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Strange Sounds and Voices

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Paranormal Maven
I know I've mentioned this in another thread, I can't seem to track it down, but a few weeks ago, following a helicopter hovering over my house for hours, and later paragliders, I heard a disembodied electronic "Speak-n-Spell" voice say what sounded like "So, Use, One, Two."...followed by scratchy, scurrying sounds on the roof. This appears to be part of something ongoing. I haven't seen the helicopter or paragliders again, but I have many times heard what sound like many small engines, but could not locate the source.
Several times over the last few days both my girlfriend and I have heard what sounds like the sound a cell phone makes when the battery gets low and gives a warning beep. I heard it once while alone and didn't mention it to her. The next day I came home and she was in the office moving furniture and file cabinets around looking for something. When I asked what she was doing she said "I keep hearing a damn cell phone beeping and it's not mine or yours." Later that evening we both heard it again together. When I went to bed that morning at about 2:30 I heard another voice. This one much higher pitched than the first. It sounded like someone who had huffed helium talking through fan kind of. I could sense the source of the sound rush toward and get right up in my face. It said, very quickly " Three slip(ped?) daddy." When I woke up this morning, and was still laying in bed, there was another loud 'beep' sound. I thought the alarm clock may have had a glitch, even though it was off.
The woman who lived in this house before us had a ridiculous security system installed. The first day we moved in I dismantled it. There were sensors on every doorway in the house that beeped like a convenience store whenever a door opened. It was extremely annoying. I had not told my girlfriend about the voice in the night or the beeping, and when she left for work this morning, she commented "Maybe that lady had a reason for the crazy alarm system." I didn't pry.
I'm also wondering how it is possible for sounds to come through my stereo even when it's off. Several times I've heard a kind of stacatto crackling hum, kind of like someone typing Morse code really fast.
One of the reasons I moved here was to get away from weird events that have been very disruptive and upsetting throughout my life. I'm starting to think that whatever was causing those experiences has either followed me here, perhaps it is me, or else this place came custom fit with it's own 'whatever-the-hell-it-is.' The first 3 or 4 years here were pretty much uneventful as pertains to these things. I really hope there are no updates to this.
Ham radio signals can actually be picked up by your speaker wires even if your amp isn't on. In college we used to hear very faint broadcast of an old fellow across the street from us talking to his ham radio buddies.
Ham radio signals can actually be picked up by your speaker wires even if your amp isn't on. In college we used to hear very faint broadcast of an old fellow across the street from us talking to his ham radio buddies.
I have a neighbor whose entire living room is stacked full of various electronics gizmos. He very well may have a ham radio. Seems like the type. My electric guitar picked up an electric drill from a shop across the street where I used to live.
One time, we too heard a cell phone beeping and it was neither of ours.

Looked and looked and found an old cell phone in a box that was beeping!

Weird, huh?
Strange. I still find the black helicopter aspect to your story (from the other thread) the most fascinating. The fact that it just sits over your house for hours and you photographed it is so bizarre.
There is definitely something going on, and I think it's pissed off I'm blabbing about it. Do I care? No. I may have bruises to prove it tomorrow. I just got socked in the chest about a minute ago.
There is definitely something going on, and I think it's pissed off I'm blabbing about it. Do I care? No. I may have bruises to prove it tomorrow. I just got socked in the chest about a minute ago.

