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  1. bonaventura

    We Missed This One: RIP John Zacherle

    I'll never forget the day Transylvania invaded New York; there was fierce fighting in Central Park. And then there was Gasport's Amazing Slide for Life . . . How I wish I still had my Transylvanian passport.
  2. bonaventura

    Guest Suggestions for The Paracast

    Then Kevin Randle or Ron Regehr shouldn't appear on the show without Lance Moody or Robert Sheaffer?
  3. bonaventura

    May 17, 2015 — Ronald Regehr

    Wonderful show. And thanks for asking my questions. Roswell lives!
  4. bonaventura

    Roswell Again?

    I have to admit that I'm a Roswell junkie. That it's become folklore only makes it more interesting from a psychosocial standpoint. And it's involved enough, with enough twists and turns, that it appeals to the detective in me. But beyond that, it's one of the few cases involving overwhelming...
  5. bonaventura

    May 10, 2015 — Red Pill Junkie with Richard Dolan

    This is all well and good, but I'd still like to know what was happening in the two or three years that have passed since these slides surfaced. There was plenty of time to thoroughly investigate them; most people didn't need more than few minutes of looking at comparison photographs to realize...
  6. bonaventura

    Ron Regehr: The Roswell Slides & the Ramey Memo: Is there a future for analytical ufology?

    What do you think of Rich Reynolds's suggestion that the debris Brazel found and brought into Roswell had nothing to do with the real crash? What other cases, if any, do you think need the kind of attention given to Roswell? Aside from Chris's San Luis Valley project, are there any actual or...
  7. bonaventura

    May 10, 2015 — Red Pill Junkie with Richard Dolan

    Re Dolan: I'm puzzled as to how he got his reputation in the first place. Yes, he has a master's degree, and yes, he's very well-spoken. But after all the praise it received, I was quite disappointed with UFOs and the National Security State. Not so much because it was uncritical--historians are...
  8. bonaventura

    Your Paracast Newsletter — May 10, 2015

    Constance, I don't doubt my inability to change your mind. Nonetheless, I think the Sliders brought most of this on themselves by the irresponsible way they handled the whole business. My wife just came in to find out why I was still up, so I'm going to bed. I'll have more to say about this...
  9. bonaventura

    Carol Rainey (Mrs. Budd Hopkins)

    If I were a serious ufologist looking to make a real contribution to the solution of this enigma, I would run away from abductions as fast as I possibly could. On the other hand, were I psychologist or sociologist with the same goal, I would find the abduction phenomenon a researcher's goldmine...
  10. bonaventura

    Your Paracast Newsletter — May 10, 2015

    Constance, I don't quite see the relevance of the appropriateness or inappropriateness of emotions, however you may define them, to the discussion, though I think you are giving the slide promoters more slack than they deserve. Mr. Bragalia, at least, has not been noted for his even demeanor...
  11. bonaventura

    Your Paracast Newsletter — May 10, 2015

    Thanks! At least I've done one good deed today.
  12. bonaventura

    Your Paracast Newsletter — May 10, 2015

    At this point, the only thing of interest here is the attempts of the Sliders to come up with more and more desperate and convoluted reasons to still take any of this seriously. Only defenders of the Book of Mormon outdo them. The placard identifies the object as a child mummy. The object...
  13. bonaventura

    Your Paracast Newsletter — May 10, 2015

    Somewhere on the western shores of the Gulf. Alas, it started taking on water as soon as it was launched and soon hit bottom. All aboard perished.
  14. bonaventura

    Brendon O'Brien: April 8, 1958 — March 23, 2015

    Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him. May his memory be a joy to you, Chris, until the day when you are reunited.
  15. bonaventura

    David Hatcher Childress Returns to the Paracast

    Mr. Childress, In your work on vimanas, you draw heavily on the Vaimanika Shastra, a work psychically channeled and written down in the post-World War I years. What are your reasons for treating it as a genuinely ancient text? How do you manage to write so many books on such a wide variety...
  16. bonaventura

    James Carrion and The Rosetta Deception

    Mr. Carrion, Do you think the UFO mystery is largely the creation of the military and the security agencies? Absent deliberate deception, does any evidence remain that points to extraterrestrial visitation?
  17. bonaventura

    How About Your 100 Favorite Films?

    Some favorites: Night of the Hunter--the only film Charles Laughton directed. Citizen Kane--Fully deserving of its reputation. Vertigo--Hitchcock and Jimmy Stewart at their finest. The Birds--much scarier than Psycho. Wild Strawberries, The Seventh Seal, The Silence, Through a Glass Darkly...
  18. bonaventura

    What's your favorite Paracast commercial?

    I always liked the one for the holster company--it's so important to carry your concealed weapon in comfort. And for some reason "the Berky guy" raises my hackles. I don't know whether it's the voice and delivery of the announcer, the name of the company, or the products they sell, but I just...
  19. bonaventura

    Jesus Invented By The Romans?

    It's amazing how voluble people get over religious questions. A few observations: It's strange that atheist polemicists and fundamentalist believers seem to view the Bible the same way. There are more informed, richer, and more interesting ways of reading it, whether you believe it or not...
  20. bonaventura

    September 8th 2013 Micah A. Hanks and Scott Alan Roberts

    It's amazing how much nonsense was spawned by Pauwel's and Bergier's immensely entertaining but factually challenged The Morning of the Magicians.