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  1. paraschtick

    New Emma Woods book and podcast

    For those who are interested, I did not write "The Clueless One" in the original post above. I don't know what happened there as I would not write that instead of the name of the person concerned who I have a lot of respect for. Whether it was an algorithmic change or a glitch in the matrix, I...
  2. paraschtick

    New Emma Woods book and podcast

    Hi folks, Haven't been here for a very long time but wanted people who are interested to know that Emma Woods has published a new book ("Glimpses of Magonia") regarding her anomalous experiences. Her book, which is fascinating though a bit disturbing in some ways can be found on She...
  3. paraschtick

    Rubbing Salt on Old Wounds...

    Just to let you know, Jeff, Emma is not the only subject to have complained about Jacobs. There is audio confirming this from Jacobs own mouth on Emma's homepage. Emma is only anonymous in public. Jacobs knows exactly who she is, and he says this himself. I suggest that you actually go through...
  4. paraschtick

    Rubbing Salt on Old Wounds...

    Hi Gene, What Jacobs claims about Emma supposedly now saying her experiences are just sleep-related phenomena is completely untrue. Emma regards herself as an "experiencer", and is agnostic regarding the actual cause of what happens to her, and does not rule out anything in any way. She does...
  5. paraschtick

    Rubbing Salt on Old Wounds...

    Long time Woods supporter here. Gene can vouch that I am a real person, and I can vouch for Emma being a real person because I have met her, and discussed her experiences, and time working with Jacobs at some length. So what is said here is so far from the truth, it truly beggars belief (no...
  6. paraschtick

    October 18, 2015 — Dr. David Jacobs

    Ha! I nearly snorted my coffee out through my nose then! So then, Sean, are you in possession of knowledge, from Dr. Jacobs about his research subject, Emma who he guaranteed confidentiality with? Because, wouldn't that just be a tad unethical from a supposed ethical researcher like Dr. Jacobs? Non?
  7. paraschtick

    October 18, 2015 — Dr. David Jacobs

    Burnt State: you might find the following useful on Emma's website. In an article by Carol Rainey (ex-wife of Budd Hopkins) that is posted as a pdf on Emma's website, she talks about the case involving "Dora" whom Budd worked with even though he knew that she had been given an assessment by a...
  8. paraschtick

    October 18, 2015 — Dr. David Jacobs

    A paraphrased quote from Jacobs, "I like desperate". He goes for vulnerable people with glee. It's his modus operandi. Go for the most vulnerable (mostly women), hypnotise them, and then use their stories (which have been created by Jacobs in his leading) for his pornographic mythology. He is...
  9. paraschtick

    October 18, 2015 — Dr. David Jacobs

    And Jacobs doesn't? He is saying that there are aliens here trying to take over the Earth without giving ANY EVIDENCE FOR IT WHATSOEVER. To claim that Emma is mentally unstable is completely absurd. Have you actually read what she has written or indeed the audio with Jacobs. She is entirely...
  10. paraschtick

    Ridiculous theories that the author know's is bogus but perpetuates

    I think he was enamoured of her. If you watch this video, at around 8:20 into it, you can see Hopkins stroking Cortile's wrist in a pretty unfatherly fashion (in my opinion, any way). And that's just the tip of the iceberg, I believe ...
  11. paraschtick

    Ridiculous theories that the author know's is bogus but perpetuates

    There are far more holes to Jacobs story than that, SpasticPat. He has claimed that he has actual proof of aliens coming to earth and creating "hubrids". He has said that he has photos and the addresses where these alien beings live. He shows the odd photo of some supposed alien bod sometimes to...
  12. paraschtick

    Ridiculous theories that the author know's is bogus but perpetuates

    One conspiracy that definitely belongs in this thread's subject category is the lovely one put out by a certain Dr. David M. Jacobs, ex-Associate Professor of History at Temple University. Oh, you must of heard of it, surely? Aliens are coming here in their droves, and are slowly and surely...
  13. paraschtick

    Budd Hopkins Responds to His Critics

    Oh boy Gene, if you have listened to any of Emma's audio files, or even read anything about this case, you would have realised by now that Dr Jacobs doesn't have a reputation any more. Except maybe one, of course, for being an unlicenced hypnotherapist who pokes around in people's minds and...
  14. paraschtick

    The Dark Side of Flying Saucers

    Wahh the whole demonic ufo thing is just so silly my arse might fall off. In films and on tv, demons are scary monsters that fly, breath fire, bite people's limbs off ... and even the more lower forms can do cool (or just silly things) like enter a young girl's body and make her spew green gunk...
  15. paraschtick

    Financial terrorism suspected in 2008 economic crash

    What rollocks. What utter and total ... I can't think of any word that would cover it :D. Oh the nerve of these people you just have to laugh really. Economic terrorism. Yeah thats something like it. But no it wasn't Al Qaeda or anyone like that, and if you really do think so, well I've got...
  16. paraschtick

    Christchurch earthquake

    Mmm ... women are weird. Fighting over sandwiches. Whatever next. They'll be wearing makeup and dresses next ... straange :D. Good to hear you're well ... and seemingly firing on all thrusters ... paraschtick
  17. paraschtick

    Christchurch earthquake

    Geez you're obviously not a Gilmore Girls freak like I am :D ... The montecristo in the GGs is a sandwich. As far as I know its unspecified what goes in it ... but its on Luke's Diner's menu for years and no one ever orders it. So what is in it is anybody's guess ... I guess. Unless someone...
  18. paraschtick

    Christchurch earthquake

    Its quite simple really. People like that are insane. They don't mention that the cathedral and a number of churches were demolished during the quake in Christchurch on Tuesday. Hmmm wonder what that says about their wonderful god??? Not a lot I would think. Except that he or she is probably...
  19. paraschtick

    Christchurch earthquake

    Woah. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, stonehart. Glad you're ok though. Everybody seems to be heading north. Why is it that I've headed south?? Oh yeah I'm odd :D ... and because most of my partner's close family live in Alexandra ... which of course to those that don't know is south...