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  1. SoCalGNX

    We Need Some Business Advice!

    Pinterest is social media and for Barbara's line of products she should do well there.
  2. SoCalGNX

    Your most powerful dream

    How did you know it was the same horse? By it's body size and markings. I think that dream analysis is too subjective to fall into statistical analysis but who knows. You might be interested in looking at Betty Bethard's various books on dreams. She classifies them into different categories...
  3. SoCalGNX

    Your most powerful dream

    I have had a lot of dreams that were informative and precognitive. As a child, I had a recurring dream about a couple in Medieval times. They were out in a field, near the ocean and he was on a horse. I met this same horse in this life.
  4. SoCalGNX

    Try this Experiment & Report Back Here...

    I cannot say I have listened to the Paracast on a looped segment at night but I have done that with other materials. I found that if anything, it dulled my normally vivid and informative "dream life."
  5. SoCalGNX

    What Would a Paracast UFO/Paranormal Conference Look Like?

    I like this idea a lot and hope it happens. Like LaBombette, I would like to see a mix of personalities and backgrounds. UFO stuff is great but the paranormal covers a wide range of topics. I used to go to the Whole Life Expo in LA each year. There were speakers that I had no interest in as...
  6. SoCalGNX

    Snow in Sedona

    I have lived in the Verde Valley before and have some relatives that lived in that area/Flagstaff. It has always snowed there, with varying levels of snowfall. I am in in Kingman now. It took a full five days for our accumulation to melt. Yes, the weather is changing. Our monsoon storms seem to...
  7. SoCalGNX

    We Need Some Business Advice!

    This happened on Etsy to many hundred sellers. What kind of images? Handmade good such as jewelry, supplies etc. On a porn site? Yes - hackers used these images as bait to get more hits for their site. So no, these were not images of people (for the most part and not "those" kinds of images)...
  8. SoCalGNX

    We Need Some Business Advice!

    I have to agree with Renaissance Lady that Ebay is not the place it used to be. Unfortunately hackers can appear just about anywhere. A lot of Etsy sellers - handmade and vintage - had their images pirated by a Dutch porn site last year. Mine included.
  9. SoCalGNX

    Predictions for 2015

    What will happen in 2015? Here is what I think might happen: 1. Someone who is very famous for wealth or known in top financial circles will have some shocking details about their personal life revealed. These details may be criminal or borderline so. This person may have a fall from grace in...
  10. SoCalGNX

    We Need Some Business Advice!

    Not to be a dunce....but how to send a PM?
  11. SoCalGNX

    We Need Some Business Advice!

    Long time seller on Ebay and Etsy here. If they are buying items for resale, they would have to sell on Ebay or other but if they design, create or sell vintage purses (per Etsy's definition of vintage - 20 years or older) they could sell on Etsy. Basic advice, if they do not know these things...
  12. SoCalGNX

    By 2025 Half of all US Children Will Have Autism & Monsanto is to Blame

    I have suspected the autism/weird chemicals link for a long time. The Buycott app for smart phones may not reveal the GMO/non GMO elements to all products but it can be used to reveal information about quite a few.
  13. SoCalGNX

    Is Monsanto the "World's Most Evil Corporation?"

    Meme? No I gave my personal opinion. The Koch Bros. make sure that oil is the dominant force in automotive products in the US. They would like to make sure that no one can buy an electric car or even afford one. Maybe you can afford a Tesla or a Volt but I can't. Forget any other alternative...
  14. SoCalGNX

    Santa Barbara Shooting Hoax

    Sorry that you don't get it. By the way, I am not a guy. And if anyone needs a welfare check it's you.
  15. SoCalGNX

    Santa Barbara Shooting Hoax

    Who are you referring to as "stabby?" I hope it's not me.
  16. SoCalGNX

    Whitney Houston Murder Conspiracy

    In that she overdosed, falling face down in a tub is no mystery to me.
  17. SoCalGNX

    Is it ME? ...

    Recommended reading - The Alphabet Vs The Goddess | by Leonard Shlain
  18. SoCalGNX

    Santa Barbara Shooting Hoax

    When I hear about people that want to call these events hoaxes, false flag events or similar, I get stabby.