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02.01.2012 show

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I have to admit that deep inside I did wait for someone to mention the Imbrogno debacle. But then, as a wannabe serious researcher myself, I know what I think about statements like "you wanted stories, I gave you stories". Probably not suited for posting here.

Thanks for passing on my questions. About the "announcing dreams" I guess, Mrs Guiley is right that it depends on the culture, if these dreams and reincarnation in general are given credence. But I think they are not that rare in western materialist countries, too. Can't speak for other countries, but herabouts it's just unthinkable that anyone would officially talk about such things. So if these dreams occur, or if other signs suggestive of reincarnation occur, they are just silenced by "common sense". Some years ago I thought myself "oh, these things only happen in areas of the world where people actually believe in reincarnation", but now I know they happen here, too, and they probably don't care what I think about them.

Chris's dreams are really something. I want lucid flying dreams on a regular basis too. I've had a flying dream once (as far as I know) and that one was literally breathtaking. . Strangely enough it had a UFO, too. I dreamt I was taking a nightly walk on my usual walking route when I saw a light in the sky. As I watched, it suddenly took a dive and came right up to me. When it touched my chest I was catapulted up and away and a wild roller coaster flight around my home village began. At first I was scared like hell and literally felt like screaming but quickly it felt just amazing, just one long "whooooooa". Totally real, too. Normally I don't remember my dreams at all, but that one stuck with me. I remember waking up with an exhilaration that had me gasping for air. Now that I think of it, it was somewhat prophetic too, because that was long before I got interested in paranormal stuff and strange lights in the sky. So, maybe your dreams might have some meaning too, Chris.

About the chicken farm, I agree with dyingsun. Sounds like a place I would like to make a daytrip to, check it out...but only a DAYtrip, mind you. I've been looking around my area for alleged hot spots, but no dice. We do have old castles and such, but they are mostly just rather dull old stone buildings. Maybe featuring the occasional medieval ghost legend, that's probably been invented for the tourists. And I don't think I'll contact a ghost hunter group about it (we have those now but the hype is dying down already). I once frequented a ghost hunting forum and man, did they hack at each other. Worse than real politics.
The guys on Ghost Hunters ruined my perception of those type groups. They are so full of shit that I just can't stand to watch them or hear them. They are either truly bogus from the start or they sold out long ago. However, I did contact one "ghost hunting" group in North Alabama and told them about some youthful experiences I had. They were very skeptical that it was related to actual ghostly activity and yet very respectful of my questions. So, maybe there are actual legitimate groups out there after all. I'm not Roman Catholic or even very "religious" or in touch with my protestant faith these days. But, I have started reading a book on Catholic exorcisms that is interesting. I'm also reading a book called "Slave Species" by Michael Tellinger that has some interesting ways of looking at the origins of man on earth. The thing is I read about u.f.o's but don't honestly believe in them. I read about "reincarnation" and life after death and although I do believe in spiritual reality based on my own life expereince. I have never been convinced by anybody else's book be it pro or skeptical. I think our inner life is unique to our own experience and we always bring our bias and project our own needs (be they skekptical or spritiual) onto things.

But, there are two writers that I would recommend to anybody with an open mind and an honest desire to consider the paranormal. The first is Ian Stevenson who did extensive work on reincarnation. His work is very academic and not light or fun reading at all. To be honest I mainly have skimmed the stats and contents and listened and read both pro and con accounts as well as his own papers and responses. Agree or disagree you have to be totally closed off not to at least give credit and respect to his lifetime of research. Don't have to agree with his conclusions and I don't always agree myself. But, I do recommend a look into him for any who are honestly curious about the subject of past lives.

The second book that really freaked me out was "Hostage to the Devil" by Malachi Martin. It may be out of print but it might be availible on Amazon or a online bookseller. It isn't as academic a work as Stevensons and it isn't about reincarnation or u.f.o.'s but it is something that touches alot of people. While u.f.o.'s are more than likely (imho) military or something a little more mundane. The inner life that we all live is more personal and although I think (from my own background) that most demonic activity is psychological more than actual spiritual events. It still really freaked me out and again due to my own life experience I wasn't able to totally blow it off. Anyway, just my two cents on these subjects.
A really enjoyable show. I've been sometimes a bit critical of Guiley (if not in word, then in thought), but this was a very good, clearheaded interview. The lucid dreaming interaction was particularly interesting and her suggestion that the vibrational (not the word she used) state suggests dimensional shift.

