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  1. paraschtick

    Alleged photos of aliens

    Nooooo ... I think I may have mentioned it in my reply to the original post ... but yeah it is still a pretty bizarre tale, and the pic still gives me the willies. There is something so strange about it. It always makes me feel a bit uneasy. I'm sure its been mentioned more than a few times...
  2. paraschtick

    Alleged photos of aliens

    Open Minds is associated with Project Camelot, and I think most thinking people would agree that what they "believe in" is mostly disinfo or fantasy. But yeah I agree with you about the podcasts out there. I used to listen to a hell of a lot of "paranormal" podcasts but now hardly listen to...
  3. paraschtick

    Fortean Pop Music

    Hehe ... I'm actually from the UK originally and take almost no interest in Kiwi music so have no idea who you're talking about. Most NZ music to me sounds the same as you describe ... or its reggae/"dub" ... or polynesian hip-hop (yep they still do the stand still and do the noddy head thing)...
  4. paraschtick

    What's up with justcurious ?

    Dear justcurious, I'll not vote in the poll because I believe that however you structure the poll you can never really take in all possible permutations as it were. The poll would be farrr too big. However, it is possible that you have had some strange things going on in your life. My...
  5. paraschtick

    A spoon bender ...

    Came across this fascinating interview with a spoon bender on youtube. Its from an old BBC programme called ... ahem ... "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" ... and I think it holds a message for us all. ps House??? Phhaaahh :D
  6. paraschtick

    Fortean Pop Music

    I actually quite like the first maybe second single Hole put out, and would you believe Nirvana's first single, Sliver as well (and I heard it the first time it was played on John Peel ... so nyaa to you Nirvana fans :D). But after that, oh dear. And hey that version of Calling Occupants ...
  7. paraschtick

    Fortean Pop Music

    The only one I can think of at the mo is "The Blue Room" by The Orb. You got the ones by Kate Bush I was thinking about posting. There was also a record label called "The Blue Room" I think. Also the Orb were really into ufos and had one album called UFOrb. I think "The Blue Room" came from that...
  8. paraschtick

    So you think you're BIG huh?

    Yeah ... just a tiny one ... though I think they probably won't give a toss. God these videos really hit home, don't they? I think I might have to go and get drunk now ... with just a small tear in my eye :D. Thanks guys. It always nice to have some perspective again sometimes ... [It also...
  9. paraschtick

    July 18, 2010 - David Hatcher Childress

    Ummm I wouldn't exactly put it like that, Angel, I would put it to you that there's no evidence to show that they are alien at all ... but there is plenty to show that some of these craft are intelligently controlled in some way or other. Whether they are just intelligently controlled craft or...
  10. paraschtick

    July 18, 2010 - David Hatcher Childress

    Did you? Bugger ... sorry about that. Anyway, there is an ongoing debate in NZ about who owns the seashore. The Maori of course want it for themselves because they were here before the "pakeha" (the white people ... in my mind its a vaguely racist term) ... but of course they weren't the first...
  11. paraschtick

    July 18, 2010 - David Hatcher Childress

    Haa haa this is great fun ... watching people who don't live in New Zealand have an argument about it :D. I live in NZ and have done for 11 years or so now, and although I don't class myself as a Kiwi (I'm far too British for that ... hehe), and some other people on the forums who also live in...
  12. paraschtick

    How can they say that?

    Welcome to the world of GCN Live, my friend :D. They have some doozies don't they?? Mind you they used to be worse than they are now. So for an example of this please find attached to this very message an old mp3 featuring a couple of adverts from a storable food company, efoodsdirect. I've...
  13. paraschtick

    least fav show

    Hoff ... you'll get used to it. I've listened to literally hundreds of American radio programmes over the last seven hundred years, and you'll get used to using that fast forward button alot. I hardly ever listen to anything streaming in real time, and find that mp3s are really a god send when...
  14. paraschtick

    least fav show

    Blimey. Yeah Greg. I do usually really love your stuff. Maybe this time I wasn't in a good mood or something :D. I really love the spontaneity and the freewheeling chat and have really looked forward to pretty much every programme thats been posted on the Radio Misterioso site (except maybe...
  15. paraschtick

    Remote viewing protocols

    Dear Don, Any idea whether the RV protocols Walter Bosley talks about on your recent prog are available on the internets anywhere?? Or is it possible that the one that you used could be postable in some way??? I'm very much on the fence with Remote Viewing ... and don't really believe what...
  16. paraschtick

    Week 26 on DMR

    He dyes his hair with industrial strength black hair dye ... if he didn't he would look like Jim Maaaars in an instant ... pudding :D [hang on ... it can't be a recent one cos Don wouldn't be looking at UFO Magazine (???) ... or would he???:rolleyes:????] ps come on though ... Jim Marrs ...
  17. paraschtick

    Which show????

    Its an amazing world really with people full of different opinions and ideas. You see I would rate the Haisch episode as one of the worst ones I've ever heard. I thought he talked such a lot of craptrap I thought my head would fall off (it teetered quite close to it, believe me). It almost...
  18. paraschtick

    least fav show

    I know this is about the paracast :D but as it might turn into a bitching thread ... which sometimes is a good thing ... I would like to bitch for a second about the recent Radio Misterioso roundtable programme that some people have enthused about. Well I love Radio Misterioso. Its one of my...
  19. paraschtick

    The Paracast Lands July 11, 2010!

    Nope all the GCN ads are all for real. They can tell the future. They are psychic. We are all going to die ... that is if we don't stock up on gold, silver and non-perishable food items ... all bought, surprisingly from people you can hear on GCN :D. GCN if you don't know is one of the many...
  20. paraschtick

    NEW 9/11 Thread

    Vyzygoth ... he of Grassy Knoll fame has been putting up some of his old programmes every month for a while now. This month he includes some interviews with Victor Thorn, Lisa Guliani and Matthew Tartaglia covering the Pentagon "attack", and the mysterious Flight 93. Some of the questions...