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    Oh boy, here we go again. Skull on Mars

    'Alien skull' spotted on Mars - Telegraph
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    First dino 'blood' extracted from ancient bone

    First dino 'blood' extracted from ancient bone - life - 30 April 2009 - New Scientist
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    The Curse of Faith and a little more

    Was watchin other stuff, came across this guy in which David and I think Gareth know about, so thought I'd post it. Was going to send it to David for the new forum but figured, why bother when I can post it here kinda thing. Hope you enjoy it.
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    Led Deception

    Not a reunion.... Hope it's Chris Cornell out of the 3 though. Plant and Krauss stuff isn't bad btw. To me at least.
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    Mystery Roar from Faraway Space Detected

    Mystery Roar from Faraway Space Detected - Yahoo! News
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    Cloned Puppies, not so much alike

    Living Together - Are Cloned Pets the Real Thing? -
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    Surprise! Milky Way Much More Massive -- Surprise! Milky Way Much More Massive
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    Alien asteroid dust hints at Earth-like planets

    Alien asteroid dust hints at Earth-like planets - space - 06 January 2009 - New Scientist
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    "Bugs" (who claimed to have shot Bigfoot) has been outed

    Bugs Bigfoot Legend Begun By Radio Freakazoid
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    Ronald Nussbeck is offering $10,000 to anyone who can debunk these UFO photos

    Paranormal Examiner: Ronald Nussbeck is offering $10,000 to anyone who can debunk these UFO photos
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    Bill Hicks Ufos

    Sorry to be redundant to those regulars who might know me. Yeh yeh yeh. Bill Hicks or George Carlin from Aaron. Came across this looking for other things and wanted to throw it up. Believe it or not, some people thank me for the Hicks and Carlin stuff. So, sorry for those who've seen this a...
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    Roswell Undertaker's Secret Revealed

    The UFO Iconoclast(s)
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    University sends UFO course into deep space

    News - A Step Beyond: University sends UFO course into deep space Shouldn't ufo experts be the only to speak? They have janitors come up and teach physics hoping for a Goodwill Hunting? I guess they mean "believers".
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    Top 10 Strangest Stories of 2008

    MyFox Wausau | Top 10 Strangest Stories of 2008
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    Warren's inauguration prayer could draw more ire

    Someone call the Whaaaaambulance. It's like kids bickering over who's better, Batman, Superman, or Spiderman. We all know Wonder Woman is hotter. Warren's inauguration prayer could draw more ire - Yahoo! News
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    Commonly Overused Words and Phrases

    Commonly Overused Words and Phrases