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Username secrets revealed!

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Paranormally Disenchanted
Ok, here is a thread for folks to enlighten us about their choice of username. I'll start since absolutely no-one gets mine and often misinterprets it to mean something that isn't intended. Here goes:

Checking the mailbag this morning I see little Joey from Poquipsee has a couple of questions. Here they are:

Where in the hell do you get off calling yourself The Trained Observer? Aren't you the pretentious little snot?

Well Joey, the "Trained Observer" username is a bit of a Ufological joke you see. In UFO literature references are often made about the lack of any "trained observers" around when UFOs show up. As far as training goes, I'm trained to operate the remote and to program the DVR and observe the results. So you see, the jokes on you Joey. Now run along and get a life why don't you? That's a good boy.
Yep! You've been "Saganazied!" :-)

Belieive it or not I actually saw that word used on a different website during my interweb travels. :-)

tyder001 is easy for me to remeber and it works for different forums and has a nice beat you can dance to. :-) Roll Tide Y'all! :-)
i have used photoshop since the beta version. i specialize in photo restoration, image manipulation and photography.

i might add, i am also a part time blacksmith that forges damascus (pattern welded) steel for knife blades.
After getting completely drunk at a party (many years ago), I tried ringing my ex girlfriend and was so waisted just fell asleep on the floor with my phone in one hand and drink in the other.

Someone wrote on me 'What good is a phone call when you are unable to speak?'

So after that I was known as Mr Anderson - This was just after the Matrix film had come out.

So the nickname sort of stuck, which in turn is easy to remember as a username on various forums I have joined.
I go by han because when I was a kid computer (arcade) games only let you put in 3 letters for your highscore and harry was too long so i just put my initials in and it stuck, most of my friends still call me han. I have a had all kinds of mistaken interpretations including that I am German or Chinese.
I chose mine in homage to 70s cop movies and the Beastie Boys video to Sabotage. Maverick NY cop-style.

"Yo Kandinsky! You got 24 hours or I'll have your badge and your gun. You're a fuckin' disgrace! Now get the hell outta here!"

The reason for a nom-de-plume is I can't be associated with this wacky BS at work. I apply the rules of Fight Club to ufology in real life. i.e. Rule one is you never talk about ufology.:D
No mystery here, I am just completely unimaginative. I had a license plate in high school that said "yawhtevr" and I have used that in the past but it didn't feel right. So since my momma called me Ron Collins I guess I better go by it.
Well some folks have asked me if my monicker ... decker ... was a nod to Star Trek - The Motion Picture's new Captain.... Captain Decker?

Well sorry to burst that bubble but it is simply a nod to my parents that named me D Ecker ... ergo decker!

Oops ... back to my life now.

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No mystery here... I yam who I yam. Most of the bands I've been in over the years have also had another Chris besides me (go figure), so to avoid confusion, I have used my real birth name (I was adopted at age five) K. Keegan Barnes, or "KK" for short, as a stage name. Many of my musician friends still call me that. FWIW: I don't mind posting as me, but as I've stated here before, I'd rather know who I was dealing with and hope that the posters here who can't use their real names appreciate those of us who do...
I don't mind posting as me, but as I've stated here before, I'd rather know who I was dealing with and hope that the posters here who can't use their real names appreciate those of us who do...

I'd just like to point out that those who like me, generated a username that does not contain their real names for whatever reason and don't wish to abandon it, can as I have, include their real names in their signatures. If you're still spooked about putting your name there I suggest you make a gif of your name and put that in your signature. At least it is a bit harder to find through a search engine that way.

smoke 'em if you got 'em.
FWIW: I don't mind posting as me, but as I've stated here before, I'd rather know who I was dealing with and hope that the posters here who can't use their real names appreciate those of us who do...

In different circumstances, people shouldn't need to have online nicknames. At the same time, Shakespeare wrote that a 'rose by any other name...' Nickname, or not, if people are consistent and honest in their posts, the name hardly matters at all. :)
"dad2059" simply started as an email moniker, but when I started blogging four years ago, I wanted to stay as "private" on the Internet as I could because I heard of all these people who blogged that used their real names got fired from their jobs.

Since then I learned it's a matter of being discrete, i.e., not talking about the company you work for. By then, the name stuck.

Also, I'm a dad and a grand-dad. And 2059 is when I turn 100 years old (or young).
I'd just like to point out that those who like me, generated a username that does not contain their real names for whatever reason and don't wish to abandon it, can as I have, include their real names in their signatures. If you're still spooked about putting your name there I suggest you make a gif of your name and put that in your signature. At least it is a bit harder to find through a search engine that way.

smoke 'em if you got 'em.

Ha Ha I just googled my name and look what I found http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F60F12FC355B1B7A93C7A9178ED85F458285F9

apparently im a trigomist who wanted a fouth one :)
My first hiphop/industrial band member name from back in the days of Public Enemy, Flavour Flav and the like, was 'The Noise' [ eh... my duties included making the 'noise' ].

The name becomes more and more ridiculous every day for an english 'going-slightly-grey-round-the-edges' white, married, 42 year old father of two... YEH BOYYEEEEE!!