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  1. The Pair of Cats

    Joseph Kilna McKenzie - Sgt. Mackenzie

    This song was written by Joseph Kilna in honour of his grandfather who was bayoneted to death while protecting a badly wounded mate in WW1 Dedicated to to those who have fallen. Lest we forget.
  2. The Pair of Cats

    Guest Recommendation:Don Ecker

    Tyder first suggested it and i think that it is a splendid idea. It's been a long time between drinks since we heard Don on the show. Maybe even tie it in with a visit from Rosemary Ellen Guiley.:)
  3. The Pair of Cats

    Extreme Forum Post Reaction Syndrome

    Forum members beware!!!:)
  4. The Pair of Cats


    I don't pay much credence to orbs, generally but the orbs in this video are quite interesting. Go to 1.10 min and 1.39 min to see what i'm talking about. ://
  5. The Pair of Cats

    John of God-Surgeon of the Rusty Knife

    I originally started this thread by stating that Joao de Deus was called the surgeon of the rusty knife. As pointed out, correctly, by Facius it was in fact Arigo who was the surgeon of the rusty knife. I have now added a clip of Arigo. Joao de Deus (John of God) Arigo (The surgeon of the...
  6. The Pair of Cats

    The Russian Shaman

    Russian Shaman, Valery Laverinyenko.
  7. The Pair of Cats

    My Mother Talks to Aliens

    I have submitted an Australian documentary about a Melbourne Veterinarian whose mother researches UFOs, abductions and alien visitation. His scepticism of his mother's research has strained their relationship to the point where the mother challenges him to accompany her on a journey along the...
  8. The Pair of Cats

    Michael Shermer debunked by Astrologer on his own show!

    Shermer discovers that, despite his best efforts, Vedic Astrology has a 77% accuracy rate.
  9. The Pair of Cats

    Amicizia-Alien Encounters in Italy

    A fairly well known Italian encounter story. Make of it what you will.:)
  10. The Pair of Cats

    The Knowles Family Nullabor Plain Experience

    ...taken from the UFO Research Queensland (Australia) Casefiles. The Knowles Family Nullabor Plain Experience January 20 1988 was the day that the Knowles family and their two dogs had an unexplainable experience whilst travelling across the Nullarbor Plain in the early hours of the...
  11. The Pair of Cats

    Police Officers Pilots and UFOs

    Here are some vids re: police officers, pilots and UFOs who the latter, according to Jim Oberg, aren't not to be counted as reliable witnesses. Police Officer UFO Sightings ttp:// This one from a high patrol car from Vera Cruz, make of it what you will...
  12. The Pair of Cats

    I was only 19-Vietnam War Song

    This is a song by Aussie band Redgum. Don and other Vets may appreciate this.
  13. The Pair of Cats

    The Enfield Poltergeist Case 1977

    My appologies if this has been posted before but i thought that a revisit of this case may be interesting. ---------- Post added at 06:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:09 AM ---------- Here are some additional vids to this case. Including a "debate" with Prof Chris Green.
  14. The Pair of Cats

    1958:Mike Wallace interviews Major Donald Keyhoe

    Here is a 1958 interview by Mike Wallace with Major Donald Keyhoe.
  15. The Pair of Cats

    from the "Oz Encounters..UFOs in Australia" documentary (1997)

    Includes the Kelly Cahill story.
  16. The Pair of Cats

    Vale: South Australian UFO Researcher -Colin Norris

    South Australian UFO researcher, Colin Norris died in Adelaide late 2009. Here is a short film of his long career. Part 1: