Paranormal Novice
NASA found an ancient walled settlement on Mars ?
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All the more reason to believe this is a natural my friend said maybe the edge of a ancient ocean or lake..Here's what Uruk looks like from space:
Given Mars' extremely low erosion rates (you can still see old craters unlike earth) you'd probably still clearly see a city there.
If it was there.
I really want there to have been an old civilization on Mars.All the more reason to believe this is a natural my friend said maybe the edge of a ancient ocean or lake..
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We have here a "walled city" with no buldings no stuctures..heck not even a alien outhouse. No..natural cliff formations. .I really want there to have been an old civilization on Mars.
It's just not likely true.
Just like if there were highly advanced spacefaring civilizations from earth -- human or otherwise -- we likely would have found their junk on the moon by now.
Earth turns over it's surface pretty fast. The moon, not so much. Mars is more like the moon than it is the earth that way.
We have here a "walled city" with no buldings no stuctures..heck not even a alien outhouse. No..natural cliff formations. .
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Here's what Uruk looks like from space:
Given Mars' extremely low erosion rates (you can still see old craters unlike earth) you'd probably still clearly see a city there.
If it was there.
The contrast wouldn't be an issue.Marduk wrote: "Given Mars' extremely low erosion rates (you can still see old craters unlike earth) you'd probably still clearly see a city there.
If it was there."
You wouldn't see it in most of the orange-filtered and contrast-flattened [overexposed or underexposed] raw rover images released by JPL. Here is a video [vastly speeded up] illustrating how what's latent in those images can be uncovered in the rovers' photographic imagery with patience and skilled use of current image analysis technology.
[note: you can slow down the video speed in YT tools if you want to see the process in more detail.]
The contrast wouldn't be an issue.
Mars has essentially no erosion, no overgrowth, and no tectonic activity. There's nothing there to knock walls or buildings down. With the desiccation, things would just... stay. Likely for millions of years.
An old city would still look like a city, and still fundamentally be standing today if it were made of stone or concrete. Given the lack of vegetation, there's nothing else to build out of.
Actually I do, and so do they.So you know the whole, long history of Mars, everything that's taken place there over millions, billions, of years? Why is it that the NASA/JPL scientists don't know all that you know? Maybe you can solve this latest issue too:
Scientists can’t seem to figure out how ancient Mars got so warm
Agreed. We'd be pumping Billions into NASA and have boots on the ground by Christmas.Let us for the sake of argument say this shows life..advanced life was found. NASA would be quck to announce that we are not alone. If for no other reason money. Now lets aay its real. NASA wants to hide it. Mainstream media would have a feild day! Expert after expert would come on NASA would be called on to the carpet. No the discovery of life on mars would not could not be surprised. This pic shows nothing. But if a pic showing something genuine shows up..we would know.
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I totally think we may find life on Mars.
I just don't think we'll ever find evidence of civilizations developing on Mars.
A few things.I think the reasons why you doubt it are inadequate, insufficient, to rule it out. If it can't be ruled out, if it turns out that there is evidence of one or more sequential cultures developed in Mars's past, it will be the most significant discovery possible for our species in our time. But you are the one who must determine what you think, what you can think, what you are willing to consider and investigate.