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  1. Red

    All I want for Xmas are some STH reviews!

    I have a copy, but I haven't read it yet. I'll make it a priority after the holidays.
  2. Red

    December 18, 2016 — Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum

    Medrum's expertise with really made this a great show and his expertise with the scientific aspects made for some interesting observations. I though he had an interesting take on the PG footage and I listened to part of this episode again with my elderly mom in the car today. She likes...
  3. Red

    Can dark matter be the answer?

    An elderly friend of mine was walking his dog here in Iowa a few years ago and heard a tinkling little laugh. He is positive it there wasn't anyone close enough by that it could have originated. He's a little hard of hearing so it had to be close enough for him to hear and his dog definitely...
  4. Red


  5. Red

    Can dark matter be the answer?

    I wonder if dark matter causes an "observer effect," but in reverse. Any attempts to observe or detect it immediately makes it impossible to find.
  6. Red

    Can Evolution Have a ‘Higher Purpose’?

    I hope the opportunity presents itself to test the sample again, if there is enough remaining to test. The technology has advanced enough there could be additional and important insights to be gained.
  7. Red

    UFO Silencers target researcher Isaac Koi

    Uh-huh, sure. :p
  8. Red

    UFO Silencers target researcher Isaac Koi

    Okay, so perhaps I was being a bit over-generous when I said that Lukes and Roe would be able regain their credibility. I had first considered that perhaps one of the reasons Ted was looking to provoke Isaac was because he wanted to put that information behind a paywall. Then @mike appears to...
  9. Red

    UFO Silencers target researcher Isaac Koi

    I'm sorry that you have been attacked and I can assure you that I would never engage in such despicable behavior. I think we can all readily admit that many of us have said unfortunate things at times when certain situations have gotten heated. You had a chance to explain the role you played...
  10. Red

    Cahokia: City of the Mound Builders

    Ars Technica just posted an article on Cahokia here: Finding North America’s lost medieval city
  11. Red

    Strange glow recorded in the Middle Ages attributed to a superflare event of the sun

    "One dark winter night in 992 C.E.—as the English King Æthelred the Unready was forced to pay tribute to Viking invaders and Almanzor, Muslim ruler of Andalusia, ravaged his Christian enemies in northern Spain—the northern sky was lit up by an ethereal glow. A chronicler in Saxony (modern-day...
  12. Red

    Disney to start using lighted drones for night sky shows

    "The drones are called the Shooting Star and 300 are will take the sky above a Disney World lake later today to put on an aerial holiday show. Candy canes will dance, soldiers will march, and everyone will be merry. This is the latest project in Intel’s quest to take drones from individuals to...
  13. Red

    UFO Silencers target researcher Isaac Koi

    I agree and have uploaded a pdf of the conversation as it was on 12/8/2016. I leave it to everyone to make up their own minds. edited to note: I did a quick and dirty copy/paste of the conversation, but did not alter or hide names in any way. This was not done to out anyone or start a flame...
  14. Red

    Ancient city is unearthed by archaeologists in Egypt

    The genetics of Genghis Khan. Spoiler, he's not caucasian. Debunking A White Myth–Genghis Khan Had Red Hair
  15. Red

    Art Bell Lawsuit..or his new excuse...

    I had to research this very thing for a friend a couple of days ago because of a recent event they were involved in. Art has to prove that actual malice (knowing the comment was false or acting with disregard concerning his comments, true or false), because he is a public figure. However, if...
  16. Red


    In part, most media outlets are no longer independent and are owned by large corporations. Propoganda can be pretty insidious, if done correctly most people don't realized their news has been dumbed down for them or skewed so far from reality they won't notice. Plus, there are political forces...
  17. Red

    Ancient city is unearthed by archaeologists in Egypt

    Oh absolutely. Tolkien called this the "cauldron of story" that all storytellers dip from. There is nothing new under the sun, only stories recycled endlessly for eternity. :)
  18. Red


    Marx said that religion was the opiate of the masses. I've lately begun to believe that religion has been replaced by the media and the cult of celebrity that we see these days.
  19. Red

    Ancient city is unearthed by archaeologists in Egypt

    First, that sounds eerily similar to the diatribes, er, I mean essays posted by another forum member. Secondly, it is documented very well Lucas was using the monomyth as defined by Joseph Campbell. And he pulled from a number of sources. Lucas used the power of Nazi symbolism in the first 3...