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  1. maxwell

    Hosted on a Mac

    i see what you're saying. but Innovation? actually being on the leading edge in newness? not TODAY's Apple. that part for them was done with Jobs' death...they seem locked in a war with Google... if one cares not for innovation, yeah, they are pretty solid.
  2. maxwell

    Hosted on a Mac

    i miss obs...he seems to have been the soul of that corporation...
  3. maxwell

    I'm interested in Gary McKinnon

    isn't that just for Twits? Isn't that why they don't call it "Tweeter"? of course: if you have nothing intelligent to add ONLY YOU CAN STOP YOURSELF FROM ADDING SOMETHING THAT IS INANE. somewhere along the line someone had the thought to attach reminders to the cookie that knows a member's...
  4. maxwell

    an annoying point from a new member

  5. maxwell

    i appreciate the infraction that you had to send me on 5/18 ("don't insult other members.") i...

    i appreciate the infraction that you had to send me on 5/18 ("don't insult other members.") i appreciate the spirit that it comes in. if i feel insulted by another member, i guess i'll have to think about it a little harder if i want to interact in this forum. i co-moderate a forum with some...
  6. maxwell

    I'm interested in Gary McKinnon

    The first thing I want to say is, I'm a writer. I have a sense of humour and the bizzare, and in particular love the style and rage of Hunter S. Thompson. I recognize that he did a lot of drugs, but what can you say? He lived until he died. Since I enjoy writing fiction, I also enjoy...
  7. maxwell

    Ten Year Anniversary Of the Disclosure Project

    this is real stuff. i basically suggested in the original post that republicans were Nazis, betrayers of america in secret. which implies that people would have to VEHEMENTLY OBJECT to keep the secret and to imply that anyone saying so were insane. i don't follow the 'no flames' rule of...
  8. maxwell

    Ten Year Anniversary Of the Disclosure Project

    a) what do YOU know, and why are you even HERE if you're so FUCKING smart? just to be NEGATIVE and contribute DENIAL? people like you are WAY CHEAPER than a dime a dozen what could you POSSIBLY have to offer? how do i know you are just not some frustrated NAZI REPUBLICAN who is lying LIKE BUSH...
  9. maxwell

    The Fayetteville Incident revisited

    looks like spiderman knew there was something suspicious about that bugmonkey, lee and romita were hop heads, weed fiends and almost HIPPIES subversive punks
  10. maxwell

    In honour of the upcoming 40-year anniversary: something very, very, very silly

    When you say "the Illuminati" you mean "The Devil" right? Yes, I understand. they are quite annoying. You should wash your mouth out with soup. Also: Fnord.
  11. maxwell

    Ten Year Anniversary Of the Disclosure Project

    There's a conspiracy. It has survived for at least these last ten years. In 2001 The Con desperately needed a Major Distraction -- because the Disclosure Project threatened to expose their most terrible secret -- the secret of the Fourth Reich, the secret of Allied collusion and treason with...
  12. maxwell

    Most Annoying Person in the Field

    I hope to be among the most annoying people in the field. of course, who do i wish to annoy? deniers, liars, dolts, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, George HW Bush, i seek to TRULY annoy the HELL out of people who have kept secrets and pretended to be Allies since....well, some people don't know. I...
  13. maxwell

    an annoying point from a new member

    so i go to rite aid. i buy a tape player/am-fm radio for $20 roughly. (rounding up.) it waqs undoubtedly mnade by chinese slaves. no joke. 26 dollars a month. it's crappy but i use it. skimming the am/fm bands i am reminded of what media are, and what multimeda means. internet is a...
  14. maxwell

    Where is the New Blood in the UFO field?

    "Because whenever research runs into a dead-end, or an assumption that would prove a negative, there's always someone to blame. The Government, the trixter, MJ-12, the Illuminati." ...see, all that stuff is real. denial is a deterrent if people don't have anything that their BELIEF
  15. maxwell

    It's like... how much more black could it BE?

    it's actually WHITE, when it's not "Grey". It's the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party, where and how they hide in the United States. It's Operation overcast, and so it's two shades of "grey". It's the grey of large-eyed aliens, and it's the grey of an overcast created by a...
  16. maxwell

    Was Zeus a bigamist?

    to kandinsky: what gives with YOU? so what if the question is cut and pasted from elsewhere? an honest intellect would have fielded the question and attempted an answer instead of being a source nazi. to newsday: i'd like to be friends. but i don't CARE if you add me to the buddy list at...
  17. maxwell

    Psycho-acoustic programming: A=440 Hz vs. A=432 Hz or 444 Hz:

    as a musician on the forum, a guitar player who THINKS he uses a-440 to tune that string -- well, i wonder... what is 'schumann resonance' - does anyone REALLY know what that is, and what it means? this could get into special relativity: as in, if the speed of the planet's rotation has picked...
  18. maxwell

    internet radio, networks and programming

    these are just some thoughts from a talk radio fan who is desperate not to be a grown up. i loved Larry King LONG before I knew what he looked like, also Casey Kasem. Great voices of late night radio from the 20th c. Later I became a big fan of Art Bell in the late 1990s...and noticed in part...
  19. maxwell

    Eternal Kiss

    that seems really engaging and exciting, actually...i personally dislike corporate card-selling 'holidays' so much that i am gonna WAIT a couple of days to watch it. gonna watch it, though. it DOES seem like vimeo has gotten more in touch with user needs in the past few months. when i joined...