
  1. Danaluet

    We made contact with ETs at world’s biggest UFO conference

    Hey guys, we went to the biggest UFO conference in the world and wanted to do a video on it but WOW it was so mind-blowing that we did a whole series. This last video is about our experience …let us know what you think 9: 08 is where we talk about how Emery Smith showed us how to make contact...
  2. The Starman

    Have you been kidnapped by an alien ? Really ?

    What are these mysterious flying bright beacons from time to time ? Incredibly advanced extraterrestrial life technologies, powered by powerful engines, camouflage devices, with the ability to change dramatically flying trajectory ? Maybe time to time somebody are doing "flash mob" with chinese...
  3. loki467

    UFOs and the Paranormal Part 1 Two separate phenomena or one in the same?

    UFOs and the Paranormal Part 1 Two separate phenomena or one in the same? There are a lot of theories about the ufo phenomena and always been and spanning from Extraterrestrial, Inter-dimensional, Time travelers, Robots, Demons, Ghost and many others. While true we don’t know, in modern...
  4. drewc

    Space Oddities

    When I watch the films and videos that were recorded during the Various NASA missions from Apollo through ISS, I think to myself that there is no way all 0f these moving objects can be ice particles, meteors, or space junk. I'm quite sure that MANY of them are attributable to those things, but...