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  1. paraschtick

    Christchurch earthquake

    Glad to hear you are ok, Stonehart. Hope your house and everything are ok. Me and my partner decided to get out of Christchurch in the end so that we weren't a burden on the power, sewerage and everything. So we're now down in Alexandra away from the earthquakes and the horribleness. For those...
  2. paraschtick

    Christchurch earthquake

    Thanks for all your comments and good wishes. Christchurch city centre and the east of the city was hit badly today. Luckily I live in the West and our house suffered no damage whatsoever ... again. We lost a glass and that was it ... so some one seems to be looking out for me. Strange bugger...
  3. paraschtick

    Budd Hopkins Responds to His Critics

    I never said that Emma was a saint. I think however that on the balance of evidence I feel that she has the infinitely stronger case. I can't see how anyone can see otherwise. What I object to is that people have been attacking her for presenting some pretty damning evidence in my eyes, and...
  4. paraschtick

    Budd Hopkins Responds to His Critics

    [Blimey ... nothing changes does it. Getting a strange case of deja-vu again.] Well who to believe??? A woman who shows through audio tapes (which any reasonable, sensible and sane person believes to be genuine) that the good doctor is dodgy beyond belief (see MPD, chastity belt, underwear...
  5. paraschtick

    The Ballads of Emma and James

    Just to throw in my sixpence re: the Emma/James scenario ... gubbins. You go away for three months and ... nothing changes. Strange that. Anyhow, even if this mysterious James character was Emma Woods, I could perfectly understand why she would come back under another pseudonym considering...
  6. paraschtick

    Bill Cooper

    The driver killed kennedy Umm post more then if it will silence the critics. I don't believe a word of myself though at the moment. To me it looks like Jacqui's head gets in the way of the bullet and I can't believe that all those researchers in the 60s and 70s missed this completely. They...
  7. paraschtick

    New UFO mag out ...

    There you go again, Gene, calling Emma "a very troubled woman", and nothing about Jacobs being an abuser ... just "in over his head". My god, Gene when are you going to wake up here. You have Jacobs admitting to putting ideas of MPD into Emma head under hypnosis ... when he was in an extremely...
  8. paraschtick

    New UFO mag out ...

    Well it seems that even Ray Fowler has problems with Jacobs and the whole Emma Woods case. Its nice to know that a true research veteran in the field like Fowler can see through the nonsense spouted by Jacobs' followers, and I quote: "Rather than conforming to the so-called party line...
  9. paraschtick

    BBC and Rendlesham - again

    Well it must be a truly in depth piece of journalism and investigation of the utmost highest kind of stuff and gubbins and things. The BBC Suffolk Breakfast show. Wow ... and I thought Panorama was cutting edge. The BBC Ooop North programme will apparently be doing in depth studies of...
  10. paraschtick

    October 31 - Adam Gorightly

    Wow ... never thought I would hear these kind of comments about Adam Gorightly :D. He's done some very very interesting and entertaining interviews and podcasts in the past. His "Untamed Dimensions" podcast series ... which was in my opinion waaay too short ... come on Adam ... we need more...
  11. paraschtick

    Zecharia Sitchin has died

    Well I've not read his books but just going on his reputation, the site , articles I've read talking about what he espoused and his followers, I'd probably go with the crackpot epithet too ... but what do I know? I've always had problems spelling his name ... I always...
  12. paraschtick

    New UFO mag out ...

    The reason I get a bit het up about this is that I am seeing a guy who may have abused people for years getting away with impunity. The whole alien thing in the end is just a means to an end. And that end being abusing people for the thrill of it. God its late here so my brain cell is closing...
  13. paraschtick

    New UFO mag out ...

    Oh dear. This is exactly the kind of attitude that allows people like Jacobs and bullies to get away with what they do. I truly despair, I really do. The reason why I back Emma up as I do, Ward... well its because Jacobs may have been adding to the "noise" for 30 years preventing any real...
  14. paraschtick

    New UFO mag out ...

    Wow ... again my jaw drops to the floor. Do any of you guys who still are "sitting on the fence" on this one really believe that Emma is somehow editing these audio files?? Really?? She'd be a bloody audio file genius if she even could. Have you actually seriously sat down and listened to...
  15. paraschtick

    New UFO mag out ...

    Hey I'm replying to my very own thread. How cool is that!!! :D Just to add something else to this wee threadlet, if you still believe that Dr Jacobs is on the level you MUST listen to the new episode of Paratopia (yeah its gone all fee-pay-y I know ... blearrgghhh). At the beginning the two...
  16. paraschtick

    Zecharia Sitchin has died

    Ummm ... wasn't Battlefield Earth, Hubbard?? ... the Scientology guy whose name rhymes with cupboard??? But, I digress. There are so many wrong things with his hypothesis I'm sure someone could write a 13 volume set on it. Why not just use big laser sonic blaster cannon heat death ray johnnies...
  17. paraschtick

    Michael Esposito EVPs

    Can I just throw in again something? Ummm ... Faraday cages. I'm still not hearing any talk of Faraday cages being used anywhere here. Or have I just missed something? Can anyone point me in the direction of someone using FCs to cut out any broadcast signals?? Or again am I not thinking clearly...
  18. paraschtick

    Zecharia Sitchin has died

    Thats true democracy for you I guess: the ability to talk complete and utter nonsense and get away with it lol ... we are doomed, I tell you ... doomed :D ps I've not read his books. The covers always put me off ... and the newsprint ... and the hypothesis ... and ok ... because I could never...
  19. paraschtick

    9/11 distilled in 30mins

    Really good interview with Victor Thorn of talking about 9/11 and his book, 9/11 Evil on the American Press website. It really cuts to the bone of who was behind 9/11 and all those details that most people and supposed 9/11 investigators ignore...
  20. paraschtick

    Zecharia Sitchin has died

    Oh definitely, Capn. They'll be killing each other to be top dog now. Tsarion, Maxwell, Icke maybe (actually I think he's quite a nice guy although totally mad) ... anyone going to start any bets??? :cool: