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  1. trainedobserver

    2nd Rational Physics Conference in Salzburg, Austria (April 5 - 6, 2014)

    Rational Physics with Bill Gaede. The irrationality of Quantum Mechanics and math-magicians explained.
  2. trainedobserver

    April 13, 2014 Listener Roundtable

    Please do! This crowd would love to see more of your work I am sure. Great stuff.
  3. trainedobserver

    Journalist Michael C. Ruppert Commits Suicide

    Great interview Don! I thought the idea that Casey may have "fallen on his sword", taking some sort of CIA cancer assassination drug to be very interesting. The Christians In Action smuggling drugs seems unbelievable until you hear it enough times coming from ex-law enforcement and so on. Is...
  4. trainedobserver

    Journalist Michael C. Ruppert Commits Suicide

    Listening to his previous shows, it seems like he was working on a new project, having been flown to Seattle the week before, for which he was expecting a big paycheck. Maybe the experience, as he describes in the final broadcast, was too much for him to take. It sounds like he was on a...
  5. trainedobserver

    Questions for Film Director Matty Beckerman?

    Can you talk a little bit about how the screenplay was developed?
  6. trainedobserver

    April 13, 2014 Listener Roundtable

    Wow, that is excellent. So, you saw a single object leave to be replaced by the triangle formation? You might want to put "this is a simulation" in the description. Otherwise, folks are going to want to take it as the real thing. Not that anything will prevent that for some I guess.
  7. trainedobserver

    Journalist Michael C. Ruppert Commits Suicide

    I'm pretty sure this was his choice. He says, "I came up here to die or commit suicide." in Apocalypse, Man. It doesn't get any more overt than that. To me, it seems like he was looking for a reason to live, having lost all hope for humanity at large. My impression of his last broadcast was...
  8. trainedobserver

    Journalist Michael C. Ruppert Commits Suicide

    One thing that struck me was an impression of isolation and loneliness. That could be false, but that was my impression. His observations are valid, only time will tell about his conclusions.
  9. trainedobserver

    Journalist Michael C. Ruppert Commits Suicide

    Watching Apocalypse, Man, particularly the last 20 minutes, is a chilling experience. It doesn't get more human or more real than this. Wow, just wow. I cannot disagree with anything Ruppert says in either film. He must have thought the monsters (see The Mist) were upon him and just couldn't...
  10. trainedobserver

    2014, Smartphones everywhere, where are the UFOs?

    I saw some smartphone footage of a "UFO" with multiple witness voices in the background this weekend. It looked odd, but ultimately unidentifiable as anything but a strange light in a nighttime video recorded by a smartphone. I had the guy who had taken it across from me telling me it was as big...
  11. trainedobserver

    Journalist Michael C. Ruppert Commits Suicide

    Sometimes that dark night, wherein even god will not offer a consolation, is so deep it overcomes even the bravest hearts. When all of your reserves are emptied, when all of your options have disappeared, all you can do is just be in it and remember, "This too is temporary." It is easy to loose...
  12. trainedobserver

    Journalist Michael C. Ruppert Commits Suicide

    Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert Explains World’s End
  13. trainedobserver

    2014, Smartphones everywhere, where are the UFOs?

    Also, I think the majority of experiencers remain behind the scenes. Researchers working with these folks don't necessarily publish their findings for public review.
  14. trainedobserver

    2014, Smartphones everywhere, where are the UFOs?

    I am becoming more and more convinced that the real stuff, the real research, the real evidence, isn't happening in the public eye or being posted to youTube on UFO channels.
  15. trainedobserver

    Journalist Michael C. Ruppert Commits Suicide

    Journalist Michael C. Ruppert Commits Suicide Former LAPD narcotics investigator Michael C. Ruppert -- best known as an investigative journalist and peak oil awareness advocate -- is dead. While details are sketchy, various sources and his Facebook page say that he committed suicide. He was 63...
  16. trainedobserver

    Chad Drone Explained?

    I give up, I can't find it. That's a lot to click through. Something to think about, you may want to include show topics in the archive list along with the guest's names in the future. It would make finding specific shows a bit easier I think. As I recall, it was a two guest show with the guys...
  17. trainedobserver

    April 13, 2014 Listener Roundtable

    Interesting show and a great change of pace. Question: Doesn't the "I saw a talking rabbit" story invalidate the previous assertion that human beings are excellent eye-witnesses and can be believed when they relate stories of what they think they saw, be that alien produced UFOs or articulate...
  18. trainedobserver

    Listener Round Table TODAY! Anyone Interested??

    On the absence of alien abduction cases: Just go to a UFO conference and hang out with various groups, you will find some. Stand by someone's table like Travis Walton's for example, you will see people sharing their "abductions" and other experiences. Some of these are quite emotionally told. I...
  19. trainedobserver

    James Fox and Tracy Torme will be here, Questions?

    Question: During the filming of 701 you interviewed Ray Stanford about the Socorro Incident. Did you have the opportunity to see Ray's photographic and video evidence while you were there, and what were your impressions of it?
  20. trainedobserver

    Chad Drone Explained?

    Do you remember what show that was on Gene? I'd love to listen to that again. In another presentation about UFOs in Turkey, a fellow presented the "Cruise Ship UFO" photos as the climax of his presentation. I mean, I could see it was the bridge of a cruise ship quite clearly from where I was...