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Even if it's just my own brain that manufactures the thing, I WANT to have that dream, but it just won't come.
I think the fact that these kind of dreams or "visions" of deceased loved ones don't seem to occur every time (although I've heard that they are the most common seemingly paranormal experience of all), might be an indication of their validity. IMO, if it was just our brains manufacturing them, they would occur much more often...
The question of reincarnation vs. an 'otherworldly' or 'earth-based' afterlife is of personal concern to me right now. I do believe in the latter (two) -- I just hope'he' hasn't gone off elsewhere (to another embodiment) when I arrive--that would truly be hell for me. So a question to any future guest on the subject might be -- why do some report afterlife and some "new" life (perhaps it is all based on your religious precepts?).
I'll share one very vivid dream experience that ties in with your question.Even if it's just my own brain that manufactures the thing, I WANT to have that dream, but it just won't come. Sometimes it feels like the phone line has been cut or something.
Anyway, that's what I've got on that. Any ideas that can help me? Should I give up on hoping for that dream? Thanks!
I'll share one very vivid dream experience that ties in with your question.