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  1. trainedobserver

    MILAB military abduction - I was a T.I.

    If I understand you correctly you went there to pitch a treatment and felt you were mistreated. If you ask me, the whole super solider mind control conference is pretty dubious. Who was there that is actually credible? Why would any agency commit felonies at that hotel to put the whammy (or...
  2. trainedobserver

    The Brain Does NOT Create Consciousness

    Can you give me an executive summary version? The main points perhaps?
  3. trainedobserver

    All Aboard The Insanity Train : David Ruben interviews John Lear

    Wow! This is a good example of why this sort of thing can be so ...unseemly. Either Ruben is psychologically susceptible to believing unsubstantiated bullshit or he is yanking Lear's chain bigtime.
  4. trainedobserver

    All Aboard The Insanity Train : David Ruben interviews John Lear

    Two moon deniers a good show does not make.
  5. trainedobserver

    MILAB military abduction - I was a T.I.

    Is there any evidence that a mass military abduction took place at the conference in Nevada?
  6. trainedobserver

    * Amazing News* Egyptian City Found Underwater

    Having some rudimentary understanding of how scripts are developed and bought, the grand "mind control through television" (particularly shows like Gilligan's Island) theory seems a bit of a reach.
  7. trainedobserver

    * Amazing News* Egyptian City Found Underwater

    Gee-whiz fellas. What are the chances that what you are seeing are writers using tried and true storytelling methods in an attempt to create an entertaining and marketable story?
  8. trainedobserver

    Hoaglands lies, sciolism and grandstanding

    Hoagland has long been the clown prince of space, it seems Bara is the heir apparent. The Emoluments of Mars is the the go-to site for Hoagland/Bara finger pointing and laughing.
  9. trainedobserver

    Finally Decent Images Of Structures On The Moon

    Starts the chess clock - 1. Follow link. 2. Search for original photograph in the Apollo Atlas. 3. Find other photos showing the boom. Stop the clock - Time to debunk: 15 seconds. (sorry I couldn't resist) The "tower" is actually a boom extending out from the spacecraft. Your "two tower" photo...
  10. trainedobserver

    The Brain Does NOT Create Consciousness

    You have made a extremely good point and a key observation. The extremely thorough and ruthless evolutionary process eliminates everything that is inefficient or unneeded. While it could be argued that many people are walking around with empty skulls, most humans still possess the organ. I...
  11. trainedobserver

    The Brain Does NOT Create Consciousness

    "Eben Alexander III is an American neurosurgeon and the author of the best-selling Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife." The whole NDE business is truly bizarre, but it is not proof of heaven or the afterlife.
  12. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    Question: Would not artificial beings break themselves from the ties between plant and animal life and therefore the earth itself becoming motherless children in the cauldron of space? Besides, I doubt they could experience anything like genuine inebriation. Another black mark against...
  13. trainedobserver

    Finally Decent Images Of Structures On The Moon

    The hunt for photos to collaborate these claims is the key. For any "structure on the moon" to have any validity, it must be seen in more than one photograph.
  14. trainedobserver

    Finally Decent Images Of Structures On The Moon

    Yes, the wonderfully blurry and indistinct Zond photograph. I think someone claimed to have found the tower in a LROC photograph not that long ago. It might be in the forum somewhere.
  15. trainedobserver

    Finally Decent Images Of Structures On The Moon

    This is typical. We have a title of "Finally Decent Images Of Structures On The Moon" that claims to contain high resolution images taken by China that are soon to be released. The photos themselves are poor low resolution images presented in a video that has Karl Wolf's (not Ken Johnson as I...
  16. trainedobserver

    Finally Decent Images Of Structures On The Moon

    You have to be more specific. Can you post the photos or links to them? Most if not all lunar structures are claimed to reside in low resolution images taken by something other than the latest lunar orbiters.
  17. trainedobserver

    Finally Decent Images Of Structures On The Moon

    Well, these photos are obviously not high resolution photographs. Have you seen real high resolution photographs of the moon? They are readily available on the LROC site. From my experience looking at these things, I would say this is most likely a doctored Apollo photograph.
  18. trainedobserver

    Finally Decent Images Of Structures On The Moon

    Thing is, these are not "good" photographs by any stretch of the imagination. They are low resolution photoshop creations. Think about it, you can go to the LROC site and see astronauts foot trails at the Apollo landing sites!
  19. trainedobserver

    Finally Decent Images Of Structures On The Moon

    I take moon structures on an individual basis. I've yet to see one that passes muster. Do you have a favorite? The photos shown so far in this thread, including the ones in the video are not high resolution images taken recently. That much is obvious to anyone who has actually seen high...