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Trump to talk UFO's?

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I stopped listening to the paracast a while ago because I was getting sick of the" progressive" politics being inserted into a topic where there should be no politics. Ideally this topic would be escapism from politics ...
Fortunately or otherwise, I don't know enough about politics to make more than a passing comment once in a while. Are their any specific topics you'd like us to focus on? With so many other shows over so many years, hasn't it all pretty much been said already? These days I think the value of late night radio has more to do with filling the empty space than delivering a stream of information.
Yeah, let's have another 130,000 Americans die to neglect and stupidity on the part of the President.
As a Canuck, I find the politicizing of this pandemic simultaneously fascinating and terrifying in the US.

I mean, how the hell is fighting a disease somehow anti-freedom? How are you free if you're dead?

I can only think this is a further attempt to undermine science and reason in the US.
Trump can't even tell the truth about his height.

He says he's 6'3".

Obama is 6'1".

This is typical of the photos of them standing together. Who is taller?

Screen Shot 2020-07-09 at 3.57.50 PM.png
And our moron-in-chief wrote a tweet that I quote in part:

"With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history."

"Mail-In Voting" and "Absentee Voting" are the same thing. As I said, moron-in-chief.
As a Canuck, I find the politicizing of this pandemic simultaneously fascinating and terrifying in the US. I mean, how the hell is fighting a disease somehow anti-freedom? How are you free if you're dead?
We've been through all that already and yet you're still defaulting to it. It's far from being that simplistic.
I can only think this is a further attempt to undermine science and reason in the US.
Biopolitics isn't science, and science is notoriously reductionist, which can be very dangerous unless balanced with the bigger picture. The last thing we need are technocrats running the country. Nuclear energy so cheap it wouldn't be worth metering, flying cars, and robots doing our labor while we lounge in the shade sipping margaritas collecting pay for their work, are only three examples of how unrealistic their worldview can be.
We've been through all that already and yet you're still defaulting to it. It's far from being that simplistic.
I was trying to make a different point - about politicization of science and medicine vs opinion and alternative facts.

Biopolitics isn't science, and science is notoriously reductionist, which can be very dangerous unless balanced with the bigger picture. The last thing we need are technocrats running the country. Nuclear energy so cheap it wouldn't be worth metering, flying cars, and robots doing our labor while we lounge in the shade sipping margaritas collecting pay for their work, are only three examples of how unrealistic their worldview can be.

I'm not so sure. I mean, we're chatting using technology that would have been magic a few decades ago. Heck, I can yell into the air and make things happen, or make phone calls hands free from my watch. I can even tell both to turn off a robot vacuum cleaner. Seems like a lot of the 60s and 70s versions of science fiction are coming true, and some of the 80s and 90s versions of sci-fi might just be around the corner.
Speaking of Trump, some say every other word out of his mouth was a lie, but it seems that it was one of several lives according to the following story:

True politicians do lie or exaggerate a lot, but this guy has it over all the rest in the worst way.
Even before he finally left office, Trump couldn't stop the lies:

He has NEVER backtracked on any of these and the nearly 25,000 other lies and misleading statements he made during his term. Once at a press briefing, he was corrected for claiming to have been the one to pass the Veterans Choice act (originally signed into law by President Obama in 2014). In response, he abruptly ended the briefing, and fled.
The number of lies grew to way over 30,000 by the time the disgraced former President left office. He still repeats "THE BIG LIE" that he won the election, but there was systemic fraud that prevented a proper vote count. After over 60 lawsuits and even a statement from Trump's own attorney general, Barr, that the election was fair and square, he still falsely claims there was fraud.

And Barr isn't free of deception. Remember how he lied about the results of the Mueller Report? No, they did not clear Trump. Quite the opposite.

And now a judge has put in her two cents:

The following story indicates proof that the Trump campaign did indeed collude with the Russians during the 2016 election. The Mueller Report didn't look for collision since it is NOT a crime to collude, though a conspiracy is a crime.
