhood near Phoenix, AZ are up 60 cents since he took office. Trump's threatened tariffs will increase the price of...
  • Ezechiel
    Ezechiel reacted to boulders and sticks's post in the thread Politics & The CIC/Prez with Like Like.
    I've stopped watching any US based media for my own sanity and peace. I do check in occasionally to European news to get a perspective from there. Go check out English language news from Greenland and Denmark. Threatening an ally should be...
  • S
    Wealthy Collector Interested In Ufo & Related Video Material; Please Send Your 'LIST'S' Of Available Videos - The Longer the 'List's The Better . Will Pay Very Good Price For 'RARE' Video Material. All Email...
  • sgabby2
    This was certainly a very entertaining show and I always like Preston on the air because of the great stories he has. My problem with this however is that Dolly obviously believes all of this and she is the same age as me, but I am not sure that...
  • sgabby2
    I understood that Strieber was a successful writer of horror novels. On the other hand, I do not dispute the contention that abductions are not physical events.
  • sgabby2
    You know how Whitley Strieber was abducted by aliens ? Well so was L Ron Hubbard who formed the church of Scientology. They both were failed science fiction writer's who seen an opportunity and took it.
  • sgabby2
    Well I simply don't buy that. I think that is multiple minds acting as one memory which I don't deny is something could be real. However I feel this is not reality it's consciousness and mind power.
  • sgabby2
    Yea it's caused being liars con artists and Travas Walton's
  • sgabby2
    No one is being abducted by aliens except I'm their minds
  • sgabby2
    There is no such thing as alien abductions it is people suffering from a trauma usually a sexual assault by a friend or family member.
  • sgabby2
    An abductee by definition is taken against his will. Did Dolly consent to being taken? They have hurt a number of people and caused others to vanish. ETs can't be trusted to tell us the truth now; they are usually deceptive. They've claimed...
  • sgabby2
    sgabby2 reacted to LoveJoy's post in the thread On The Show - Preston Dennett with Like Like.
    I remember long long ago, there was a report on Steven Greer's CE5 nocturnal trips into fields to "vector in" UFOS. The news report focused on a young man who had totally bought the entire Greer CE5 experience. It showed him hugging all his...
  • sgabby2
    Oh Gene I will always support you but guests like Preston are dubious.
  • Gene Steinberg
    Shannon Taggart became aware of Spiritualism as a teenager, when her cousin received a message from a medium that revealed details about her grandfather's death. In 2001, while working as a photographer, she began taking pictures where that...
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  • henris42
    henris42 replied to the thread Politics & The CIC/Prez.
    Well, the EU is just profoundly ashtonished on these guys. We are just slow to answer, but the answer is not of acceptance. Tariffs - well that is just idiotism. All western countries import all tech goods from China. Not Canada or Mexico.
  • Gene Steinberg
    The Paracast Newsletter February 16, 2025 Time Expansion, Cosmic Consciousness, Near Death Experiences, the Mysterious Sources of Creativity — All Explored by Author/Senior Lecturer Steve Taylor on The Paracast! The...
  • BombPopCaper
    BombPopCaper reacted to Gene Steinberg's post in the thread Politics & The CIC/Prez with Like Like.
    So Trump promised to lower grocery bills and gas prices on "Day One." Instead, egg prices have doubled. Gas prices in my neighborhood near Phoenix, AZ are up 60 cents since he took office. Trump's threatened tariffs will increase the price of...
  • Gene Steinberg
    Gene Steinberg replied to the thread Politics & The CIC/Prez.
    So Trump promised to lower grocery bills and gas prices on "Day One." Instead, egg prices have doubled. Gas prices in my neighborhood near Phoenix, AZ are up 60 cents since he took office. Trump's threatened tariffs will increase the price of...
  • Trajanus
    Trajanus replied to the thread Dan Burisch Saga Continues.
    Burisch is a disinfo agent--one of many to appear over the years. What he says may be false but analysis of the purpose of disinfo can go a long way toward revealing the truth.