Search results

  1. paraschtick

    Florida professor to build flying saucer

    Reading this I tried scouring the net for more news. I can't seem to find any more than old articles from about 2008 and earlier on it. Though I did find his web page at the University of Florida so maybe contacting him via that might bring some light on the matter. I have always been...
  2. paraschtick

    Charles Hall?

    Yeah I'm rather sceptical about his stories too. I just feel that there are people with better stories out there, and ones that are maybe true that need airing before Charles Hall is brought on the programme. Its just my opinion. Maybe I'm sounding more strongly about it than I really am over...
  3. paraschtick

    Welcome to the twilight zone: Ahmadinejad

    Don't want to worry you but Saudi Arabia has been an American colony for years. The Saudis were put into place by the CIA ... god knows how many years ago. And wasn't it Michael Moore who claimed the Saudis were behind 9/11. As we say in New Zealand ... yeah ... right :cool:. [And another...
  4. paraschtick

    Charles Hall?

    But in the end, a story is just a story. I thought the paracast was interested in working out the truth about the whole paranormal/ufo phenomena. If I want to hear someone talk about a story ... well I don't really need to ... I go and buy their book. I don't need to hear them regurgitate a...
  5. paraschtick

    Welcome to the twilight zone: Ahmadinejad

    I couldn't agree more with you ascended. Iran or the Persians haven't invaded ANYONE in a thousand years. Some politicians in the US (usually funded or controlled by AIPAC or the ADL) call Ahmadinejad the new Hitler. Only one problem with that in that he/country hasn't invaded ANYONE in as I...
  6. paraschtick

    Charles Hall?

    Umm I'm not saying that he shouldn't be on the show. All I'm saying is I don't think that his case is real ... in my opinion. I said that I am no real expert in high level physics but from the physics I learnt at University and from what I've read over the years, his paper doesn't pass my...
  7. paraschtick

    Charles Hall?

    Ummm nope. I'm going to read it later ... and then I'll dismiss it out of hand :D. From what I saw of it it didn't seem right to me since I've done a bit of Quantum Physics, and Relativity, and Gravitation, and Solid State Physics, and Nuclear Physics, and Geophysics ... and Electromagnetism...
  8. paraschtick

    Charles Hall?

    Aren't the Tall Whites (the name of the New Zealand Basketball team by the way ... there is also the Black Sticks (hockey), the Wheel Blacks (blokes in wheelchairs playing something or other) and many many more dear friends :D ... but I digress) the ones that can run at 300 miles an hour or...
  9. paraschtick

    Video Games

    An old PC game created, written and starring for just a wee bit, Clive Barker ... Undying is rather occult-y. There is also "Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth" ... which is rather Lovecraftian apparently but I've not played it. Those are the only ones that kind of come to mind. Not...
  10. paraschtick

    "welcome to the dulce base circus!"

    Damn ... for a second there I read it as "re-animated Shaggy and Scooby". Damn ... that would have made an interesting Camelot interview :D ps if Branton is Bruce Walton ... then any relative to a certain Travis Walton??? Anyone know?? (this is the first time I've heard Branton's real name...
  11. paraschtick

    911 Whistleblowers ...

    Hehe ... you obviously don't know me that well :rolleyes:. Anyway I'm such a small fish in such a very big world that I'm way too insignificant to be of any danger to the powers that be. Other people like Michael Collins Piper are much more in the gunsights than anyone. If you check out what...
  12. paraschtick

    911 Whistleblowers ...

    What truly baffles me Monsieur MVoltage is that still a lot of people believe that a group of Muslims/Arabs with box-cutters ie Stanley knives managed to do all this ... even though a large number of them or all of them couldn't fly big planes like that. I truly am utterly bamboozled by this...
  13. paraschtick

    911 Whistleblowers ...

    Which is the name of the following linked article on Aangirfan's blog. It shows how many people have misgivings about 9/11. And these people are not generally fruitcakes of any sort (well there might be one or two ... but you get that with human beings) ... but it does give you a good idea...
  14. paraschtick

    Video Games

    I'm a terrible RPG fiend. Have about 20 of the blessed things ... only completed 3 or 4 maybe. Love them to bits but am not terribly good at them :D. Anyhow, at the moment, I'm in the middle of a wee RPG called Arx Fatalis. Very tricky and not for a newbie I guess but great fun. I've just...
  15. paraschtick

    Banner Ad of the Day ...

    Thats cool. I'll let you know if it happens again. Anyway, I thought it was just kinda funny. Yeah I know ... awful sense of humour ... but nobody else noticed or cared enough to comment. So ... paraschtick 1 rest of the paracast audience 0 :D ...
  16. paraschtick

    Banner Ad of the Day ...

    Yes if you go to the front page on the forum at the moment you too can be amazed by today's banner ad of the day. No my friend, not Adventures Unlimited ... no ... not Hostgator ... no not even Voipo ... whatever that is. No my friend you maybe thrilled by the wonder that is ... SCIENTOLOGY...
  17. paraschtick

    Nice 9/11ish news story

    If anyone wants to read about those who are behind the current Islamophobia in the US, you could do no better than visit this site: - it shows who is behind it all, and who is funding them. It might just open your eyes to the truth ...
  18. paraschtick

    Nice 9/11ish news story

    Umm you do realise that there is a mosque just round the corner from where the other one is to be?? ... which means that someone is just jumping on this to stir up fear about Muslims around 9/11. And that someone just happens to be the media, them who own it and those people who follow their...
  19. paraschtick

    Nice 9/11ish news story

    A couple of Muslim guys have travelled across the US and have been greeted with open arms wherever they've gone. Shows that there is still some humanity left in the US. And...
  20. paraschtick

    Unusual 9/11 video

    Well you're probably right that a number of 9/11 "theorists" are probably controlled opposition ... see Eric Hufschmid author of Painful Questions, Alex Jones of course, probably Jason Bermas as well ... and thats just the start. And you're right there was of course a conspiracy but ...