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Phil Imbrogno "Dr MIT" like Dracula, is BACK!

Free episodes:

Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
As most longtime (and some newbie) Paracasters are aware, there are people in this morass of a field (I like to refer to as ufoology), who have no shame. From confabulating cockamamie stories of traveling to Mars w/ Barry Sotero and tales blue Avian aliens or time traveling six-year olds, to supporting and touting hoaxes long after they've been revealed or begging for fame, money or glory when none should be given, ufology has more than enough charlatans to bely the belief of hard working researchers!

One type of scandal involves obvious 'worthiness' issues. Whether it's any number of questionable 'contactee' tall tales, or someone such as Donald Schmidt confabulating his professional background and work history, or examples of fraudulent educational background claims, seldom do you have a number of these all rolled up into one morass of BS and fraud. Phil Imbrogno is a classic example of this multiple offense scenario and (IMO) it's people like him that do the most damage to this emerging proto-scientific field.

As many longtime forum members will recall, The Paracast (along w/ forum member Lance Moody) outed Imbrogno as a fraud back in June 2011. As Moody was able to establish w/out question, Imbrogno not only fabricated his educational background both undergraduate and post graduate (he claimed a Ph.D from MIT!) but he also confabulated his military service as confirmed by friend of the Paracast, Don Ecker. So, not only do we have his fabricated education, but we have a classic case of "stolen valor!" How can we believe a single thing in the books that he wrote—one allegedly co-written w/ non other than J. Allen Hynek!

One would think that this would be enough to permanently ban one's lame-ass from the field permanently, but evidently not. As unbelievable as it may sound, Phil Imbrogno is attempting to make a comeback! I kid you not. I received the following email yesterday. I am contacting Llewellyn for conformation:

Hello Christopher we spoke a few years ago about the Imbrogno case. You may be interested to hear that he has a book called Strange Heavens which is due to be published next December. The publishing house is Llewellyn which knows him to be a fraud, but appears to be doing it anyway. So he may be coming out of hiding afterall. Any thoughts?
Any thoughts? Are you effing kidding me? Say it ain't so! Evidently some people have absolutely no shame (*wink wink Gene*) To hear that Phil Imbrogno is attempting to insert himself back into the world of publishing is beyond unbelievable. What's even more unbelievable is that Llewellyn is aiding and abetting this person who they know is a pathological liar.

I urge all of you to spread the word that this stain upon the integrity of this field cannot be allowed to potentially ingratiate himself back into anyone's good graces!

Thus endeth this public service announcement.
I'm weird. Every now and then a name gets bandied about and the first thing I gotta do is toss it into the ole anagram server and see if I get any interesting bites. Here's one that I get when I put Phil's name in the mix

Glib Hip Moron

Coincidence? You tell me!
The UFO field is one of the places where you can get caught lying out your ass and then go underground for awhile. You end up returning and a majority of people have forgotten your sins or they don't care. Imbrogno must feel he can start over clean and fresh.
Nope, this is no joke (even though what he's doing is beyond a joke.) From what I've heard, he recently appeared on Rob McConnell's X-Zone radio show. Leave it to numbskull McConnell to have him on. FYI: McConnell is the only radio host who has ever hung up on me! My trickster material short-circuited his brain and he disconnected me yelling "you're not stalking the trickster, you're hawking the trickster!" What a d**kwad :eek:
Nope, this is no joke (even though what he's doing is beyond a joke.) From what I've heard, he recently appeared on Rob McConnell's X-Zone radio show. Leave it to numbskull McConnell to have him on. FYI: McConnell is the only radio host who has ever hung up on me! My trickster material short-circuited his brain and he disconnected me yelling "you're not stalking the trickster, you're hawking the trickster!" What a d**kwad :eek:

Joshua Cutchin just had a less than enjoyable experience with McConnell.

As regards Imbrogno, he will only come back to the degree the audience accepts him. I would think he'd try a pseudonym and not bother doing interviews or appearances.
Phil J Imbrogno, another fraud you simply can't keep down.

For any of you newer Paracast users, Inbrogno was a well known UFO "researcher", writer, author and lecturer that self imploded here on the Paracast back in 2011. Paracast user and skeptic Lance Moody discovered that the Imbrogno's claimed PhD from MIT was phony and his claimed US Army Special Forces was disproved by me. Here are some links to follow up on if you are interested.

My expose from here on the Paracast.

Imbrogno, Fraud, Stolen Valor

Here is the start of the Imbrogno thread on ATS.

Phil Imbrogno gone from field - he faked his educational credentials, page 1

And if you scroll down in the next link, you will find an entire list of links.

Phil Imbrogno gone from field - he faked his educational credentials, page 11

After seeing Chris O'Brien's note on Imbrogno, I contacted Lance Moody. Lance accepted my invitation to appear on DMR Saturday, April 07 to discuss the whole Philip Imbrogno lying and deception. Dark Matters Radio will begin at 5:00 PM Pacific Time, 8:00 PM Eastern where we will break down the entire Imbrogno story .. and why lying about background seems to be so prevalent in the UFO field.

After seeing Chris O'Brien's note on Imbrogno, I contacted Lance Moody. Lance accepted my invitation to appear on DMR Saturday, April 07 to discuss the whole Philip Imbrogno lying and deception. Dark Matters Radio will begin at 5:00 PM Pacific Time, 8:00 PM Eastern where we will break down the entire Imbrogno story .. and why lying about background seems to be so prevalent in the UFO field.

Dang, I must have missed my invite to also do the show... uhh...lemme see I must have missed the email...
Dang, I must have missed my invite to also do the show... uhh...lemme see I must have missed the email...

I know, that dang stuff ends up missing. Like I missed your call to hook up when you were here in LA. We were gonna go get a cup or something. I will keep my eyes open from now on Chris.

His bio online now has this, which is probably the accurate version: "He is a retired educator who spent thirty years teaching science."

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