Search results

  1. Decker

    Chris O'Brian RIP

    Chris O'Brian, former co-host to The Paracast has just passed away. I was notified this morning. From what as told, he was driving to a hospital because he was having breathing problems. He was involved in a traffic accident and died. If I receive any more information I will pass it on. Chris...
  2. Decker

    David Biedny Has Passed On

    Good day all. This morning, May 9th, I received a text msg. from my Facebook friend, David Emerson Boyer, that David Biedny passed on earlier this year. That surprised me quite a bit. I knew Biedny, first meeting him around 2006 when he co-hosted along with Gene Steinberg the Paracast. They...
  3. Decker

    Disclosure- Will it ever happen?

    Disclosure--A Dangle Just Out of Reach. by Don Ecker Disclosure! The “Great Holy Grail” of the UFO movement. The UFO faithful have been expecting something profound since at least December, 2017. With the announcement of the Nimitz battle group encounters with the “Tic-Tacs,” and then former...
  4. Decker

    My Take-Davis-Wilson documents

    SPIES, LIES and CORE SECRET FACTORS? A Look at the Eric Davis / Admiral Thomas Wilson Material. By Don Ecker (The following excerpt [in quotes] is taken from To The Moon and Back, With Love by...
  5. Decker

    MUFON- A Commentary

    The following is in response to a question I received from one of my radio show listeners, asking about my feelings toward MUFON as a UFO research organization. My thoughts went back to my first appearance on “Larry King Live” which was being hosted by political commentator and former staffer on...
  6. Decker

    Bill Cooper? Are you kidding?

    The "old timers" will recall Bill Cooper. Cooper has a name that these days will only resonate with the disaffected. Once upon a time, roughly 25 years ago he was well known in UFO circles spinning some very wild tales. There is enough on the web about him, but in November of 2001 he died in a...
  7. Decker

    In the News ...

    As I take my early morning stroll thru the web when first up, I always keep my eyes open for anything off beat from the normal Drek most of us come across. Here are three stories that caught my eye. Dang Nab_It ... could it be the dreaded "disclosure" coming at us ... like a run-away express...
  8. Decker

    Looking back ..

    Doing last weeks show with Jim Speiser and The Paranet BBS systems, it really caused me to do a bit of kicking the dusty corners of my mind. After all, this was the reason I began my crazy journey into the field of UFOs and the paranormal. After my medical retirement from law enforcement I...
  9. Decker

    Upcoming on DMR-Computers-UFOs

    Greetings Dark Matters Radio fans, here is what is coming up. If you are here then you are here using a computer device. Now, it is always a good idea to know where you are and .. where you came from. This week, we have that covered. Computers and UFO information seems to be a match that was...
  10. Decker

    Vito Saccheri has passed on

    I just received news that Mr. Vito Saccheri has passed on this past Thursday in Spring, Texas. If you are not familiar with Vito, I conducted an interview with him just after Thanksgiving Day in 1995. Many have told me it was one of the most compelling radio interviews I ever conducted. It was...
  11. Decker

    Happy Holidays 2017

    Here is a wish from Vicki and I that you enjoy the warmth of family and friends during this Holiday Season. Also, a very Happy New Year and may we enjoy a much better 2018. Merry Christmas! Decker
  12. Decker

    California Wildfires

    In Oct. of 2008 my wife Vicki and I had our first experience with Calf. Wildfires when we were driven from our home at 3:30 AM. We were evacuated for 3 days not knowing if we had a home to come back to. I do not wish such an experience on anyone. Well, it happened again this past Tuesday at 4:30...
  13. Decker

    On Jim Moseley

    Gray Barker once famously wrote “UFO is a bucket of shit.” Actually, he wrote a poem titled “UFO is a bucket of shit. Its followers: perverts, monomaniacs, dipsomaniacs Artists of the fast buck True believers, objective believers, new age believers Keyhoe believers Shushed by the three men Or...
  14. Decker

    Butch Witkowski BS

    September 19, 2017 Okay, here is the situation. In the last day or two Chris O’Brien was interviewed for a radio show on the network that carries Lon Stricklers program. Strickler has as a co-host Butch Witkowski. I interviewed Witkowski around 6 or 7 years ago because I read (and he appeared...
  15. Decker

    Morton gets 72 months

    Sean David Morton and his wife Melissa were sentenced today in Federal Court. Morton got 72 months in Federal Prison and his wife 24 months. (Actually it seems rather a very light sentence.) RJ Mufo Decker
  16. Decker

    Sept. 15th Open Lines Show

    Tonight on Dark Matters Radio .. I will host an Open Lines show. My co-host will be Mark Center. Richard Sarradet is still unable to do DMR as he has been battling some health issues. I spoke to Richie this AM and he is back in the hospital. My prayers go out to him. DMR will start, as usual...
  17. Decker

    Pres. Carter-UFO briefing

    This morning September 08, I received a note from Gene asking me about my Carter UFO briefing story. It seems that a listener heard a similar story from Richard Dolan and wondered if I had taken the story from Dolan and plagiarized him in my last Paracast appearance. The short answer ... NO...
  18. Decker

    Sean David Morton .. BAGGED!!

    Well, the major question is ... did Morton's gut get in the way of outrunning the Feds? Morton .. bagged! Morton's Run As Fugitive Comes to Predictable End Decker
  19. Decker

    Upcoming on DMR

    Upcoming guests on Dark Matters Radio in the next two weeks are fan favorites. On August 25th Greg Bishop will make a return appearance discussing what has been happening in his universe. September 1st I will be hosting Dr. John Brandenburg again, discussing what he has turned up in connection...
  20. Decker

    The Disney UFO Re-visited

    In January of 1995 I put together and hosted a huge UFO Conference for the Orlando Disney people that to this day and second remains a total enigma. What must have been something dreamed up in the basement of some (I presume American) intelligence agency .. it is now lost in UFO history. I was...