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Missing People…..lots of 'em

Free episodes:

Burnt State

Paranormal Adept
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Before I started posting on the forum I read a lot, and got to know some of the many personalities first. Those avatars above are voices I remember well. Fascinated by the depth of knowledge and conversational wit on this forum I just kept my mouth shut for almost two years, could've been longer, and just read through old threads. Some say I should have left well enough alone.

Ahem. Good forums age like fine wine, or strong cheeses, maybe even specific types of fungus or lichen, and this forum has all those varieties. Each voice adds its own flavor, tension & insight into the stone soup. It's a spicy space this Paracast forum.

When I first started reading about four years ago there was a verbal mélange quite different than what's here now, though many of the same stalwarts are still holding up the frame of the place today. They are in that rare 3-4,000 message club and beyond. Only these writers have the keys to the Bohemian Grove bathroom, I mean outhouse. Love or hate them, just like the missing characters above, they're what made/makes this place tick. It was in their interactions that I came to new perspectives. Though not around, those missing avatars still colour many threads in the Paracast forum tapestry. & i wanted to just raise a glass in their direction. I'm sure many here have memories of lots of other characters and avatars that we don't see around much.

It's through the writing of the long time members that I have learned more about ufology & the paranormal than in any book, and just for the cost of my spare time. We all really have to thank Gene, the host of the party, for this tour through the history of Ufology. There has been much more laughter than spit & scuffle, and i'm appreciative of that gift.
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I just splashed a neighbor's cow with ultra-violet paint in their honor.
Is it just me or is there a tendency for many of the forum members to be either living in rural spaces, or at least have these large properties outside the normal urban space, where people can freely build their Orgone machines, paint the neighbour's cows, practice levitation when others are not looking and have really, really large storage spaces for both doomsday preparation and a place to work on their interstellar vehicle projects?
Well, we used to build super-computers down here across the street from a horse pasture. The Russkies would sit on the other side it and point their electromagnetic sensors at the building listening to the internal goings on of our vector pipes. True story, swear to Shockley!
Russkies!? I thought @nameless said it was the French we had to worry about?

Does anyone remember the name of the avatar that had a skull outfitted in royal dress? He used to have back to back parlays with @dyingsun. In my early readings I kept thinking they were like Brüder or something?
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Before I started posting on the forum I read a lot, and got to know some of the many personalities first. Those avatars above are voices I remember well. Fascinated by the depth of knowledge and conversational wit on this forum I just kept my mouth shut for almost two years, could've been longer, and just read through old threads. Some say I should have left well enough alone.

Ahem. Good forums age like fine wine, or strong cheeses, maybe even specific types of fungus or lichen, and this forum has all those varieties. Each voice adds its own flavor, tension & insight into the stone soup. It's a spicy space this Paracast forum.

When I first started reading about four years ago there was a verbal mélange quite different than what's here now, though many of the same stalwarts are still holing up the frame of the place today. They are in that rare 3-4,000 message club and beyond. Only these writers have the keys to the Bohemian Grove bathroom, I mean outhouse. Love or hate them, just like the missing characters above, they're what made/makes this place tick. It was in their interactions that I came to new perspectives. Though not around, those missing avatars still colour many threads in the Paracast forum tapestry. & i wanted to just raise a glass in their direction. I'm sure many here have memories of lots of other characters and avatars that we don't see around much.

It's through the writing of the long time members that I have learned more about ufology & the paranormal than in any book, and just for the cost of my spare time. We all really have to thank Gene, the host of the party, for this tour through the history of Ufology. There has been much more laughter than spit & scuffle, and i'm appreciative of that gift.
the last postings of these people were followed by inclement weather and search parties that were unable to locate evidence of their disappearance, in most cases even tracker dogs could not pick up a scent.
the last postings of these people were followed by inclement weather and search parties that were unable to locate evidence of their disappearance, in most cases even tracker dogs could not pick up a scent.
Oh, so you're saying it's like a Dyatlov Pass Incident, the second installment kind of thing?

I know, but I feel that Paulides is missing out on the mundane solutions to his riddle, whereas I'd like to imagine the former Paracast forum members banding together on a secret mission deep into West Coast woods and meeting with a paranormal entity more fierce than the Flatwoods monster...plus I really like that shot of comradery amongst the Dyatlov group, and needed an excuse to post it, as a community building exercise.
Oh where oh where do the Paracast Forum members go?
Some went to Spain, and some down the drain.
Saw a saucer on the hill; swore Bigfoot they'd never kill.
So in a boat to New Swabia they row, roe and row.
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Wouldn't take it, even if offered (for realsies), I'm a too volatile person to begin with. ;)
Well, if you remember how the Dyatlov Pass incident went down there was one younger 'volatile' guy who was not really friends with the team and one of the possile solutions posed was that he was the one that turned on the team and took them all down. Just sayin', synchronistically that is.
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