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  1. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    God, I hope so. Found a couple more articles in Spanish which have been translated through google in case any one is interested. A hand, skull and different mummy were being shopped around last year: Google Translate More on the mummy being promoted by Mausson: Google Translate
  2. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    Mausson might be in trouble. Apparently there's some concern that that these alien hunters might come and compromise/damage artifacts in the future. Also of note is a guy named Ronceros who had been shopping around a videos of fake mummies some time earlier. Translated article: Google...
  3. Red

    Mars Rover spots new object

    Oh, I absolutely agree, especially when better quality pics could potentially end a lot of the speculation regarding anomalous objects on Mars for once for all.
  4. Red

    Mars Rover spots new object

    To be fair the technology wasn't that far along for the Opportunity. And with the Curiosity rover, the specs were defined in 2004 when a 2MP camera didn't sound like such a bad idea, I don't know that anyone knew that how quickly the technology would advance. The technology has advanced even...
  5. Red

    Talk about the book: Reframing the Debate

    Anyone else out there want to talk about this particular book? So far I've gotten through the forward and the essays regarding Capitalism and the Roswell Slides. I do disagree with Banias about capitalism and UFOs. I suspect that capitalism will allow ufology to exist as long as it proves a...
  6. Red

    Atlantis: truth or myth?

    You've amused me to no end. I'll make sure you will live (and live well) when the Nameless Ones take over the Earth. LOL
  7. Red

    Atlantis: truth or myth?

    Nope. Look, if this enriches your world and makes you a better person for it, I'm not really inclined to argue with you. What I do believe is that the capacity for introspection is fairly recent development in human history (only with in the last 4,000 years or so). Mankind is very, very old...
  8. Red

    Atlantis: truth or myth?

    Funny, I had engaged in a conversation regarding Atlantis before I left the forums in 2010. I think the Egyptians gave Plato the story of the Minoans, who had traded extensively in the area including transactions with Egypt 1300 years prior. Plato probably embellished the original story. Now...
  9. Red

    The New MJ-12 Documents on Roswell and Other UFO Cases

    Nick Pope has since chimed in and says they are fake, too. 'ROSWELL PROOF' Is alleged US DIA leak that proves 'alien UFO crashed' fact or fiction?
  10. Red

    The New MJ-12 Documents on Roswell and Other UFO Cases

    Thanks for posting this latest critique. Yeah, it's starting to become a regular chorus of people who don't think these are authentic. I'm curious as to why someone would even bother to do something like this, especially as error ridden as these seem to be.
  11. Red

    Weird Time Slip incident from last year that I've mentioned before.

    So, I've mentioned before that I experienced a weird time slip incident. It was pretty benign and mundane compared to the experiences related here by others. One morning during the week in early spring last year, I set off to see a really good friend in Ames, Iowa. I had left the house and...
  12. Red

    More Coverage for "UFOs: Reframing the Debate": Ask MJ Banias

    I just bought the book. I thought the last two shows were fantastic and I'm looking forward to this one. I enjoy the folkloric and sociological aspects of Ufology and look forward to exploring the ideas presented by the authors, some of whom are new to me. Alas, Banias is one who is new to...
  13. Red

    are vaccines safe?

    So even though I'm definitely pro-vaccine, I personally know of someone whose child died after being vaccinated. I do feel the CDC has gotten a little callous in determining that a certain amount of deaths are acceptable, and I personally feel they could have done more. And the CDC got tagged...
  14. Red

    Official funny stuff — Part 2

    Mildly risque, but so funny...
  15. Red

    are vaccines safe?

    I don't know about your family, but we have always been a little over-cautious, especially with the tetanus stuff.
  16. Red

    are vaccines safe?

    Good info. I just wanna add that in my family: 1. My father almost died from whooping cough as a young child. 2. My great aunt had polio as a child. She had terrible scars on her legs and lingering after-effects even as an adult. 3. My grandmother died of a tetanus infection, and trust me...
  17. Red

    Rendlesham Forest Authors Arguing

    I'll just add that in the Robbins interview, Robbins is pretty clear that he feels that Warren's deception(?, if that's the right word for it), does not negate Rendlesham in his opinion.
  18. Red

    Rendlesham Forest Authors Arguing

    I listened to the interview in question, Robbins doesn't get into the details. He does say that he will be going through the materials and writing a piece to address his allegations. On a side note, given that he calls Hopkins' work "scientific" in said interview, I'm not sure he'll be calling...
  19. Red

    Bigelow Spills The Beans

    Exactly. A statement of belief can never be taken as a statement of fact, nor should it be.