Some invisible ( assuming it is invisbile) energy just socked you in the chest? WTF? Are there anymore details about this?
My latest experience with disembodied voices was with "something" I have since come to call the "refrigerator lady."
One evening, roughly two years ago, I was alone in our house and had decided to take a break from reading and prepare myself a glass of ice water. As soon as passed into the kitchen, I heard a female voice call out my name quite clearly: "Jerry!"
The voice then went on to speak in a a foreign language I am totally unfamiliar with for about ten seconds. Her words were distinctly articulated, but totally incomprehensible. The point of origin seemed to be about ten inches above me and at a halfway point between the refrigerator and the room's ceiling light fixture.
The sounds were external; that is to say they weren't coming from inside my head, but just as if a living person were speaking in a conventional manner standing a few inches to the right and above me.
I'm sure this was no hallucination or misinterpretation of a natural event. If that was the case, what was the point? Why try to communicate with someone in a language they can't possibly understand? How did "it" know my first name?
I'm puzzled that so many people have meaningful brushes with the paranormal that inspires them in some significant way, while all I get is silly crap like this.:frown:
Some invisible ( assuming it is invisbile) energy just socked you in the chest? WTF? Are there anymore details about this?

It was invisible to my eyes. It tumped me over backwards in my chair. It felt like a punch in the chest. Not a little pussy thump. No, I'm not drunk or stoned.
I had a force push me down the stairs once when I was a teenager. I fell on my butt and it really hurt. It is a very weird and eerie feeling.
I don't really notice when it's going on...whatever "it" means, but I can tell this morning that the air is "cleaner." When these things happen it really does seem like everything is under a glass dome or something. It feels like that dome has been lifted for the time being. I don't have any external bruising, but inside my chest...not inside my lungs...like the outside of my heart and lungs feels slightly raw. I did actually get a full night of uninterrupted sleep. A rare occurence. I actually feel pretty good.
These two sightings were near where I live and in the same time frame that weird stuff was going on.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/m7ET6T51R6c&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/m7ET6T51R6c&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/jGhwK4Htb74&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/jGhwK4Htb74&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

This was in nearby San Antonio.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/As2zXTBgq4w&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/As2zXTBgq4w&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

We're both not too far from Stephenville, TX. Looks like we got ourselves a party.
Did you take the last video? The dog didn't sound like he/she wanted to be there. The helicopter sounded close too.
Did you take the last video? The dog didn't sound like he/she wanted to be there. The helicopter sounded close too.

No, that's someone south of here a bit. I did notice the dog, and when I play the video my dogs start whimpering. I've seen those sparkly, gem-like lights before. Those are the type of ufo's I've suspected could be projected by satellites. Their movements sometimes look like a laser-pointer being moved around on a wall. It's hard for me to imagine it being a craft with something inside of it. Did you check out the one with the two girls at the parking garage? I'm curious what the voice that sounds like a Native American is saying. All of these videos are recent. There seems to be a bit of flap going down.
I looked at all of the videos the two girls are most likely saying holy shit. After I got a small lasar for my cat to play with I thought the same thing about certain UFOs.
The last couple of months I have had this faint buzzing sound around the apartment. I can not locate it and it seems to be present at all different times of the day and night. I can deal with it during the day but at night it reminds me too much of the sound I hear before an experience. I usually end up putting on soft music just to get to sleep.The sound isn't inside my head and the sound didn't happen when I visited my family during the holidays.

I am not sure if it is anything paranormal or conspiracy related ( I already KNOW they are out to get me haha) but this sound does bother me. My boyfriend can not hear it but he has some hearing loss.

I hear the sound as I am writing this.
The last couple of months I have had this faint buzzing sound around the apartment. I can not locate it and it seems to be present at all different times of the day and night. I can deal with it during the day but at night it reminds me too much of the sound I hear before an experience. I usually end up putting on soft music just to get to sleep.The sound isn't inside my head and the sound didn't happen when I visited my family during the holidays.

I am not sure if it is anything paranormal or conspiracy related ( I already KNOW they are out to get me haha) but this sound does bother me. My boyfriend can not hear it but he has some hearing loss.

I hear the sound as I am writing this.

Can you record it on voice recorder, Blackberry, etc...? If you can, walk around with it recording and see where it is loudest.

Also post your recording.

Can you get someone else to hear it other than your boyfriend?

If you can hear it, but not record it even with a sensitive condenser mic, and a third party can't hear it, chances are it may me something in your inner ear.