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  1. Yestopia

    Hominids That Were Smarter Than Us Can't help speculating...cryptoterrestrials? Fantastic article regardless.
  2. Yestopia

    Virgins in Space "NASA spent billions upon billions of dollars on space travel and has only managed to send 480 people," Branson said. "We're literally hoping to send thousands of people into space over the next couple of years. We want...
  3. Yestopia

    Vatican vs Colbert: Advantage God

    Le Moyne visiting professor to talk astrobiology with Stephen Colbert tonight: Le Moyne visiting professor Brother Guy J. Consolmagno is scheduled to appear on the show at 11:30 p.m. tonight on Comedy Central. Consolmagno is curator for the Vatican meteorite collection in Rome. He is...
  4. Yestopia

    Commander Nutfuck?

    Commander Nutso? Okee dokee...... I throw it open to my fellow plebes
  5. Yestopia

    Sentient Meat (from OMNI Mag)

    <DT id=c111532081894272751 class=comment-poster> <DD class=comment-body>A dialogue by Terry Bisson. From a series of stories entitled "Alien/Nation" in the April, 1991 issue of Omni. "They're made out of meat." "Meat?" "Meat. They're made out of meat." "Meat?" "There's no doubt about it...
  6. Yestopia

    They're Here

    WTF comes to mind. Work on deciphering a complex set of symbols sent to them is underway, scientists from the country's Space Research Institute said. They claim...
  7. Yestopia

    Tom and Jerry and the Illuminated

  8. Yestopia

    Oh Canada. Oh Shit.

    I read this article this morning and my head nearly exploded. Am I alone in being freaked out? What truly frightens me is the "in plain site" nature of our militarization under the Harper regime...