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  1. Christopher O'Brien

    Hi , Chris O'Brien

    I dunno, it's a head scratcher, for sure! The region where these drones happen to be flying was arguably the hardest hit area for cattle mutilations in the 1970s. Coincedence?
  2. Christopher O'Brien

    Hi , Chris O'Brien

    Thanks for noticing guys, good to hear from you and Merry Xmas to all my Paracast friends!
  3. Christopher O'Brien

    August 12, 2018 — Dr. Richard Bonenfant with J. Randall Murphy

    Notice how when I presented evidence of obvious human involvement in the mute mystery, Frank went off the rails...well, you can't notice because Randall deleted our posts. This is a perfect example of why I dislike this field of study. The people who have their minds made up, when presented w/...
  4. Christopher O'Brien

    August 12, 2018 — Dr. Richard Bonenfant with J. Randall Murphy

    My comments were pointing out that the interviewer (he didn't rate the term "researcher") was leading the witnesses, putting words in their mouth, plain and simple...go back and re-read my remarks. The interviewer's obvious lack of experience glaringly showed why being objective and neutral is...
  5. Christopher O'Brien

    August 12, 2018 — Dr. Richard Bonenfant with J. Randall Murphy

    Maybe if you'd read my book w/ its hundreds and hundreds of case histories that show the probable involvement of humans i.e., classic mutes (NOT "muts") killed w/ firearms, every chemical substance you can think of showing up in blood work ups, every type of tranquilizer, barbiturate, nicotides...
  6. Christopher O'Brien

    You Can Help Make The San Luis Valley Camera Project Become a Reality!

    We will be utilizing all potential options to fully fund the project. My modest Patreon effort is simply for me to personally be able to justify spending the several weeks it will take to get the systems up and running and NOT an effort to pay for gear and cover the cost of maintaining and...
  7. Christopher O'Brien

    You Can Help Make The San Luis Valley Camera Project Become a Reality!

    Carefully read the thread. I was asked direct questions, I gave direct answers. WOL took the opportunity to jump on me for three reasons. 1) He obviously has a bug up his ass about me. This has been going on w/ him about me for over a year. 2) He took my frustration pointing out that that my...
  8. Christopher O'Brien

    You Can Help Make The San Luis Valley Camera Project Become a Reality!

    We have had several conversations over the years on this forum about the footage in question. I've mentioned it several times on the show and it's both on my website and on my Youtube channel. You fail to mention that I DID answer your question, and then put some humor into the post which you...
  9. Christopher O'Brien

    You Can Help Make The San Luis Valley Camera Project Become a Reality!

    Energy follows thought. Even the slightest collective nudge toward change can have tremendous influence. This whole subject, field, approach, attitude, needs a swift kick in the ass and where better to start than with the basic building blocks of science. FUCK all the anecdotal...
  10. Christopher O'Brien

    You Can Help Make The San Luis Valley Camera Project Become a Reality!

    Dude, where's yer sense of fucking humor? STOP reacting like a troll already. Turn into Gene? GENE is not and never once has crowdfunded for a research project, he's maximizing an income stream that he relies on. Instead of doggin me, become part of the team and put yer $ where yer mouth is...
  11. Christopher O'Brien

    You Can Help Make The San Luis Valley Camera Project Become a Reality!

    A BIG shout out to Dave for his sizable contribution to help me continue on w/ this worthy project. Funny how everyone's always complaining about how the field has degraded into the realm of celebrities and entertainment and when a worthy project and idea like this one comes along, all you hear...
  12. Christopher O'Brien

    You Can Help Make The San Luis Valley Camera Project Become a Reality!

    It would be fairly easy to determine shape , size, speed, altitude and azimuth w/ three triangulated cameras. The object in question is probably a small two man helicopter. The giveaway is the light bloom off the canopy that captures the late afternoon sun (behind the camera to the west). The...
  13. Christopher O'Brien

    Yeah, indefinite leave, I'm outta here :0 and back to Dodge to do The Work... Stay tuned for the...

    Yeah, indefinite leave, I'm outta here :0 and back to Dodge to do The Work... Stay tuned for the SLVCP gofundme campaign....
  14. Christopher O'Brien

    Yeah, indefinite leave, I'm outta here :0 and back to Dodge to do The Work... Stay tuned for...

    Yeah, indefinite leave, I'm outta here :0 and back to Dodge to do The Work... Stay tuned for the SLVCP gofundme campaign.... stay tuned
  15. Christopher O'Brien

    You Can Help Make The San Luis Valley Camera Project Become a Reality!

    As spring approaches the SLV, we are gearing up for the final push to install the Camera/instrumented monitoring system in the San Luis Valley. We are planning a gofundme campaign to pay for the rest of our equipment, the Internet costs and maintenance of the system. But this GFM money will not...
  16. Christopher O'Brien

    Grand Unified Theory of the Paranormal

    ...only the trickster (mechanism) knows for sure...
  17. Christopher O'Brien

    For Whom the Bell Tolled: Art Bell's Questionable Legacy

    That's why I waited a week. Personally, I can't get all warm & fuzzy over the guy as he came to represent much of what I dislike most about the "field." IMO, perspective is best applied when and where it is most needed.
  18. Christopher O'Brien

    For Whom the Bell Tolled: Art Bell's Questionable Legacy

    Article HERE: By Christopher O'Brien [Earlier in the week I posted this as it's own stand alone thread and it mysteriously was folded in to the AB Has Died thread as a comment. This re-posting was down w/o my title and w/o my permission, Please leave this thread where it is, thank you...