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  • Status Update: Still Protesting Unfair Censorship on Social Media Platforms — Including This One.
    Hi Randall
    I have been listening to the Paracast for years but just joined the forum.
    I think I can explain your terminator question.
    I'm always a few days behind on listening to my subscribed podcasts so have you already got this one figured out?
    Randall, it seems Gene has his attention elsewhere for good reason. Hopefully the show "must go on"? Is there a forum or conversation going about introducing potential guests to the show?
    I THOUGHT I heard the Canadian 'accent' in your voice. lucky you to be living there.
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    Reactions: Randall
    Thanks for the comment! Can I ask where you're located?
    Why, oh why, did you change your forum name? Ufology and you are almost synonymous!
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    I changed my screen name because I felt that it would work better when referring to my Question Bank questions, and also when something I might post on the forum becomes a point of contention e.g.

    "Someone dared to post a picture of Jacques Vallée with a pie in the face!"
    "Sacrilege! Who did that?"
    "You know. The Usual Suspect"

    lol ... you know all the trouble I get in around here ;-)
    You seem like an expert on the subject of ufo's and you have some very interesting views. Ever think about starting your own podcast? I would definitely listen!
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    Reactions: Randall
    Thank you for the kind comment. I was thinking about creating a podcast and forum before before Gene and Chris joined USI, but they're doing a great job, and supporting our members is more important than me being in the spotlight all the time. I did appear on the Paracast along with a couple of other forum members though. It was very enjoyable and I would be happy to go on the show again any time I was asked.
    I was happy to see you were on the paracast, I really enjoyed the listener round-table. thanks for your thoughts and for being on the show.
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