Search results

  1. Christopher O'Brien

    You Can Help Make The San Luis Valley Camera Project Become a Reality!

    As spring approaches the SLV, we are gearing up for the final push to install the Camera/instrumented monitoring system in the San Luis Valley. We are planning a gofundme campaign to pay for the rest of our equipment, the Internet costs and maintenance of the system. But this GFM money will not...
  2. Christopher O'Brien

    For Whom the Bell Tolled: Art Bell's Questionable Legacy

    Article HERE: By Christopher O'Brien [Earlier in the week I posted this as it's own stand alone thread and it mysteriously was folded in to the AB Has Died thread as a comment. This re-posting was down w/o my title and w/o my permission, Please leave this thread where it is, thank you...
  3. Christopher O'Brien

    KGB chief ordered 4m soldiers to keep watching the skies for UFOs

    Article HERE: By Nick Paton Walsh/Guardian Yuri Andropov, the former Soviet leader and long-time head of the KGB, had an acute personal interest in UFOs and ordered a 13-year programme that required every soldier in the military to monitor sightings over Russian territory, according to new...
  4. Christopher O'Brien

    Phil Imbrogno "Dr MIT" like Dracula, is BACK!

    As most longtime (and some newbie) Paracasters are aware, there are people in this morass of a field (I like to refer to as ufoology), who have no shame. From confabulating cockamamie stories of traveling to Mars w/ Barry Sotero and tales blue Avian aliens or time traveling six-year olds, to...
  5. Christopher O'Brien

    Doty Episode listener roundtable!

    Due to high interest in last week's show, we are conducting a listener roundtable TODAY to discuss the many interesting revelations we heard from former AFOSI Agent Doty. So far we have Michael Allen and Randall signed up, ANYBODY ELSE AVAILABLE for today's taping at 7 ET/4 PT? If you would...
  6. Christopher O'Brien

    Bell’s Theorem – Is Everything Predetermined?

    [Is everything predetermined or is there such a thing as 'free will?' And what are the implications of this question when examining the nature of consciousness? Good article! —chris] Article HERE: Is quantum entanglement real? When two photons are created at the same time, and then separated...
  7. Christopher O'Brien

    Pope John XXIII 1961 Alien Visitation?! Anyone ever hear of this claim Before?

    Taken from the reply section of Billy Cox's Devoid 3.7.18 article, news to me! "At Castel Gandolfo, Italy (Pope John XXIII’s summer residence) 1961 'It was oval and had blue and amber flashing lights. The craft seemed to fly over our heads for a few minutes and then landed on the grass on the...
  8. Christopher O'Brien

    Global Weather Modification Causing Climate Chaos & Environmental Catastrophe

    [The growing body of slam-dunk scientific evidence supports the contention that current geo-engineering efforts are backfiring w/ alarming, catastrophic results! If you care about the health of our biosphere, this is a MUST READ summary of the problem. —chris] By Dane Wigington...
  9. Christopher O'Brien

    Introducing OnSteller! Cryptocurrency gets 'social!'

    Heads up everyone - for most of the last two years, Steve Murillo of UPARS LA and a group of partners have been hard at work developing the world’s first subject-related, professional and commercial platform: ONStellar. Because it is free of charge to join, I've elected to post this here for...
  10. Christopher O'Brien

    From The Black Vault: Strange Denial of a FOIA request re: Luis Elizondo and AATIP

    Article HERE: by John Greenewald, Jr. The Black Vault On December 16, 2017, Tom Delonge’s To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science released two of three UFO videos that are in their “custody” – stating they were officially declassified by the U.S. Government. It was also announced these videos...
  11. Christopher O'Brien

    Ray Stanford News Coverage for Canada

    For all our Paracasters north of the border, here are several links for coverage of Stanford's historic dino track find at the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD. (Thanks to Jason in Calgary) According to Dr. Martin Lockley the world's foremost dino track expert and Ray's co-author for...
  12. Christopher O'Brien

    Scientists studying psychoactive drugs accidentally proved the self is an illusion

    [I don't care what Randall says, :) I still say that someone should utilize psychedelic compounds in humanity's search for extraterrestrail life. It's obvious to me that we have other tenets in the building and they're just dying to meet you! —chris ] Article HERE: By Ephrat Livni...
  13. Christopher O'Brien

    JC Johnson Has Died!

    Sorry to report that longtime Paracast favorite, JC Johnson has apparently died due to complications from "double pneumonia." according to Johnson's daughter Laura Hugo on her Facebook page. Johnson had lived near her since he moved to MN from AZ about three or so years ago. Laura Hugo TODAY 6...
  14. Christopher O'Brien

    Ray Stanford does it again and yet again!

    A diverse mammal-dominated, footprint assemblage from wetland deposits in the Lower Cretaceous of Maryland More than 100 million years ago, dinosaurs roamed Maryland. So did our ancestors — small mammals the size of squirrels or badgers — and the flying reptiles know as pterosaurs. Amazingly...
  15. Christopher O'Brien

    "Top questions and doubts about UFO whistleblower, Luis Elizondo "

    By John Rappoport Article HERE: ...For far too long, government insiders who offer UFO “revelations have been given a free pass. They should be treated like any other sources for breaking stories. “Your information is fascinating, but I have lots of questions about you and your background.”...
  16. Christopher O'Brien

    Happy Holly-daze, space fans!

    Here's to a great productive, fun New Year, uhh but w/ much less political excitement and noise, please...
  17. Christopher O'Brien

    Rosemary Ellen Guiley & Michael Brein are this week's guests

    Co-hosts of the new book, The Road to Strange: Travel Tales of the Paranormal and Beyond Rosemary Ellen Guiley & Michael Brein will be our guests this week. Rosemary, a perennial favorite guest needs no introduction, but her co-host Michael Brein will be making his first appearance here at the...
  18. Christopher O'Brien

    Alejandro Rojas is Back for a 2017 Recap

    Alejandro Rojas will be joining us for a recap of 2017 and a preview of next year's International UFO Congress and Film Festival. Alejandro is the host for Open Minds UFO Radio show, editor and contributing writer for, and emcee for the International UFO Congress. He is also a...
  19. Christopher O'Brien

    EXCELLENT Interview w/ Col. John B. Alexander (Ret)

    "If you're always getting the answer you expect, you're nowhere close to the edge" —John B. Alexander Interview by Dr. Jeffery Mishlove HERE: The more I listen to John Alexander, the more impressed I become. This man is truly an iconoclastic rebel who has worked within the system to champion...
  20. Christopher O'Brien

    William Tompkins & the "Whistleblowers"

    I was asked recently by a Paracast listener what I thought of the recently departed so-called whistleblower, William Tompkins. This inquiry came after I answered him concerning the possible disappearance of Sean Correa whom some of you may remember was the Paracast guest who ws attempting to...