Search results

  1. SoCalGNX

    Predictions for 2015

    What will happen in 2015? Here is what I think might happen: 1. Someone who is very famous for wealth or known in top financial circles will have some shocking details about their personal life revealed. These details may be criminal or borderline so. This person may have a fall from grace in...
  2. SoCalGNX

    Discovery Channel - Yeti with Dyatlov Pass incident?

    Sounds like there is another take on the Dyatlov Pass incident coming up - A Scary Twist within Discovery’s “Russian Yeti”
  3. SoCalGNX

    Strange stuff in the sky

    Tonight in Northern AZ somewhere off Route 66 I was watching the NE night sky as we drove home. I could see a flashing cluster of lights in the distance, somewhat like a tear drop shape. It looked like one of those star fields you see on TV but had a somewhat bluish light to it not the hazy...
  4. SoCalGNX

    Public service announcement for anyone who is paranoid

    Costco now has food packages with 30 days worth of meals. This is supposed to keep for 30 years. Its about $130. Saw it at the Las Vegas Costco this week and wonder if they are getting a lot of requests for this stuff for 12-21-2012. :eek:
  5. SoCalGNX

    Mt. Shasta Mysteries anyone?

    I have heard stories about this place since I was very young....eons ago. COLUMN ONE: Odd accounts and strange tales orbit around Shasta -
  6. SoCalGNX

    No 2012 Cataclysm but Bolon Yokte Is Coming....

    I wonder if he will be like Kaiser Sose or what?
  7. SoCalGNX

    He ain't so amazin' :eek:
  8. SoCalGNX

    Are the Space Buddies Coming Soon?

    As I write this, Japan just had problems with nuclear reactors due to the earthquake. A forest fire is threatening a nuclear facility in New Mexico. Two nuclear sites in the Midwest are in danger of being flooded. Because some claim that the space buddies are going to come save us from ourselves...
  9. SoCalGNX

    Need a Space Ship?

    Uh.....nevermind. Check this out. best of craigslist: Space Ship for Sale $3500.00 or best offer
  10. SoCalGNX

    Ok all you slackers

    I have been out of work for years. I just got a job that pays UNDER minimum wage and I am damned glad to have it. (are unemployment rate has been between 13 and 15% here). I just sent Gene a modest donation (very modest!) thru Paypal. You can do it too. :cool:
  11. SoCalGNX

    New Bigfoot Stuff?

    Perhaps some of you have already heard about this but I hadn't - Bigfoot Investigators Hope DNA Test Will Confirm Existence Of Two Man-Beasts Coleman might be right about a homeless person but it seems to me they would have taken some food.:confused:
  12. SoCalGNX

    Know anything about this?

    So how do I delete something if I find there are already posts about the subject?:(
  13. SoCalGNX

    Mystery on California Coast

    Ok, what is this? No one seems to know where mysterious missile launched near L.A. came from | The Upshot Yahoo! News
  14. SoCalGNX

    Psychopaths - do you know any?

    Some estimate that one percent of the population is made up of psychopaths. We have seen a few of these in the news lately, both locally and internationally. Some of the traits attributed to them are personal charm, manipulation of others, parasitic lifestyle, emotional shallowness, lying, lack...
  15. SoCalGNX

    Alien's eyeballs

    Along time ago, I was watching some science program about either anthropology or genetics. It was suggested that Asian people have the eye shape they do to protect from harsh winter conditions. I was thinking that if this is true, why would aliens supposedly have these huge, seemingly lidless...
  16. SoCalGNX

    Caylee Anthony's ghost?

    Paranormal Examiner: Was a missing child's ghost caught on film, you decide Couldn't figure out how to embed the video but this was interesting. Is it an artifact of some kind in the film or something else?
  17. SoCalGNX

    Accuracy rate among psychics

    There are a lot of psychics on various crime shows who work with the police on homicides etc. (Noreen Renier and others). Has anyone details on their accuracy? Police officers comment on these shows and verify their claims but I am wondering what their accuracy rate is in general if anyone has...
  18. SoCalGNX

    Philip J. Imbrogno podcast

    I listened to this one yesterday. I heard the comments about angels appearing in the Bible as vengeful/destructive entities. It reminded me of what I learned about "angels" from Hazel Denning. Hazel received her Ph.d at age 76. She was active in all phases of paranormal research and she did...
  19. SoCalGNX

    UFO crash in Needles CA?

    I found a short item on the local CBS (I think..) website about a UFO or something crashing recently near Needles, CA (near the AZ, CA, NV border). Allegedly, the black helicopters etc. showed up shortly afterwards. Has anyone heard anything about this?:confused: