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  1. Red

    Engineers pull plug on AI

    Huh? Do you think the whole premise is BS?
  2. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    There's a new article in The Atlantic regarding the mummies. The Racism behind Alien Mummy Hoaxes
  3. Red

    Engineers pull plug on AI

    From what I've read, English is a very hard language for AI's to read. So talking about how AIs may take over the world to be read by AIs is not likely to happen at least for now. AIs are still struggling with things like punctuation, colloquialisms, and capital letters.
  4. Red

    What do you guys think about the flat earth theory?

    Because NASA actually did an animation about this: The Moon's Role in a Solar Eclipse
  5. Red

    Official funny stuff — Part 2

    @mike, have you seen this one?
  6. Red

    Blade Runner 2049

    I think it also depends what version you saw. I've never seen the director's cut, plus it's been at least a decade since I've seen the film.
  7. Red

    delta H*

    Okay, I'll play. I submit the Berenstain Bears: The Berenst(E)ain Bears Conspiracy Theory That Has Convinced the Internet There Are Parallel Universes
  8. Red

    Blade Runner 2049

    I think they intentionally left that ambiguous in the film. There were some hints that he might be, but it was never clear cut. Ridley Scott does say Deckard was a replicant. I think one can make the argument that if replicants can be engineered with a four-year life span, there is the...
  9. Red

    Official funny stuff — Part 2

    That's a great idea. I remember when they did the story line with the five Doctors years ago. It is one of my favorites.
  10. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    I don't feel comfortable automatically assuming the presence of 3 fingered subject in ancient art automatically points to the idea of an alien presence or of a separate species. There may simply be some mythological significance to them. Also, as a former fine arts major, hands are one of the...
  11. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    And then there are the hands. Three-fingered hands with no opposable thumbs has no evolutionary advantage. Try not using your thumbs for a couple of hours. You would be able to do most tasks, but your hands would be fatigued after awhile.
  12. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    So it doesn't matter to you if Mausson has been caught promoting clear cut frauds before? Or even in the case of Jamin, engaged in illegally obtaining Peruvian mummies for god knows what purpose? Nope. I don't believe there is any far reaching conspiracy. I think you can find reputable...
  13. Red

    Official funny stuff — Part 2

    I've been watching Doctor Who off and on since the Baker years. I don't see a problem with the Doctor being a woman given that regeneration gives the Doctor a new body and new personality every single time, anyway. It's a clever device and one that has been used to pretty good effect. As...
  14. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    Thierry Jamin appears problematic as well, and not surprising that Maussan and Jamin may have managed to find each other. I found this article in french that raises some serious questions about his academic history and subsequent claims he's made about his career. The google translation isn't...
  15. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    Even if this were a credible find , Mausson's past involvement in other shady ventures does not help and only serves to cast serious doubt on the legitimacy of the entire affair. The Peruvians have every right to protect their cultural heritage as they see fit. To somehow try and skate around...
  16. Red

    New Teleportation Scientific Milestone

    I've had to break the news gently to a few of my facebook friends that this is not really teleportation via Star Trek. Most of the articles I've seen about this talk about the possibilities of encryption using this kind of communication, but a few years back, someone was talking about this as...
  17. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    I lost it over the hazmat style suit. And apparently he thinks the hat and sunglasses have a grand conspiracy air to them. Wow.
  18. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    In the second link Han posted there was a clear x-ray of the hand. It looks pretty fake to me.
  19. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    Yeah, this whole thing has a Fiji Mermaid whiff about it. If artifacts were damaged, and it seems likely from what I've read, I hope Mausson and his collaborators end up in jail. The unfortunate part of this, is I doubt Mausson will ever feel he did anything wrong.