
  1. Randall

    On The Show - Chris Rutkowski

    Chris Rutkowski is a Canadian science writer, educator, and consultant for the Winnipeg Paranormal Group. Since the mid-1970s, he’s written about his investigations and research on UFOs, for which he is best known. However, he has been involved in many other writing and media projects for more...
  2. Randall

    On The Show - Dr. Michael P. Masters

    Dr. Michael P. Masters is a professor of biological anthropology at Montana Tech in Butte, Montana. He received a Ph.D. in Anthropology from The Ohio State University in 2009, where he specialized in hominin evolutionary anatomy, archaeology, and biomedicine. Over the years, Dr. Masters has...
  3. Randall

    Erica Lukes & James Fox

    Erica Lukes was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. She is a multi-talented artist and paranormal personality with an undying passion for the mysteries of the universe, particularly UFO reports and other strange aerial phenomena. This, coupled with her long-term interest in strange phenomena of...
  4. Randall

    Kathleen Marden

    Kathleen Marden is a leading UFO researcher, the author of several books, a featured on-camera commentator, and an international lecturer. She earned a BA degree in social work and worked as an educator and education services coordinator while attending graduate school. She is also a Master...
  5. Randall

    Welcome Richard Hoffman

    Richard Hoffman has been investigating the UFO phenomena for over 52 years. He grew up in Dayton, Ohio, the home of Project Blue Book, the US Air Force Project that was in place from 1952 to 1969. At age 15 he appeared on a Phil Donahue show in Dayton and became known as the local UFO expert...
  6. Randall

    Welcome Stephen Erdmann

    This week Stephen has graciously filled in at the last minute due to cancellation by Diana Walsh Pasulka, who we'll be rescheduling as soon as she becomes available again. This show promises to be a blast through the past with some insightful commentary from one of the field's veterans. Stephen...
  7. Randall

    Welcome Alejandro Rojas

    Alejandro Rojas returns as this week's guest on The Paracast. That's this Friday Feb 8, 2019 between 4 and 6 pm MST. Alejandro is well known in the ufology community for his longstanding positive contribution to the field including his many media and conference appearances. His most visible...
  8. Randall

    Welcome Kevin D. Randle

    Kevin D. Randle, Captain, U.S.A.F.R., is the author of Project Moondust, Conspiracy of Silence, and A History of UFO Crashes, and the co-author of UFO Crash at Roswell, The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell, and more. A Captain in the United States Air Force Reserve, he is considered the...
  9. Randall

    Dr. Eric Ouellet - Nov 8

    Dr. Eric Ouellet combines research in parapsychology, sociology, and UFOlogy, Ouellet into a thought provoking reassessment of several well-known UFO cases, including the Washington, DC, UFO wave of 1952, the Betty and Barney Hill abduction of 1961, the Rendlesham UFO incident of 1980, and the...
  10. Randall

    Ask Alejandro Rojas

    Alejandro Rojas is a radio host for Open Minds Radio, editor and contributing writer for Open Minds magazine as well as OpenMinds.tv. For several years Alejandro was the official spokesperson for the Mutual UFO Network as the Director of Public Education. As a UFO/Paranormal researcher and...
  11. The Starman

    The Challenges of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis of UFO Phenomena

    The Challenges of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis of UFO Phenomena In the past, I often explained that nearly all UFO sightings are misidentified terrestrial objects such as man-made aircraft, weather balloons, and satellites; as well as natural phenomena like meteors, birds, lens flares, and...
  12. loki467

    Ufological Dreams Could Abductions Just Be Dreams?

    Ufological Dreams Could Abductions Just Be Dreams? The idea of one dreaming about UFOs and extraterrestrials may not be farfetched for most people to have such dreams occasionally, with abductees and in some cases researchers of ufology...
  13. loki467

    The Fight for Ufology and UFOs Terms Thought Should Not Be?

    The Fight for Ufology and UFOs_________________________ Terms Thought Should Not Be?________________________ OK, so I suppose we have to have a conversation about these two things, the term UFOs “Unidentified Flying...
  14. Paul Kimball

    Stan Friedman Retires

    The Other Side of Truth: Stan Friedman Retires Stan Friedman is retiring. Stan is the person who most shaped the course of modern ufology over the past fifty years, for both good and ill. While I didn't always agree with him (or even often agree with him), Stan remains one of my favourite...
  15. Randall

    The Field of Ufology

    There's been a recurring debate and discussion about ufology that focuses on what it is and how it should be treated. In this thread I'm going to attempt to outline and refine my views on that, and they will be reflected on the USI website. During this process ideas, comments, suggestions, and...
  16. Ezechiel

    Alien Perspective Neo-style

    Once a civilization has mastered space travel or decoded enough of the fabric of this universe to sidestep Einsteinian limitations of his standard model (E=MC2).... (where matter grows to infinity as it approaches the speed of light). ... What next ? First you're able to access all the other...
  17. Paul Kimball

    Binnall, Gulyas, Bishop & Kimball on Radio Misterioso

    My good friend Greg Bishop has posted the episode of Radio Misterioso he recorded live here in Halifax back in August with Tim Binnall, Aaron Gulyas, and yours truly. You can listen here. The write-up: "After the wonderful East Coast Paraconference, Paul Kimball put us up for one night in a...
  18. Randall

    What Is The Point?

    What do you think? Why do you have an interest in or want to pursue UFOs or the paranormal? How do you think access to information should be handled? At what cost? Should it be considered a money making venture over and above a search for truth? Should it be open to anyone with a genuine...
  19. Randall

    The Mount Rushmore of Ufology

    On a recent episode of The Paracast Gene & Chris commented on how Stan Friedman could, metaphorically speaking, be considered one of the faces on the Mount Rushmore of Ufology, and I thought that was a fun way to ponder which ufologists have played the most significant roles within the field...