Since I really don't want to get into debunking every last piece of pseudoscience that makes up the EU, I'll just leave these here:
Appreciate the links. But the 'pseudoscience' characterization is unnecessary. I recall vividly sitting in Geology class during my undergraduate years (many, many moons ago,

) and floating the then 'pseudoscience' of plate tectonics. I know first-hand the immediate 'diss' by the professor and the sense that if I did not agree with the professor - and the then going 'doctrine' of uniformitarianism - my 'bona fides' as a serious scientific thinker would be in question. It's a curious feeling. Thinking outside-the-box has consequences for one's career in science, make no mistake - and hearing the charge of 'pseudoscience' is very much akin to hearing the charge 'heresy' or 'witch' in previous times.
So saying the above, I am not advocating EU as 'right', but I am also not advocating current standard science as 'right' either. IMO it's a dialog that needs to happen rather than knee-jerk push-back and the tally-ho of the derisive charge of 'pseudoscience'. JMO.
Getting it from the horse's mouth, IE an actual astronomer with a PHD in his field, is much better than me trying to give a general idea of why EU ideas don't stand up to the test of science.
While I agree with this - and do it myself - direct links to counter specific claims made in the thread would be helpful.
However, I am moved by your loyalty to the PhD - and the 'actual astronomer' - especially as what is being advocated is of a nature that puts some of the current theories - to which such a person would be loyal - up-ended. It is understandable that there would be - and is - push-back. There is a lot invested in the standard model. Careers - and by that I mean actual jobs - hinge on the standard model being right.
Consider that they have something like 3 or more separate models of the sun, none of which allow them to make any useful predictions at all, and judge for yourself.
Do they? I don't know that. Can you cite anything that indicates/explains these '3 or more separate models'?
The science of the sun is particularly driven by theory. Much of what we 'know' is conjecture. Predictions are hard to make for anyone because of the lack of empirical evidence/knowledge. However, if your assessment of predictions is general - please look at the Mars video and all the comet discussion in the videos - the EU theory is doing a pretty impressive job of predicting what is being found with comets, and what we see on the surface of Mars.
Now, from my own pov, to believe in the EU, it would seem that given its complete and utter lack of mainstream acceptance
This is an overstatement, I think. In fact, the success of EU theory to predict and explain phenomena that the standard model admits it cannot account for (as with Mars, as with Comets) has created interest and the beginnings of dialog. EU is interesting to watch as an example of how new paradigms edge out old - or how old and new merge. [BTW plate tectonics remains a theory, not a fact - but it is now an accepted theory, whereas at one time one could not mention it among scientists and remain credible. Now one can not only mention the theory, one can have a career based on it. I think the same progression will happen with EU theory - mainly because the standard model is stalled and needs some fresh perspectives.]
one would have to believe in some giant, dumb-ass conspiracy among countless scientists from countless disciplines around the world, a la global warming denier claims.
No - and it's not an equivalent comparison imo. Plus you're galloping ahead too fast. The EU theory is radical - it's going to take time to be accepted. It's entre will likely be with the cometary stuff (and Mars) imo.
I submit that it's ridiculous to believe that scientists are engaged in a conspiracy to hide the electrical nature of the universe, just like its ridiculous to believe scientists are manufacturing data about climate change, again, around the world and across disciplines.
No one is saying there is a conspiracy.

You have me puzzled with this - methinks you have set yourself up with this line of reasoning. I am not aware of any conspiracy thinking around this. The standard model is not 'hiding' the 'electrical nature of the universe' - if you believe that current science is acknowledging the electro-magnetic nature of space - then there has been a shift in the thinking.
There's a group out there called Vault Co. that uses the EU to further their climate change denier garbage, the more pseudoscience we promote, the more people taken in, and it sometimes leads to more serious pseudoscientific beliefs, like climate change denial and creationism, and we certainly don't need any more of that shit.
Guilt by association? People take and run with all kinds of stuff: Hitler took an ancient symbol for Life and used it to stand for a nefarious ideology. There are people who use the Bible, and the Koran, and the Talmud, to justify all manner of fundamentalist beliefs that cause great harm to people - should we ban the Bible, Koran and Talmud? I'm not sure I agree with your reasoning here.