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  1. AnnetteMarie

    Photopiers and privacy - CBS News link

    Another reason never to sit on the copier, don't you think?
  2. AnnetteMarie

    Happy Birthday USA

    Hope all are enjoying the holiday, I will stick to a spoken/typed happy birthday to all our cousins in the US of A because if I sang it, you might not have such a happy one...:D ps, here's your cake... and it's chocolate.
  3. AnnetteMarie

    In a Godda Da Vida - are you kidding me?

    while checking out the spelling of Iron Butterfly's only hit carrying a monster drum solo so I could post a quick quip in the alien's music thread, I stumbled upon this link to an article from Skeptic Magazine back in 1996. Who knew...
  4. AnnetteMarie

    Russian scholar says US will collapse — next year this made me laugh today... imagine, Alaska allowing itself to be placed under Russian rule.. ha. now if he had said they would join Canada, there might be something to this! he has been predicting this for the last 10 years. perhaps he hopes that if...
  5. AnnetteMarie

    Suggested Guest - John Geiger

    Hey guys, I was listening to a radio broadcast this afternoon, bombastic host, but he often has great guests, and this fellow came on: Not only is the book he is currently promoting of interest, ie, unknown beings/presence assisting people in...
  6. AnnetteMarie

    Where's the Hand Basket?

    When I was little, a common saying when things were going awry in a bad way, was it was all going to hell in a hand basket. so, two different news items from Discovery Channel about our universe going places we hadn't imagined before. would these constitute the hand basket? :)...
  7. AnnetteMarie

    Thank you for:

    1) great sound quality so I don't have to blow out my ears in an effort to hear everyone 2) showing up every Sunday even if you aren't feeling well 3) providing great guests most of us would never otherwise have the opportunity to listen to, much less discover on our own! 4) providing less...
  8. AnnetteMarie

    Guest Request: Chris Rutkowski

    Chris is one of the lead researchers for The UFOlogy Research Institute, which compiles data on reported UFO sightings from sources including Transport Canada and the Department of National Defence and there was a recent article carried by Canada's "The National Post" on the increased number of...