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  1. paraschtick

    New Emma Woods book and podcast

    Hi folks, Haven't been here for a very long time but wanted people who are interested to know that Emma Woods has published a new book ("Glimpses of Magonia") regarding her anomalous experiences. Her book, which is fascinating though a bit disturbing in some ways can be found on She...
  2. paraschtick

    9/11 distilled in 30mins

    Really good interview with Victor Thorn of talking about 9/11 and his book, 9/11 Evil on the American Press website. It really cuts to the bone of who was behind 9/11 and all those details that most people and supposed 9/11 investigators ignore...
  3. paraschtick

    Zecharia Sitchin has died

    Courtesy of Ufo Mystic via Cryptomundo, and Sitchin's own website, it has been announced that Zecharia Sitchin, icon of the Annunaki/Nibiru hypothesis has died at the age of 90. You can read more here:
  4. paraschtick

    New UFO mag out ...

    And its got an interview with Emma Woods! Hopefully it will get her story out to a wider audience which is something I think she deserves to get some closure on. Only time will tell I suppose ... so get your UFO mag now ... :D (ok so I'll be done for advertising ... but isn't Bill Birnes still...
  5. paraschtick

    911 Whistleblowers ...

    Which is the name of the following linked article on Aangirfan's blog. It shows how many people have misgivings about 9/11. And these people are not generally fruitcakes of any sort (well there might be one or two ... but you get that with human beings) ... but it does give you a good idea...
  6. paraschtick

    Banner Ad of the Day ...

    Yes if you go to the front page on the forum at the moment you too can be amazed by today's banner ad of the day. No my friend, not Adventures Unlimited ... no ... not Hostgator ... no not even Voipo ... whatever that is. No my friend you maybe thrilled by the wonder that is ... SCIENTOLOGY...
  7. paraschtick

    Nice 9/11ish news story

    A couple of Muslim guys have travelled across the US and have been greeted with open arms wherever they've gone. Shows that there is still some humanity left in the US. And...
  8. paraschtick

    Earthquake in NZ

    You may or may not have heard that we had an earthquake here in NZ 30 miles west of Christchurch (where I live) this morning at 4:35am. It was 7.1 on the richter scale, and was roughly the same size as the one in Haiti at the start of the year. We were very lucky in our area of Christchurch...
  9. paraschtick

    A spoon bender ...

    Came across this fascinating interview with a spoon bender on youtube. Its from an old BBC programme called ... ahem ... "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" ... and I think it holds a message for us all. ps House??? Phhaaahh :D
  10. paraschtick

    Remote viewing protocols

    Dear Don, Any idea whether the RV protocols Walter Bosley talks about on your recent prog are available on the internets anywhere?? Or is it possible that the one that you used could be postable in some way??? I'm very much on the fence with Remote Viewing ... and don't really believe what...
  11. paraschtick

    Nussbeck's finest hour

    Well ... I suddenly realised that I hadn't heard anything from Ronald Nussbeck for a while. Yes him of strange photograph imaging fame ... so I did a wee search on the google and came up with the following. I'm not going to say anything ... but I almost fell off my chair when I saw it: UFO...
  12. paraschtick

    Frank Sidebottom RIP

    Sad day today. Frank Sidebottom has died.:( Now most of you probably have never heard of Frank. He was, in a nutshell, an original ... and rather silly and strange comedian from the North of England. He wore a papier mache head and spoke like someone had put a clothespeg on his nose. He...
  13. paraschtick

    Dark Matters Radio Song ...

    Hi Decker, Now I've heard a tune on your prog a couple of times now, and has anyone said what it is?? No of course not. Which one am I talking about?? Its that ethereal, folksy one talking about gardens and things (well I think the woman is singing about gardens :D). Anyway nice tune ...
  14. paraschtick

    Frank Frazetta passes on ...

    Who? I hear you cry. I'd never heard of him either until I read this couple of day old entry on the Chris Knowles Secret Sun blog. See here: Now who was Frank Frazetta ... Ever seen those incredibly lurid covers...
  15. paraschtick

    Alien hybrids = Nephilim

    Blimey ... you've think you've heard it all ... and then you come across something even madder. Sooo ... I thought I would listen to a discussion on The Byte Show podcast (religious/prophesy/end times related podcast) about abduction, ufos, "end times" etc.. Usually I give no time whatsoever...
  16. paraschtick

    Big Train - hypnotherapy

    With all this talk of hypnotherapy, I thought I would post this from the first series of the awesome and very very strange British TV sketch show Big Train. I should warn you that it features the great Kevin Eldon as an Evil Hypnotist ... so you have been warned ... mwahh haa haa haa...
  17. paraschtick

    Mossad did 9/11. Period.

    So says Dr Alan Sobrowsky ex "Head of Studies" at the US Army War College and a 10 year US Marine Corps veteran. You can hear the full (kinda short) interview with Mark Glenn (reporter with the American Free Press) here...
  18. paraschtick

    Policewoman assault ...

    Oh boy this is so funny my leg fell off. This is a news story from Scotland. A policewoman was "assaulted" by a drunk man in his home ... its a bit saucy so may or may not be suitable for work :D. Ye gods I hope she was...
  19. paraschtick

    Open Minds/serpo IP

    Here's a funny one for you dear reader. If you go to this website: Put this into the search box (top left). Click search. Then click on the link ... the website will show some analysis of the website, website IP etc. Now go to...
  20. paraschtick

    The UFO cult/religion begins ...

    Recently listened to a Project Camelot audio featuring a lecture by Alex Collier (saw the thread below ... thought I would start a new one rather than add to that). At the end he is asked to "present"/create/whatever a "meditation". He finishes this with an "Amen". Hmmmm ... If you would...