For better or worse, my favorite moment was when Chris started what I thought was going to be a humorous interlude about getting a Djinn in a Faraday cage and interrogating the living sh*t out of the scum-sucking little bastard. I've been watching to many damn cop shows on tv, I suppose, or Chris showed some restraint. Great stuff.

And appreciate Chris maybe not wanting to share the recording. Something of personal value and significance can easily be hurt or destroyed by careless trivialization and scrutiny.
Great show Gene & Chris , Rosemary and also enjoy the Barn adventure. Also wonder about the shadow encounters have any relation to underground noises, sky sounds etc ? For example the electromagnetic disturbance and human hearing and sight?
Really enjoyed the dream analysis discussion. One question I'd like to throw out there, though. Rosemary talked about how you can basically order up particular kinds of dreams, and that we might be actually communicating with loved ones who've passed away by traveling to another reality.

Here's my situation. For years, I had very lucid dreams about my grandmother dying. She was my best friend, my role model, my professional mentor, and my all-around hero in life. I dreaded the day that I'd have to say good bye to her, so I always assumed these dreams were just coming out of my anxiety over the thought of her future passing. But these dreams were so real that on more than one occasion I called my mom to ask if Grandma was okay. In several of these dreams, I saw her basically crossing over from our world into the beyond, accompanied by God, whose presence I could feel very strongly, but He didn't actually manifest Himself to me in any type of distinct form.

So, now back at the end of October, Grandma died. I was privileged to spend her last night with her, and I was the only one with her when she took her last breath. And in the months that have followed, I have wanted to have one of those lucid dreams so badly, to see her again, and to hear her tell me that she's fine and there's nothing to fear. Even if it's just my own brain that manufactures the thing, I WANT to have that dream, but it just won't come. Sometimes it feels like the phone line has been cut or something.

Anyway, that's what I've got on that. Any ideas that can help me? Should I give up on hoping for that dream? Thanks!
When my grandfather died I was in the room. At that moment there was no feeling of anything. He just stopped breathing. Later, after I had gone back to my grandparents mobile home in the country I had an experience that has stayed with me to this day. He was on his way to a better place. I don't know how this world works much less the next one. But, I would say simply relax and don't try to make anything happen by force of will.
Even if it's just my own brain that manufactures the thing, I WANT to have that dream, but it just won't come.

I think the fact that these kind of dreams or "visions" of deceased loved ones don't seem to occur every time (although I've heard that they are the most common seemingly paranormal experience of all), might be an indicaton of their validity. IMO, if it was just our brains manufacturing them, they would occur much more often. Same with NDEs (roughly two thirds of the interviewed patients say that they haven't experienced anything at all).

I could tell you that people dream every night and then forget their dream, which is scientifically proven, I guess, and that maybe you have had that dream already. But I'm with Mrs Guiley in that if the dream was something truly extraordinary (paranormal), you would probably experience it as very real. And you wouldn't just forget it, I guess.

I have heard of cases where these types of dreams occured after months or even years, so I guess you should go on with life and just see what happens. Trying to force things to happen has never done much good, especially with the so-called paranormal.

And I really hope you're in for a surprise there.
Chris' commentary about the 2 tone dream that awoke a girl from a six month coma was freakin great. More, more, more of the real life stuff on The Paracast and less, less, less of the repeats and old 1950's history of this phenomena the better.

I like the show guys but you need to dig a little deeper on the life stuff...

I think the fact that these kind of dreams or "visions" of deceased loved ones don't seem to occur every time (although I've heard that they are the most common seemingly paranormal experience of all), might be an indication of their validity. IMO, if it was just our brains manufacturing them, they would occur much more often...

I agree. Having suffered a recent loss, I would want a dream everynight; but as it is I have only had three (I was able to recollect) that involved my loved-one. The first was quite strange in that he was just a hooded image sitting on a bike, looking down and paying no mind to me. The second we conversed and a very cryptic message was given to me and in the last I was in a lucid state and able to make physical contact during a dream in which I first appeared to be oblivious to his true situation [state] (as you can imagine that was very emotional).

