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  1. Yestopia

    UFO over Jerusalem--- Don check this out

    Too tired to really flesh this out but: Two sighitngs in places with strong cultural/historical relevance to the varioius stories of the return of Christ : Israel and Utah They happen somewhat concurrently. It appears to me to not simply be a hoax but possibly directed at people already...
  2. Yestopia

    UFOs, McKenna & Childhood's End

    Okey dokey! Let me try this too: I have never read that book but whenever people talk about it there is nothing but pseudo intellectual bunk. Wow, that's fun. No thinking involved either.
  3. Yestopia

    Holy Sh*t! John Lear

    The man is an attention seeking, disordered personality. His theories on 9/11 alone are just bloody sad. Also sad is declaring people "delusional" if they too have spent countless hours dismantling the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 and have concluded that the official story is bunk...
  4. Yestopia

    Which other paranormal sites do you frequent ?

    Fewer and fewer each month. Secret Sun , while not a UFO site per se, has some terrific pieces covering a ton of topics. He has a tolerance for intersecting, overlapping symbols that I do not have and while I am not sold on the hidden history angle, it is entertaining. Actually, I am...
  5. Yestopia

    July 25, 2010 - Rich Dolan

    Many thanks for your guest hosting Paul, always enjoy your perspective regardless of whether or not I agree, you have a terrific way about you that helps keep minds open but stilll rigourous. Please consider another UFO related film, yours is one of the ones I would show someone new to the...
  6. Yestopia

    Hominids That Were Smarter Than Us Can't help speculating...cryptoterrestrials? Fantastic article regardless.
  7. Yestopia

    The Timothy Good Episode

    Timothy is the ONLY guy out there who uses the cover of unnamed sources who I will actually listen to. He has this way of charming my ears and I end up letting go and drifting with his claims of multiple species of aliens, underwater hideouts etc. David was not in full skeptic mode for this...
  8. Yestopia

    Project HamaLot Dane Tops

    Words fail us all. Language is a virus from outer space.
  9. Yestopia

    Spielberg knows what he saw in UFO documentary

    A letter to whom? It does not make it clear that the letter was sent to James Fox. Very poorly written "article", linked to Open Minds AND written by a very nice woman (Angelia Joiner) who unfortunately falls into the credulous pit many others have helped dig. James Fox does good work and...
  10. Yestopia

    Show suggestion: Moon anomolies

    Sentient booger smears :p Actually, most photos I have seen are just that, very blurred or nothing distinct. But a handful have been really intriqing and the Apollo mission stories are fun.
  11. Yestopia

    Dwight Schultz & UFOs

    Dwight is always a blast to listen to Don. I heard several shows before I associated him with Star Trek, great playful character on that show as well. Will he be part of your moon special?
  12. Yestopia

    Air phenomena in Norway

    Silly Norwegians :p Yes, it would appear that this is exactly the same phenomenon. I still cannot believe that some of the photos were not doctored to augment the spiral and colour. A very beautiful effect of an ugly part of our existence.
  13. Yestopia

    Air phenomena in Norway

    This very specific video pretty much sums it up I guess:
  14. Yestopia

    Air phenomena in Norway

    You must be thinking of someone else. What are we being misdirected from exactly? No hang ups either. I get a great mental work out with these type of events, no matter the ultimate explanation whether manmade or unknown origin. In the end I will have new information to incorporate into...
  15. Yestopia

    Air phenomena in Norway

    Yup, sounds pretty reasonable. That is one awe inspiring sight though. Still puzzled about the emanating green light that shot down from the centre of the spiral.
  16. Yestopia

    Air phenomena in Norway

    I am currently wondering if some of the photos are fake too. There appear to be some pretty unspectacular pictures along with the amazing spiral picture (which is somewhat suspect in its amazing detail).
  17. Yestopia

    Air phenomena in Norway

    More on Project Hessdalen. Wow times 10. And a film:
  18. Yestopia

    Air phenomena in Norway

    Outstanding work Red! Amazing the amount of atmospheric research and manipulation that is happening. My money is on these facilities but why they are not leaping to take credit is odd. Perhaps his royal Hopeness has something to do with this...
  19. Yestopia

    Air phenomena in Norway

    My edumacated theory: The official explanation:
  20. Yestopia

    Air phenomena in Norway

    Previous discussion from the forum, 2008. Very odd.