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  1. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    Well, there is a hierarchy of theories I posted around here somewhere. I don't think there is enough evidence to marry any one of them.
  2. trainedobserver

    malaysian 239 downed

    If you thought the "ET, black hole, and hi-jack" theories were fun, wait for the "crash deniers" to get cranked up, complete with "crisis actor" accusations and complex maps showing how the plane landed in the jungle, was disassembled, and put on a freighter by the CIA. Just say'n.
  3. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    I see where you're coming from, but those folks wouldn't be included in the class of international crime family I'm speculating about. They are just more lower life forms existing in the artificially created economic environment manipulated by ancient bloodlines and loot. Dang. (scratch...
  4. trainedobserver

    Dr. Leir's Alien Implants - My Thoughts

    All good points Mike, but does it directly correlate to Derril Sims "box of floor sweepings" (as one researcher put it) or the objects removed from Dr. Lier's patients though? Does it point to non-human intelligences implanting these technologies in human beings? I think we'd gain more insight...
  5. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    Markuk, I realize I asked about the Andreasson video in wrong thread. I posted that in one of the Dr. Leir threads. However, in relationship to the ET notion and the origins of much of the UFO/Alien mythos, you can see how much of what is taken as "knowledge" concerning the "ET Presence" has...
  6. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    This is all speculation mind you. There could be people, perhaps more correctly families and organizations, who have over time accumulated power and influence that essentially puts them outside of the normal economic/political system, allowing them to manipulate that system. The main motivation...
  7. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    Great points all around. The last bit there is very true and somewhat frightening. It seems undeniable that the breakaway process has been occurring at ever increasing rate producing ever increasing gaps in both understanding and focus. The majority of the populace readily accepts the...
  8. trainedobserver

    UFO Conspiracy Theorist Stan Romanek Says Child Porn Charges Are Gov. Conspiracy

    I think the big tell in that story is that he ran when he saw the police. A bad instinct that wasn't bred in the spur of the moment I'm sure.
  9. trainedobserver

    Project Aquarius

    I think the prevailing theories on these two are that Burisch is an old school con-artist and that Lazar was a copy machine repair-man that got access to the base in that capacity. I think Ron Collins has an old post somewhere outlining reasoning behind that version the Lazar story. I became...
  10. trainedobserver

    Dr. Leir's Alien Implants - My Thoughts

    By implanting things into folks (not be construed as communication mind you!) and hoping we'll figure it out. Brilliant plan. I wonder how many times the random obscure "implant" scheme has jump started the advanced evolution of other planets? (ah-hem)
  11. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    Truman Bethurum was picked up on his way to Vegas!
  12. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    What is the difference from the super-rich today? Did you watch that Andreasson video? The hypnotist commands her to "imagine" an alien encounter when he hypnotizes her on the air! No one objects! She visits a planet with a red atmosphere. The B-52s Planet Claire no doubt. Stunning display of...
  13. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    Also, a sufficiently funded organization could find and buy up these things and bring them into their private labs incorporating their products into their private air force, intelligence operations, or what have you.
  14. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    The whole "breakaway civilization" theory actually states that the worker bees live and get their goods in the larger civilization. The elite who see the full picture operate outside of normal civilization. I think that's how it goes.
  15. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    The flying monkeys would be kept in cages I image. Damn things spit like camels. Where would "they" keep the cages? Under the sea, under the ground, behind a holographic curtain in another dimension?
  16. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    I know, and I've often made the same argument myself. However, from my limited exposure to the high tech industry, I know there are unseen "streams" of research, projects, and products that are decades in advance anything in the general awareness. These things sometimes seem to disappear down...
  17. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    That is true. However, if such a group or groups exist, they could be operating outside of or above the world economic system. They may also keep flying monkeys as pets, I don't know.
  18. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    Here is Andreasson describing her experiences. This is much more than an "ET" type of story.
  19. trainedobserver

    malaysian 239 downed

    A scene from Thunderball where a Vulcan bomber is landed in the ocean. Unrealistic I'm sure.
  20. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    "Operational in the field" is a major and very potent argument against government sponsored and sanctioned man-made UFOs. I think NGOs with extra-national goals and concerns could explain why highly advanced platforms would be withheld from military and commercial use, but I can't prove it. We...