The question of reincarnation vs. an 'otherworldly' or 'earth-based' afterlife is of personal concern to me right now. I do believe in the latter (two) -- I just hope'he' hasn't gone off elsewhere (to another embodiment) when I arrive--that would truly be hell for me. So a question to any future guest on the subject might be -- why do some report afterlife and some "new" life (perhaps it is all based on your religious precepts?).

So, Chris, speaking of hooded figures. Were the djin thugs your musical friend mentioned wearing the Keystone Cops' hats over or under their hoodies?

I have mentioned my wife and my experience with 'shadowpeople' elsewhere on the forum (https://www.theparacast.com/forum/threads/high-strangeness-in-your-back-yard.8416/page-2#post-113278) -- and they were very real I can assure you.
The question of reincarnation vs. an 'otherworldly' or 'earth-based' afterlife is of personal concern to me right now. I do believe in the latter (two) -- I just hope'he' hasn't gone off elsewhere (to another embodiment) when I arrive--that would truly be hell for me. So a question to any future guest on the subject might be -- why do some report afterlife and some "new" life (perhaps it is all based on your religious precepts?).

I like the speculation that our concepts of time and space, causality and sequence of events (maybe even religion ;)) are probably quite irrelevant in a higher-dimensional frame. There is at least one bizarre case in Prof. Ian Stevenson's files where two persons remembered being the same person in a past life. For some this might be a cause not to believe that there is something real going on there, regarding reincarnation. To me, however, having had some really astonishing hints to the contrary, it seems that consciousness is not bound to time and space. Thus, it may have "gone off elsewhere" and be "over there"at the same time. Of course, that is just my opinion and maybe I'm wrong.
Even if it's just my own brain that manufactures the thing, I WANT to have that dream, but it just won't come. Sometimes it feels like the phone line has been cut or something.

Anyway, that's what I've got on that. Any ideas that can help me? Should I give up on hoping for that dream? Thanks!
I'll share one very vivid dream experience that ties in with your question.
My grand-father died when I was 16 - I was devastated and still get quite emotional when I hear people talk about him even though it's been nearly 12 years since his death. I kept hoping he would come to me in a dream but I gave up after a few months. Once in a while, when I would think of him, I would simply say out loud "if you're going to visit me, please do it in my dreams". Note: I'm not sure I could handle a "ghostly" visit. I believe I was 19 when he finally did appear to me in a dream. I was dreaming that something was killing all the members of my family, I would show up to save them only I was always too late. He was the last one left alive so I rushed to his apartment only to find it empty. I thought that I was too late again. That's when he walked in, took me in his arms and gave me a hug. That's when I woke up. I could still feel the hug.

Some people might say that it was only a dream, but I like to believe he was visiting me. I haven't seen him since. I would suggest you just be patient and voice your wishes once in a while. It might take a long time, it might not. Just keep an open mind.

I've known quite a few other people who have had deceased family members visit them in their dreams. And these are not always people that they knew when they were alive. Someone very close to me was visited by her grand-father, whom had passed away many years before she was even born. He gave her some very interesting information that pertained to what was going on at the present time. My best friend was visited by her grand-father minutes after he passed away. It's all very fascinating.

And now, for something Djinn related:
I wanted to know if Rosemary ever mentioned having a Muslim (or perhaps even an Imam), who has studied djinns, come with her on some of her investigations (perhaps even the chicken farm mentioned in this episode). I would like to know what their views these events were given that the topic of djinns does come up quite a few times in the Qur'an. I have been told of one djinn encounter (by a family member) that took place many years ago in Lebanon.
I'll share one very vivid dream experience that ties in with your question.

Thanks for sharing your story and your encouragement! I'll keep trying to be patient. I drive past the cemetery where Grandma is buried every day, and I can see her gravestone. I always send some smiles and a hello her way, and in my mind I can just see her smiling back and wanting me to stop for just a minute. And of course it just reminds me of all the times I should have visited her while I still had her, but I let the busy-ness of work and family life get in the way.

Anyway, thanks again, MaiCarInMtl.