Recent content by sgabby2

  1. sgabby2

    James W. Moseley is seen in Peru in 1954

    =AZWYAX3O9Pkx4irARSxhqsi8_CECgjK0VrjUFTsvNycHlHEGYstTFCkMNby-NS0fi_i9N-khXeZWgCLRDTNkURo2lfOXXOTV6gPmShPky7qOEA_x5FgCsuAKQq-fw2fGZOF18kZnsVWXW-n3g-m_zvAQlNHzUqqXH61JlDtxDP6nBw5K0LIkd6JRC0gZSKbIenJznyDJq5W6B8vS7j3nvkvi6clKbeQ4jO3u79W6X8mDIQ&__tn__=EH-y-R"]Log into Facebook
  2. sgabby2

    Towards a Psychology of UFO Abduction Beliefs

    Great article about theories about UFO Abduction
  3. sgabby2

    On the Show — Preston Dennett Returns

    Preston deserves many more zingers - he is a magnet for them! The fact that he is a MUFON “investigator” is even more ridiculous and appalling, and does any credible MUFON investigators a disservice. Please have more credible Ufologists on the show.
  4. sgabby2

    On the Show — Preston Dennett Returns

    I agree - IMO, Preston is a nut case and totally unbelievable! He reminds me of Adamski and that phony from Switzerland. Especially the baloney about channeling and telepathic messages from aliens. The only “evidence” he mentions are the so-called alien implants. and there is no proof...
  5. sgabby2

    I also miss Don Ecker and Bill Birnes. Can you invite them to the Paracast?

    I also miss Don Ecker and Bill Birnes. Can you invite them to the Paracast?
  6. sgabby2

    Alien abduction

    Well, I have to agree, perhaps Hickson and Parker did miss their calling - they should be in Hollywood, at least advisors or consultants to any forthcoming movie - though even Travis Walton said that many scenes in "Fire In The Sky" were fabricated. Regarding the late Dr. Roger Leir, and his...
  7. sgabby2

    Alien abduction

    Also, regarding the so-called "abductees", a diagnosed, undiagnosed, or untreated mental illness such as schizophrenia can produce hallucinations and psychotic episodes.
  8. sgabby2

    Alien abduction

    Absolutely true.
  9. sgabby2

    Alien abduction

    Regarding hypnosis, I highly doubt that any claims or stories "coming out" during hypnotic sessions such as the case with Betty and Barney Hill, would be admittable as evidence in a court of law. Of course, the same applies to polygraph tests. The fact that Travis Walton passed or failed his...
  10. sgabby2

    Alien abduction

    What scientific proof is there that the "injuries" of so-called "abductees" were caused by ET's? And what radar pictures, sworn testimonials, or documents prove a radar sighting of the Hill "craft"? Please post these here. And it seems to me that drugs, alcohol, previous dreams, mental and...
  11. sgabby2

    Alien abduction

    IMHO, alien abductions and contactee stories have been and are pure, unmitigated nonsense.