the observer
Paranormal Novice
I am a new member here and as an introduction I would like to share with you all a very special close encounter I experienced as a child and which later formed my great affection to the ufo subject.
To reconstruct this extraordinary event, we must go back 37 years,to the beginning of the 70`s,more accurately 1971-72.
The sighting took place in Norway,location:Moss,a town approximately 31 miles from the capital Oslo.
I was about 4 years old then and we lived in an apartment block,it was 4-5 pm and my mother was busy doing some ironing while I was playing with some toys on the floor beside her.
Suddenly my mother became very upset when looking out through the kitchen window,above a small forest(1)nearby was a flying saucer hovering!
The ship couldn`t be more than a few meters above the treetops,holding a wobbling motion.
My mother ran out on the balcony (we owned one of the top floors),from a distance of several hundred meters,the ship came closer toward us,almost as the occupants had observed us and wanted to take a closer look.
My father was in the shower and had no notion what a fantastic sight he was missing!,so my mother ran inside trying to get his attention,but he thought she was joking and ignored the whole situation.
My mother was now holding me in her arms,as we watched the ship come very close.She finally got my fathers attention and he joined us on the balcony,as the flying saucer kept coming ever closer...
Was this reality or was I dreaming?,my god!,the ship was now right in front of our eyes,approximately 10 meters between us and the ship,emiting no sound.
It was an enormous silver disc with a transparent dome on top,it must have been at least 20 meters across in size,around it`s brim there was rotating oblong lights in different colours,green,blue and red I recall.
I remember I was very focused by these lights,amazing colour patterns indeed.
They were perfectly synchronized and spinning clockwise.
Not only was the craft technologically highly advanced,but it was also beautifully constructed and I was never afraid.
The whole ship was now surrounded by a yellow sort of aura,I can`t remember when this aura occured,but I think it was when the ship came right in front of us,and this is the fun part - some people was walking down the road below and they didn`t notice!
Could this be some sort of shielding making it invisible to others?
My father was a press photographer in the local newspaper so he had access to armory of cameras inside,but when one are in the middle of such an extraordinary sight there is no time to lose,you never know what will happen next...
I should also add that my father said he saw the silhouettes of four or five figures inside the transparant dome at the top of the craft.They were all the same height,with human looking features.
Some of them stood still behind something which looked like control panel,while others were just walking back and forth.
As far as he can recall,he only saw them from the waist up.
How long the flying saucer was hovering in front of us I don`t remember,it couldn`t have been more than 30 seconds.
The ship then flew over the roof,we hurried outside back on the other balcony and saw the ship slowly dissapearing...
I don`t know how deeply impression this event has affected our lives,but it sure has opened up our perspective.
Having had this experience,I don't really need to question the 'reality' of the UFO phenomenon and I can focus on searching for an answer to what it may represent...
To reconstruct this extraordinary event, we must go back 37 years,to the beginning of the 70`s,more accurately 1971-72.
The sighting took place in Norway,location:Moss,a town approximately 31 miles from the capital Oslo.
I was about 4 years old then and we lived in an apartment block,it was 4-5 pm and my mother was busy doing some ironing while I was playing with some toys on the floor beside her.
Suddenly my mother became very upset when looking out through the kitchen window,above a small forest(1)nearby was a flying saucer hovering!
The ship couldn`t be more than a few meters above the treetops,holding a wobbling motion.
My mother ran out on the balcony (we owned one of the top floors),from a distance of several hundred meters,the ship came closer toward us,almost as the occupants had observed us and wanted to take a closer look.
My father was in the shower and had no notion what a fantastic sight he was missing!,so my mother ran inside trying to get his attention,but he thought she was joking and ignored the whole situation.
My mother was now holding me in her arms,as we watched the ship come very close.She finally got my fathers attention and he joined us on the balcony,as the flying saucer kept coming ever closer...
Was this reality or was I dreaming?,my god!,the ship was now right in front of our eyes,approximately 10 meters between us and the ship,emiting no sound.
It was an enormous silver disc with a transparent dome on top,it must have been at least 20 meters across in size,around it`s brim there was rotating oblong lights in different colours,green,blue and red I recall.
I remember I was very focused by these lights,amazing colour patterns indeed.
They were perfectly synchronized and spinning clockwise.
Not only was the craft technologically highly advanced,but it was also beautifully constructed and I was never afraid.
The whole ship was now surrounded by a yellow sort of aura,I can`t remember when this aura occured,but I think it was when the ship came right in front of us,and this is the fun part - some people was walking down the road below and they didn`t notice!
Could this be some sort of shielding making it invisible to others?
My father was a press photographer in the local newspaper so he had access to armory of cameras inside,but when one are in the middle of such an extraordinary sight there is no time to lose,you never know what will happen next...
I should also add that my father said he saw the silhouettes of four or five figures inside the transparant dome at the top of the craft.They were all the same height,with human looking features.
Some of them stood still behind something which looked like control panel,while others were just walking back and forth.
As far as he can recall,he only saw them from the waist up.
How long the flying saucer was hovering in front of us I don`t remember,it couldn`t have been more than 30 seconds.
The ship then flew over the roof,we hurried outside back on the other balcony and saw the ship slowly dissapearing...
I don`t know how deeply impression this event has affected our lives,but it sure has opened up our perspective.
Having had this experience,I don't really need to question the 'reality' of the UFO phenomenon and I can focus on searching for an answer to what it may represent...