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  1. Red

    Another David Grusch Thread

    I don't think he's an agent. He's somebody's "useful idiot.".
  2. Red

    What are you reading?

    Thanks for the link, Gene!
  3. Red

    What are you reading?

    I've read Mirage Men and the Gorightly book cites it, so I figured I should go ahead and read Bishop's book, too. Any other good books on disinfo/psyops in the UFO field out there?
  4. Red

    What are you reading?

    I'm not a fan of predictive text. For something that is supposed to be helpful, it always ends taking me longer to text somebody. Wow, just wow.
  5. Red

    What are you reading?

    Predictive text gets everyone in the end. ;) I've got Project Beta and Roswell in the 21st century in my "to read" pile.
  6. Red

    What are you reading?

    So when I posted about a certain book being on sale, I started wondering about what you are all reading right now. I'm currently reading Saucers, Spooks, and Kooks by Adam Gorightly. I bought an anthology of William Hope Hodgson for his weird/horror fiction this week, too.
  7. Red

    Elizondo's book is on sale for kindle right now

    Oh, I got into these topics around the time that Project Camelot was making outrageous claims. The farce aspect has been alive and well for a number of years as far as I'm concerned.
  8. Red

    Elizondo's book is on sale for kindle right now

    I get it. I'm not a fan of Elizondo, either.
  9. Red

    Elizondo's book is on sale for kindle right now

    I use both. I do like the search function in ebooks, though. I've found that feature helpful over the years. I think both have their advantages.
  10. Red

    Elizondo's book is on sale for kindle right now

    It's 2.99. So for those who might want to get the book now might be the time if you read kindle ebooks.
  11. Red

    Chris O'Brian RIP

    I'm so sorry to hear this. Chris was one of those guys who always had something interesting to say. He will be missed by all of us.
  12. Red

    On the Show — Charles Lear Returns

    I just picked up his new book since I thought he had some interesting things to say about Roswell.
  13. Red

    An Important Update for Listeners to The Paracast!

    Stupid question, maybe, but do I need to worry about compatibly with certain podcast apps if I subscribe through the forums?
  14. Red

    An Important Update for Listeners to The Paracast!

    I'm enjoying the new format with fewer commercials (and improved audio) and thanks for re-posting classic episodes. I've got family and personal stuff which means I'm in the car at least 3 times a week usually, and this gives me some more options of stuff to listen to while I'm travelling back...
  15. Red

    Unsolved Mysteries is featuring the Muskegon 1994 sightings

    It's the second episode of the new season through Netflix, "Something in the Sky." I'm watching it right now.
  16. Red

    Don't Make Too Much of This

    Very rarely, I'd get a incredibly very strong impulse to buy a scratch ticket. I think the most I won was $30 and more usually it was $5. And this only happened a handful of times. A friend of mine was parking my car, I can't remember the exact circumstances, but I yelled out the window for...
  17. Red

    Anyone else listening to the new podcast by MJ Banias?

    He's touching on the same topics the Showtime UFO series did minus the historic and philosophical underpinnings. He's very adept at using humor. He certainly doesn't spare DeLonge either.
  18. Red

    Anyone else listening to the new podcast by MJ Banias?

    Fringe Network Alien State
  19. Red

    Anyone else listening to the new podcast by MJ Banias?

    I've binged through all the available episodes. He's dealing with topics involving Skinwalker Ranch and the To the Stars Academy. It's Fringe Network: Alien State. He's definitely going somewhere with it.