An excellent post. Thank you Star Geezer. Fascinating experience.
1) Don't feel bad about 7-8-87. I've got you beat. My wife and I married on 6-9-96. I KID YOU NOT!
2) I'm hoping the black triangle was not interested in your having a pee, lol

Don't mean to make light, but I had to
3) I'd be extremely interested in seeing your sketch(s), and/or hearing more about your other 2 experiences. Do you have the ability to copy those sketches into digital form, and then post them here on TheParacast? If you need help with that, send me a private post, and we can talk shop. Even without us, I think it would be a good idea to digitize that data, so as to preserve it as we head on into the future.
4) All the tell-tale signs are there: black to opaque in color, silent, large, the description of lights in this posters words "flashing lights described their shape", and even the observation of different shapes. Some people describe it as morphing, and the Illinois sighting brought forth the idea that its object, anyway, might appear a different shape dependent upon what angle you were looking at, similar to "so a triangle can look circular, vice versa"...
Just more of the same for me. Either people like this poster are lying, or they are not. Does he sound like he's lying? I don't think so. His observations were very distinct, very specific, and apparently impactful enough for him to remember the date, make sketches, and document his experience. This is more of the same for me. It's hard for me to refute that black triangles, et al., are real. For me, these are consistent descriptions that I've read and heard over and over and over again.
It's also interesting to consider this posters analysis. His description that perhaps, what he experienced was unmanned, collecting data, fixing something. I like that. It reminds me of David's description of how one might react to seeing a large UFO in the sky...Seeing something that doesn't fit, that doesn't match with anything in your mind that you've ever seen before. The unmanned explanation makes perfect sense to me. We don't know that it was unmanned. But, from that description, we can certainly understand that this gentleman had never seen anything like it before. Perhaps his analysis of "unmanned" could also be trying to describe something that is not of man? Poster, I'm not trying to put words in your mouth. I'm just further reflecting on how you've described your experience. I think it's an honest account, and I appreciate the share.
Please feel free to email me direct.
Sincerely, Tom
Star_Geezer said:
Hi Tom, and everyone else, on 7/8/87 (it would be a palindrome!) I was at a party in a quarry in south Wales (UK) in a place called Trefil. I needed a pee so I walked away to a quiet spot. Whilst peeing, I looked up and saw a black triangle next to a black circle in the sky..very near..roughly 50 - 100 yds away and 50-100yds up...and totally silent. Their flashing lights described their shape (I have sketches made the following day) and to all intents and purposes the blackness of their hulls was as the blackness of the night sky..difficult to actually make out an the impression that this was their disguise. As I gawped, the things that went through my mind were...'they dont seem 'manned' - more like very hi-tech devices or keys of some kind. I say 'keys' because of the way they moved - like probing the area they were occupying and unlocking...working..collecting data or fixing something. I also thaught they were of earth origin..don't know why..collecting energy from the party people and/or from the earth itself (quarry=damage to earth surface=releasing energy?).
Anyway, that month I had another 2 experiences and nothing ever since.
A friend (who knew of my experience) then showed me a book by a Captain Bruce Cathie - I think it was called 'Harmonic 33' (or maybe 288) which - to my amazement - showed a sketch so similar to mine that I was speechless.
There was one critical difference though.. His two sketches were a depiction of the one craft - plan and elevation!
So, a triangle (well cone) ufo can look circular and vice versa..the circle being the plan view of the triangle. Obvious really innit!
Anyway, there you go. My story. And thanks Bruce for convincing me I hadn't flipped!